Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    BitcoinLib - Python Cryptocurrency Library
#    Client for bitcoind deamon
#    © 2017 - 2020 Oct - 1200 Web Development <>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import configparser
from bitcoinlib.main import *
from import AuthServiceProxy
from import BaseClient, ClientError
from bitcoinlib.transactions import Transaction
from bitcoinlib.networks import Network

PROVIDERNAME = 'bitcoind'

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=''): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg
def _read_from_config(configparser, section, value, fallback=None): try: return configparser.get(section, value) except Exception: return fallback
[docs] class BitcoindClient(BaseClient): """ Class to interact with bitcoind, the Bitcoin deamon """
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecated def from_config(configfile=None, network='bitcoin', **kwargs): """ Read settings from bitcoind config file Obsolete: does not work anymore, passwords are not stored in bitcoin config, only hashed password. :param configfile: Path to config file. Leave empty to look in default places :type: str :param network: Bitcoin mainnet or testnet. Default is bitcoin mainnet :type: str :return BitcoindClient: """ try: config = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False) except TypeError: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config_fn = 'bitcoin.conf' if isinstance(network, Network): network = if network == 'testnet': config_fn = 'bitcoin-testnet.conf' cfn = None if not configfile: config_locations = ['~/.bitcoinlib', '~/.bitcoin', '~/Application Data/Bitcoin', '~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin'] for location in config_locations: cfn = Path(location, config_fn).expanduser() if cfn.exists(): break else: cfn = Path(BCL_DATA_DIR, 'config', configfile) if not cfn or not cfn.is_file(): raise ConfigError("Config file %s not found. Please install bitcoin client and specify a path to config " "file if path is not default. Or place a config file in .bitcoinlib/bitcoin.conf to " "reference to an external server." % cfn) try: except Exception: with as f: config_string = '[rpc]\n' + config.read_string(config_string) testnet = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'testnet') if testnet: network = 'testnet' if _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcpassword') == 'specify_rpc_password': raise ConfigError("Please update config settings in %s" % cfn) if network == 'testnet': port = 18332 else: port = 8332 port = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcport', port) server = '' server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'rpcconnect', server) server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'bind', server) server = _read_from_config(config, 'rpc', 'externalip', server) url = "http://%s:%s@%s:%s" % (config.get('rpc', 'rpcuser'), config.get('rpc', 'rpcpassword'), server, port) return BitcoindClient(network, url, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, network='bitcoin', base_url='', denominator=100000000, *args): """ Open connection to bitcoin node :param network: Bitcoin mainnet or testnet. Default is bitcoin mainnet :type: str :param base_url: Connection URL in format http(s)://user:password@host:port. :type: str :param denominator: Denominator for this currency. Should be always 100000000 (Satoshi's) for bitcoin :type: str """ if isinstance(network, Network): network = if not base_url: _logger.warning("Please provide rpc connection url to bitcoind node") bdc = self.from_config('', network) base_url = bdc.base_url network ="Connect to bitcoind") self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(base_url) super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url, denominator, *args)
[docs] def getbalance(self, addresslist): balance = 0 for address in addresslist: res = self.proxy.getaddressinfo(address) if not (res['ismine'] or res['iswatchonly']): raise ClientError( "Address %s not found in bitcoind wallet, use 'importpubkey' or 'importaddress' to add " "address to wallet." % address) txs_list = self.proxy.listunspent(0, 99999999, [address]) for tx in txs_list: balance += int(tx['amount'] * self.units) return balance
[docs] def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS): utxos = [] res = self.proxy.getaddressinfo(address) if not (res['ismine'] or res['iswatchonly']): raise ClientError("Address %s not found in bitcoind wallet, use 'importpubkey' or 'importaddress' to add " "address to wallet." % address) txs_list = self.proxy.listunspent(0, 9999999, [address]) blockcount = self.blockcount() for tx in sorted(txs_list, key=lambda x: x['confirmations'], reverse=True): utxos.append({ 'address': tx['address'], 'txid': tx['txid'], 'confirmations': tx['confirmations'], 'output_n': tx['vout'], 'input_n': -1, 'block_height': blockcount - tx['confirmations'] + 1, 'fee': None, 'size': 0, 'value': int(tx['amount'] * self.units), 'script': tx['scriptPubKey'], 'date': None, }) if tx['txid'] == after_txid: utxos = [] return utxos
def _parse_transaction(self, tx, block_height=None, get_input_values=True): t = Transaction.parse_hex(tx['hex'], strict=self.strict, t.confirmations = tx.get('confirmations') t.block_hash = tx.get('blockhash') t.status = 'unconfirmed' for i in t.inputs: if i.prev_txid == b'\x00' * 32: i.script_type = 'coinbase' continue if get_input_values: txi = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(i.prev_txid.hex(), 1) i.value = int(round(float(txi['vout'][i.output_n_int]['value']) / for o in t.outputs: o.spent = None if not block_height and t.block_hash: block_height = self.proxy.getblock(t.block_hash, 1)['height'] t.block_height = block_height if not t.confirmations and block_height is not None: if not self.latest_block: self.latest_block = self.blockcount() t.confirmations = (self.latest_block - block_height) + 1 if t.confirmations or block_height: t.status = 'confirmed' t.verified = True t.version = tx['version'].to_bytes(4, 'big') t.version_int = tx['version'] = None if 'time' not in tx else datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx['time']) t.update_totals() return t
[docs] def gettransaction(self, txid): tx_raw = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) return self._parse_transaction(tx_raw)
[docs] def gettransactions(self, address, after_txid='', limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS): MAX_WALLET_TRANSACTIONS = 1000 txs = [] res = self.proxy.getaddressinfo(address) if not (res['ismine'] or res['iswatchonly']): raise ClientError("Address %s not found in bitcoind wallet, use 'importpubkey' or 'importaddress' to add " "address to wallet." % address) txs_list = self.proxy.listtransactions("*", MAX_WALLET_TRANSACTIONS, 0, True) if len(txs_list) >= MAX_WALLET_TRANSACTIONS: raise ClientError("Bitcoind wallet contains too many transactions %d, use other service provider for this " "wallet" % MAX_WALLET_TRANSACTIONS) txids = list(set([(tx['txid'], tx['blockheight']) for tx in txs_list if tx['address'] == address])) for (txid, blockheight) in txids: tx_raw = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) t = self._parse_transaction(tx_raw, blockheight) txs.append(t) if txid == after_txid: txs = [] return txs
[docs] def getrawtransaction(self, txid): res = self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid) return res
[docs] def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx): res = self.proxy.sendrawtransaction(rawtx) return { 'txid': res, 'response_dict': res }
[docs] def estimatefee(self, blocks): pres = '' try: pres = self.proxy.estimatesmartfee(blocks) res = pres['feerate'] except KeyError as e:"bitcoind error: %s, %s" % (e, pres)) res = self.proxy.estimatefee(blocks) return int(res * self.units)
[docs] def blockcount(self): bcinfo = self.proxy.getblockchaininfo() if bcinfo['headers'] - bcinfo['blocks'] > 2: raise ClientError("Node not fully synced! Currently %d blocks synced and %d blocks known" % (bcinfo['blocks'], bcinfo['headers'])) return bcinfo['blocks']
[docs] def mempool(self, txid=''): txids = self.proxy.getrawmempool() if not txid: return txids elif txid in txids: return [txid] return []
[docs] def getblock(self, blockid, parse_transactions=True, page=1, limit=None): if isinstance(blockid, int) or len(blockid) < 10: blockid = self.proxy.getblockhash(int(blockid)) if not limit: limit = 99999 txs = [] if parse_transactions: bd = self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 2) for tx in bd['tx'][(page - 1) * limit:page * limit]: tx['time'] = bd['time'] tx['blockhash'] = bd['hash'] txs.append(self._parse_transaction(tx, block_height=bd['height'], get_input_values=True)) else: bd = self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 1) txs = bd['tx'] block = { 'bits': int(bd['bits'], 16), 'depth': bd['confirmations'], 'block_hash': bd['hash'], 'height': bd['height'], 'merkle_root': bd['merkleroot'], 'nonce': bd['nonce'], 'prev_block': None if 'previousblockhash' not in bd else bd['previousblockhash'], 'time': bd['time'], 'tx_count': bd['nTx'], 'txs': txs, 'version': bd['version'], 'page': page, 'pages': None, 'limit': limit } return block
[docs] def getrawblock(self, blockid): if isinstance(blockid, int): blockid = self.proxy.getblockhash(blockid) return self.proxy.getblock(blockid, 0)
[docs] def isspent(self, txid, index): res = self.proxy.gettxout(txid, index) if not res: return 1 return 0
[docs] def getinfo(self): info = self.proxy.getmininginfo() return { 'blockcount': info['blocks'], 'chain': info['chain'], 'difficulty': int(info['difficulty']), 'hashrate': int(info['networkhashps']), 'mempool_size': int(info['pooledtx']), }
if __name__ == '__main__': # # SOME EXAMPLES # from pprint import pprint # Connect by specifying connection URL base_url = 'http://bitcoinrpc:passwd@host:8332' bdc = BitcoindClient(base_url=base_url) print("\n=== SERVERINFO ===") pprint(bdc.proxy.getnetworkinfo()) print("\n=== Best Block ===") blockhash = bdc.proxy.getbestblockhash() bestblock = bdc.proxy.getblock(blockhash) bestblock['tx'] = '...' + str(len(bestblock['tx'])) + ' transactions...' pprint(bestblock) print("\n=== Mempool ===") rmp = bdc.proxy.getrawmempool() pprint(rmp[:25]) print('... truncated ...') print("Mempool Size %d" % len(rmp)) print("\n=== Raw Transaction by txid ===") t = bdc.getrawtransaction('7eb5332699644b753cd3f5afba9562e67612ea71ef119af1ac46559adb69ea0d') pprint(t) print("\n=== Current network fees ===") t = bdc.estimatefee(5) pprint(t)