Source code for bitcoinlib.wallets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    BitcoinLib - Python Cryptocurrency Library
#    WALLETS - HD wallet Class for Key and Transaction management
#    © 2016 - 2020 February - 1200 Web Development <>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import json
import numbers
import random
import warnings
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import struct

from bitcoinlib.db import *
from bitcoinlib.encoding import EncodingError, to_bytes, to_hexstring
from bitcoinlib.keys import Address, BKeyError, HDKey, check_network_and_key, path_expand
from bitcoinlib.mnemonic import Mnemonic
from bitcoinlib.networks import Network
from import Service
from bitcoinlib.transactions import (Input, Output, Transaction, get_unlocking_script_type,
from sqlalchemy import func, or_

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WalletError(Exception): """ Handle Wallet class Exceptions """ def __init__(self, msg=''): self.msg = msg _logger.error(msg) def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs]def wallets_list(db_uri=None, include_cosigners=False): """ List Wallets from database :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :param include_cosigners: Child wallets for multisig wallets are for internal use only and are skipped by default :type include_cosigners: bool :return dict: Dictionary of wallets defined in database """ session = DbInit(db_uri=db_uri).session wallets = session.query(DbWallet).order_by( wlst = [] for w in wallets: if w.parent_id and not include_cosigners: continue wlst.append({ 'id':, 'name':, 'owner': w.owner, 'network': w.network_name, 'purpose': w.purpose, 'scheme': w.scheme, 'main_key_id': w.main_key_id, 'parent_id': w.parent_id, }) session.close() return wlst
[docs]def wallet_exists(wallet, db_uri=None): """ Check if Wallets is defined in database :param wallet: Wallet ID as integer or Wallet Name as string :type wallet: int, str :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :return bool: True if wallet exists otherwise False """ if wallet in [x['name'] for x in wallets_list(db_uri)]: return True if isinstance(wallet, int) and wallet in [x['id'] for x in wallets_list(db_uri)]: return True return False
[docs]def wallet_create_or_open( name, keys='', owner='', network=None, account_id=0, purpose=None, scheme='bip32', sort_keys=True, password='', witness_type=None, encoding=None, multisig=None, sigs_required=None, cosigner_id=None, key_path=None, db_uri=None): """ Create a wallet with specified options if it doesn't exist, otherwise just open Returns HDWallet object See Wallets class create method for option documentation """ if wallet_exists(name, db_uri=db_uri): return HDWallet(name, db_uri=db_uri) else: return HDWallet.create(name, keys, owner, network, account_id, purpose, scheme, sort_keys, password, witness_type, encoding, multisig, sigs_required, cosigner_id, key_path, db_uri=db_uri)
[docs]@deprecated # In version 0.4.5 def wallet_create_or_open_multisig( name, keys, sigs_required=None, owner='', network=None, account_id=0, purpose=None, sort_keys=True, witness_type=DEFAULT_WITNESS_TYPE, encoding=None, cosigner_id=None, key_path=None, db_uri=None): # pragma: no cover """ Deprecated since version 0.4.5, use wallet_create_or_open instead Create a wallet with specified options if it doesn't exist, otherwise just open See Wallets class create method for option documentation """ warnings.warn("Deprecated since version 0.4.5, use wallet_create_or_open instead", DeprecationWarning) if wallet_exists(name, db_uri=db_uri): return HDWallet(name, db_uri=db_uri) else: return HDWallet.create(name, keys, owner, network, account_id, purpose, 'bip32', sort_keys, '', witness_type, encoding, True, sigs_required, cosigner_id, key_path, db_uri=db_uri)
[docs]def wallet_delete(wallet, db_uri=None, force=False): """ Delete wallet and associated keys and transactions from the database. If wallet has unspent outputs it raises a WalletError exception unless 'force=True' is specified :param wallet: Wallet ID as integer or Wallet Name as string :type wallet: int, str :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :param force: If set to True wallet will be deleted even if unspent outputs are found. Default is False :type force: bool :return int: Number of rows deleted, so 1 if succesfull """ session = DbInit(db_uri=db_uri).session if isinstance(wallet, int) or wallet.isdigit(): w = session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(id=wallet) else: w = session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(name=wallet) if not w or not w.first(): session.close() raise WalletError("Wallet '%s' not found" % wallet) wallet_id = w.first().id # Delete co-signer wallets if this is a multisig wallet for cw in session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(parent_id=wallet_id).all(): wallet_delete(, db_uri=db_uri, force=force) # Delete keys from this wallet and update transactions (remove key_id) ks = session.query(DbKey).filter_by(wallet_id=wallet_id) for k in ks: if not force and k.balance: session.close() raise WalletError("Key %d (%s) still has unspent outputs. Use 'force=True' to delete this wallet" % (, k.address)) session.query(DbTransactionOutput).filter_by({DbTransactionOutput.key_id: None}) session.query(DbTransactionInput).filter_by({DbTransactionInput.key_id: None}) session.query(DbKeyMultisigChildren).filter_by( session.query(DbKeyMultisigChildren).filter_by( ks.delete() # Delete transactions from this wallet (remove wallet_id) session.query(DbTransaction).filter_by(wallet_id=wallet_id).update({DbTransaction.wallet_id: None}) res = w.delete() session.commit() session.close()"Wallet '%s' deleted" % wallet) return res
[docs]def wallet_empty(wallet, db_uri=None): """ Remove all generated keys and transactions from wallet. Does not delete the wallet itself or the masterkey, so everything can be recreated. :param wallet: Wallet ID as integer or Wallet Name as string :type wallet: int, str :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :return bool: True if successful """ session = DbInit(db_uri=db_uri).session if isinstance(wallet, int) or wallet.isdigit(): w = session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(id=wallet) else: w = session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(name=wallet) if not w or not w.first(): raise WalletError("Wallet '%s' not found" % wallet) wallet_id = w.first().id # Delete keys from this wallet and update transactions (remove key_id) ks = session.query(DbKey).filter(DbKey.wallet_id == wallet_id, DbKey.parent_id != 0) for k in ks: session.query(DbTransactionOutput).filter_by({DbTransactionOutput.key_id: None}) session.query(DbTransactionInput).filter_by({DbTransactionInput.key_id: None}) session.query(DbKeyMultisigChildren).filter_by( session.query(DbKeyMultisigChildren).filter_by( ks.delete() # Delete transactions from this wallet (remove wallet_id) session.query(DbTransaction).filter_by(wallet_id=wallet_id).update({DbTransaction.wallet_id: None}) session.commit() session.close()"All keys and transactions from wallet '%s' deleted" % wallet) return True
[docs]def wallet_delete_if_exists(wallet, db_uri=None, force=False): """ Delete wallet and associated keys from the database. If wallet has unspent outputs it raises a WalletError exception unless 'force=True' is specified. If wallet wallet does not exist return False :param wallet: Wallet ID as integer or Wallet Name as string :type wallet: int, str :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :param force: If set to True wallet will be deleted even if unspent outputs are found. Default is False :type force: bool :return int: Number of rows deleted, so 1 if successful """ if wallet_exists(wallet, db_uri): return wallet_delete(wallet, db_uri, force) return False
[docs]def normalize_path(path): """ Normalize BIP0044 key path for HD keys. Using single quotes for hardened keys >>> normalize_path("m/44h/2p/1'/0/100") "m/44'/2'/1'/0/100" :param path: BIP0044 key path :type path: str :return str: Normalized BIP0044 key path with single quotes """ levels = path.split("/") npath = "" for level in levels: if not level: raise WalletError("Could not parse path. Index is empty.") nlevel = level if level[-1] in "'HhPp": nlevel = level[:-1] + "'" npath += nlevel + "/" if npath[-1] == "/": npath = npath[:-1] return npath
[docs]@deprecated def parse_bip44_path(path): # pragma: no cover """ Assumes a correct BIP0044 path and returns a dictionary with path items. See Bitcoin improvement proposals BIP0043 and BIP0044. Specify path in this format: m / purpose' / cointype' / account' / change / address_index. Path length must be between 1 and 6 (Depth between 0 and 5) :param path: BIP0044 path as string, with backslash (/) seperator. :type path: str :return dict: Dictionary with path items: is_private, purpose, cointype, account, change and address_index """ warnings.warn("Deprecated since version 0.4.5", DeprecationWarning) pathl = normalize_path(path).split('/') if not 0 < len(pathl) <= 6: raise WalletError("Not a valid BIP0044 path. Path length (depth) must be between 1 and 6 not %d" % len(pathl)) return { 'is_private': True if pathl[0] == 'm' else False, 'purpose': '' if len(pathl) < 2 else pathl[1], 'cointype': '' if len(pathl) < 3 else pathl[2], 'account': '' if len(pathl) < 4 else pathl[3], 'change': '' if len(pathl) < 5 else pathl[4], 'address_index': '' if len(pathl) < 6 else pathl[5], }
[docs]class HDWalletKey(object): """ Used as attribute of HDWallet class. Contains HDKey class, and adds extra wallet related information such as key ID, name, path and balance. All HDWalletKeys are stored in a database """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_key(name, wallet_id, session, key, account_id=0, network=None, change=0, purpose=44, parent_id=0, path='m', key_type=None, encoding=None, witness_type=DEFAULT_WITNESS_TYPE, multisig=False, cosigner_id=None): """ Create HDWalletKey from a HDKey object or key. Normally you don't need to call this method directly. Key creation is handled by the HDWallet class. >>> w = wallet_create_or_open('hdwalletkey_test') >>> wif = 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K2mcs9jcK4EjALbu2z1N9qsMTUG1frmnXM3NNCSGR57yLhwTccfNCwdSQEDftgjCGm96P29wGGcbBsPqZH85iqpoHA7LrqVy' >>> wk = HDWalletKey.from_key('import_key', w.wallet_id, w._session, wif) >>> wk.address '1MwVEhGq6gg1eeSrEdZom5bHyPqXtJSnPg' >>> wk # doctest:+ELLIPSIS <HDWalletKey(key_id=..., name=import_key, wif=xprv9s21ZrQH143K2mcs9jcK4EjALbu2z1N9qsMTUG1frmnXM3NNCSGR57yLhwTccfNCwdSQEDftgjCGm96P29wGGcbBsPqZH85iqpoHA7LrqVy, path=m)> :param name: New key name :type name: str :param wallet_id: ID of wallet where to store key :type wallet_id: int :param session: Required Sqlalchemy Session object :type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param key: Optional key in any format accepted by the HDKey class :type key: str, int, byte, bytearray, HDKey :param account_id: Account ID for specified key, default is 0 :type account_id: int :param network: Network of specified key :type network: str :param change: Use 0 for normal key, and 1 for change key (for returned payments) :type change: int :param purpose: BIP0044 purpose field, default is 44 :type purpose: int :param parent_id: Key ID of parent, default is 0 (no parent) :type parent_id: int :param path: BIP0044 path of given key, default is 'm' (masterkey) :type path: str :param key_type: Type of key, single or BIP44 type :type key_type: str :param encoding: Encoding used for address, i.e.: base58 or bech32. Default is base58 :type encoding: str :param witness_type: Witness type used when creating transaction script: legacy, p2sh-segwit or segwit. :type witness_type: str :param multisig: Specify if key is part of multisig wallet, used for create keys and key representations such as WIF and addreses :type multisig: bool :param cosigner_id: Set this if you would like to create keys for other cosigners. :type cosigner_id: int :return HDWalletKey: HDWalletKey object """ key_is_address = False if isinstance(key, HDKey): k = key if network is None: network = elif network != raise WalletError("Specified network and key network should be the same") elif isinstance(key, Address): k = key key_is_address = True if network is None: network = elif network != raise WalletError("Specified network and key network should be the same") else: if network is None: network = DEFAULT_NETWORK k = HDKey(import_key=key, network=network) if not encoding and witness_type: encoding = get_encoding_from_witness(witness_type) script_type = script_type_default(witness_type, multisig) if not key_is_address: keyexists = session.query(DbKey).\ filter(DbKey.wallet_id == wallet_id, DbKey.wif == k.wif(witness_type=witness_type, multisig=multisig, is_private=True)).first() if keyexists: _logger.warning("Key already exists in this wallet. Key ID: %d" % return HDWalletKey(, session, k) if key_type != 'single' and k.depth != len(path.split('/'))-1: if path == 'm' and k.depth > 1: path = "M" address = k.address(encoding=encoding, script_type=script_type) wk = session.query(DbKey).filter( DbKey.wallet_id == wallet_id, or_(DbKey.public == k.public_hex, DbKey.wif == k.wif(witness_type=witness_type, multisig=multisig, is_private=False), DbKey.address == address)).first() if wk: wk.wif = k.wif(witness_type=witness_type, multisig=multisig, is_private=True) wk.is_private = True wk.private = k.private_hex wk.public = k.public_hex wk.path = path session.commit() return HDWalletKey(, session, k) nk = DbKey(name=name, wallet_id=wallet_id, public=k.public_hex, private=k.private_hex, purpose=purpose, account_id=account_id, depth=k.depth, change=change, address_index=k.child_index, wif=k.wif(witness_type=witness_type, multisig=multisig, is_private=True), address=address, parent_id=parent_id, compressed=k.compressed, is_private=k.is_private, path=path, key_type=key_type, network_name=network, encoding=encoding, cosigner_id=cosigner_id) else: keyexists = session.query(DbKey).\ filter(DbKey.wallet_id == wallet_id, DbKey.address == k.address).first() if keyexists: _logger.warning("Key with ID %s already exists" % return HDWalletKey(, session, k) nk = DbKey(name=name, wallet_id=wallet_id, purpose=purpose, account_id=account_id, depth=k.depth, change=change, address=k.address, parent_id=parent_id, compressed=k.compressed, is_private=False, path=path, key_type=key_type, network_name=network, encoding=encoding, cosigner_id=cosigner_id) session.merge(DbNetwork(name=network)) session.add(nk) session.commit() return HDWalletKey(, session, k)
def _commit(self): try: self._session.commit() except Exception: self._session.rollback() raise def __init__(self, key_id, session, hdkey_object=None): """ Initialize HDWalletKey with specified ID, get information from database. :param key_id: ID of key as mentioned in database :type key_id: int :param session: Required Sqlalchemy Session object :type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param hdkey_object: Optional HDKey object. Specify HDKey object if available for performance :type hdkey_object: HDKey """ self._session = session wk = session.query(DbKey).filter_by(id=key_id).first() if wk: self._dbkey = wk self._hdkey_object = hdkey_object self.key_id = key_id self._name = self.wallet_id = wk.wallet_id self.key_public = wk.public self.key_private = wk.private self.account_id = wk.account_id self.change = wk.change self.address_index = wk.address_index self.wif = wk.wif self.address = wk.address self._balance = wk.balance self.purpose = wk.purpose self.parent_id = wk.parent_id self.is_private = wk.is_private self.path = wk.path self.wallet = wk.wallet self.network_name = wk.network_name if not self.network_name: self.network_name = wk.wallet.network_name = Network(self.network_name) self.depth = wk.depth self.key_type = wk.key_type self.compressed = wk.compressed self.encoding = wk.encoding self.cosigner_id = wk.cosigner_id self.used = wk.used else: raise WalletError("Key with id %s not found" % key_id) def __repr__(self): return "<HDWalletKey(key_id=%d, name=%s, wif=%s, path=%s)>" % (self.key_id,, self.wif, self.path) @property def name(self): """ Return name of wallet key :return str: """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """ Set key name, update in database :param value: Name for this key :type value: str :return str: """ self._name = value = value self._commit()
[docs] def key(self): """ Get HDKey object for current HDWalletKey :return HDKey: """ self._hdkey_object = None if self.key_type == 'multisig': self._hdkey_object = [] for kc in self._dbkey.multisig_children: self._hdkey_object.append(HDKey(import_key=kc.child_key.wif, network=kc.child_key.network_name)) if self._hdkey_object is None and self.wif: self._hdkey_object = HDKey(import_key=self.wif, network=self.network_name) return self._hdkey_object
[docs] def balance(self, fmt=''): """ Get total value of unspent outputs :param fmt: Specify 'string' to return a string in currency format :type fmt: str :return float, str: Key balance """ if fmt == 'string': return else: return self._balance
[docs] def public(self): """ Return current key as public HDWalletKey object with all private information removed :return HDWalletKey: """ pub_key = self pub_key.is_private = False pub_key.key_private = None pub_key.wif = self.key().wif() return pub_key
[docs] def as_dict(self, include_private=False): """ Return current key information as dictionary :param include_private: Include private key information in dictionary :type include_private: bool """ kdict = { 'id': self.key_id, 'key_type': self.key_type, 'network':, 'is_private': self.is_private, 'name':, 'key_public': self.key_public, 'account_id': self.account_id, 'parent_id': self.parent_id, 'depth': self.depth, 'change': self.change, 'address_index': self.address_index, 'address': self.address, 'encoding': self.encoding, 'path': self.path, 'balance': self.balance(), 'balance_str': self.balance(fmt='string') } if include_private: kdict.update({ 'key_private': self.key_private, 'wif': self.wif, }) return kdict
[docs]class HDWalletTransaction(Transaction): """ Used as attribute of HDWallet class. Child of Transaction object with extra reference to wallet and database object. All HDWalletTransaction items are stored in a database """ def __init__(self, hdwallet, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize HDWalletTransaction object with reference to a HDWallet object :param hdwallet: HDWallet object, wallet name or ID :type hdWallet: HDwallet, str, int :param args: Arguments for HDWallet parent class :type args: args :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for HDWallet parent class :type kwargs: kwargs """ assert isinstance(hdwallet, HDWallet) self.hdwallet = hdwallet self.pushed = False self.error = None self.response_dict = None witness_type = 'legacy' if hdwallet.witness_type in ['segwit', 'p2sh-segwit']: witness_type = 'segwit' Transaction.__init__(self, witness_type=witness_type, *args, **kwargs) self.outgoing_tx = bool([i.address for i in self.inputs if i.address in hdwallet.addresslist()]) def __repr__(self): return "<HDWalletTransaction(input_count=%d, output_count=%d, status=%s, network=%s)>" % \ (len(self.inputs), len(self.outputs), self.status,
[docs] @classmethod def from_transaction(cls, hdwallet, t): """ Create HDWalletTransaction object from Transaction object :param hdwallet: HDWallet object, wallet name or ID :type hdwallet: HDwallet, str, int :param t: Specify Transaction object :type t: Transaction :return HDWalletClass: """ return cls(hdwallet=hdwallet, inputs=t.inputs, outputs=t.outputs, locktime=t.locktime, version=t.version,, fee=t.fee, fee_per_kb=t.fee_per_kb, size=t.size, hash=t.hash,, confirmations=t.confirmations, block_height=t.block_height, block_hash=t.block_hash, input_total=t.input_total, output_total=t.output_total, rawtx=t.rawtx, status=t.status, coinbase=t.coinbase, verified=t.verified, flag=t.flag)
[docs] @classmethod def from_txid(cls, hdwallet, txid): """ Read single transaction from database with given transaction ID / transaction hash :param hdwallet: HDWallet object :type hdwallet: HDWallet :param txid: Transaction hash as hexadecimal string :type txid: str :return HDWalletClass: """ sess = hdwallet._session # If tx_hash is unknown add it to database, else update db_tx_query = sess.query(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == hdwallet.wallet_id, DbTransaction.hash == to_hexstring(txid)) db_tx = db_tx_query.scalar() if not db_tx: return fee_per_kb = None if db_tx.fee and db_tx.size: fee_per_kb = int((db_tx.fee / db_tx.size) * 1024) network = Network(db_tx.network_name) inputs = [] for inp in db_tx.inputs: sequence = 0xffffffff if inp.sequence: sequence = inp.sequence inp_keys = [] if inp.key_id: key = hdwallet.key(inp.key_id) if key.key_type == 'multisig': db_key = sess.query(DbKey).filter_by(id=key.key_id).scalar() for ck in db_key.multisig_children: inp_keys.append(ck.child_key.public) else: inp_keys = key.key() inputs.append(Input( prev_hash=inp.prev_hash, output_n=inp.output_n, keys=inp_keys, unlocking_script=inp.script, script_type=inp.script_type, sequence=sequence, index_n=inp.index_n, value=inp.value, double_spend=inp.double_spend, witness_type=inp.witness_type, network=network, address=inp.address)) # TODO / FIXME: Field in Input object, but not in database: # def __init__(signatures=None, public_hash=b'', # unlocking_script_unsigned=None, compressed=None, sigs_required=None, sort=False, # locktime_cltv=None, locktime_csv=None, key_path='', # encoding=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK): outputs = [] for out in db_tx.outputs: address = '' public_key = b'' if out.key_id: key = hdwallet.key(out.key_id) address = key.address if key.key_type != 'multisig': if key.key() and not isinstance(key.key(), Address): public_key = key.key().public_hex outputs.append(Output(value=out.value, address=address, public_key=public_key, lock_script=out.script, spent=out.spent, output_n=out.output_n, script_type=out.script_type, network=network)) # TODO / FIXME: Field in Output object, but not in database: # def __init__(address, public_hex, public_hash=b'', encoding=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK): return cls(hdwallet=hdwallet, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, locktime=db_tx.locktime, version=db_tx.version, network=network, fee=db_tx.fee, fee_per_kb=fee_per_kb, size=db_tx.size, hash=txid,, confirmations=db_tx.confirmations, block_height=db_tx.block_height, block_hash=db_tx.block_hash, input_total=db_tx.input_total, output_total=db_tx.output_total, rawtx=db_tx.raw, status=db_tx.status, coinbase=db_tx.coinbase, verified=db_tx.verified) # flag=db_tx.flag
[docs] def sign(self, keys=None, index_n=0, multisig_key_n=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, _fail_on_unknown_key=None): """ Sign this transaction. Use existing keys from wallet or use keys argument for extra keys. :param keys: Extra private keys to sign the transaction :type keys: HDKey, str :param index_n: Transaction index_n to sign :type index_n: int :param multisig_key_n: Index number of key for multisig input for segwit transactions. Leave empty if not known. If not specified all possibilities will be checked :type multisig_key_n: int :param hash_type: Hashtype to use, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :return None: """ priv_key_list_arg = [] if keys: key_paths = list(set([ti.key_path for ti in self.inputs if ti.key_path[0] == 'm'])) if not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] for priv_key in keys: if not isinstance(priv_key, HDKey): if isinstance(priv_key, str) and len(str(priv_key).split(' ')) > 4: priv_key = HDKey.from_passphrase(priv_key) else: priv_key = HDKey(priv_key, priv_key_list_arg.append((None, priv_key)) if key_paths and priv_key.depth == 0 and priv_key.key_type != "single": for key_path in key_paths: priv_key_list_arg.append((key_path, priv_key.subkey_for_path(key_path))) for ti in self.inputs: priv_key_list = [] for (key_path, priv_key) in priv_key_list_arg: if not key_path or key_path == ti.key_path: priv_key_list.append(priv_key) for k in ti.keys: if k.is_private: priv_key_list.append(k) Transaction.sign(self, priv_key_list, ti.index_n, multisig_key_n, hash_type, False) self.verify() self.error = ""
[docs] def send(self, offline=False): """ Verify and push transaction to network. Update UTXO's in database after successful send :param offline: Just return the transaction object and do not send it when offline = True. Default is False :type offline: boolmijn ouders relatief normaal waren. Je hebt ze tenslotte niet voor het uitzoeken :return None: """ self.error = None if not self.verified and not self.verify(): self.error = "Cannot verify transaction" return None if offline: return None srv = Service(, providers=self.hdwallet.providers, cache_uri=self.hdwallet.db_cache_uri) res = srv.sendrawtransaction(self.raw_hex()) if not res: self.error = "Cannot send transaction. %s" % srv.errors return None if 'txid' in res:"Successfully pushed transaction, result: %s" % res) self.hash = to_bytes(res['txid']) self._txid = res['txid'] self.status = 'unconfirmed' self.confirmations = 0 self.pushed = True self.response_dict = srv.results # Update db: Update spent UTXO's, add transaction to database for inp in self.inputs: tx_hash = to_hexstring(inp.prev_hash) utxos = self.hdwallet._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbTransaction).\ filter(DbTransaction.hash == tx_hash, DbTransactionOutput.output_n == inp.output_n_int, DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False)).all() for u in utxos: u.spent = True self.hdwallet._commit() self.hdwallet._balance_update( return None self.error = "Transaction not send, unknown response from service providers"
[docs] def save(self): """ Save this transaction to database :return int: Transaction ID """ sess = self.hdwallet._session # If tx_hash is unknown add it to database, else update db_tx_query = sess.query(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.hdwallet.wallet_id, DbTransaction.hash == self.txid) db_tx = db_tx_query.scalar() if not db_tx: db_tx_query = sess.query(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id.is_(None), DbTransaction.hash == self.txid) db_tx = db_tx_query.first() if db_tx: db_tx.wallet_id = self.hdwallet.wallet_id if not db_tx: new_tx = DbTransaction( wallet_id=self.hdwallet.wallet_id, hash=self.txid, block_height=self.block_height, size=self.size, confirmations=self.confirmations,, fee=self.fee, status=self.status, input_total=self.input_total, output_total=self.output_total,, block_hash=self.block_hash, raw=to_hexstring(self.rawtx), verified=self.verified) sess.add(new_tx) self.hdwallet._commit() txid = else: txid = db_tx.block_height = self.block_height if self.block_height else db_tx.block_height db_tx.confirmations = self.confirmations if self.confirmations else db_tx.confirmations = if else db_tx.fee = self.fee if self.fee else db_tx.fee db_tx.status = self.status if self.status else db_tx.status db_tx.input_total = self.input_total if self.input_total else db_tx.input_total db_tx.output_total = self.output_total if self.output_total else db_tx.output_total db_tx.network_name = if else db_tx.raw = to_hexstring(self.rawtx) if self.rawtx else db_tx.raw db_tx.verified = self.verified self.hdwallet._commit() assert txid for ti in self.inputs: tx_key = sess.query(DbKey).filter_by(wallet_id=self.hdwallet.wallet_id, address=ti.address).scalar() key_id = None if tx_key: key_id = tx_key.used = True tx_input = sess.query(DbTransactionInput). \ filter_by(transaction_id=txid, index_n=ti.index_n).scalar() if not tx_input: new_tx_item = DbTransactionInput( transaction_id=txid, output_n=ti.output_n_int, key_id=key_id, value=ti.value, prev_hash=to_hexstring(ti.prev_hash), index_n=ti.index_n, double_spend=ti.double_spend, script=to_hexstring(ti.unlocking_script), script_type=ti.script_type, witness_type=ti.witness_type, sequence=ti.sequence, address=ti.address) sess.add(new_tx_item) elif key_id: tx_input.key_id = key_id if ti.value: tx_input.value = ti.value if ti.prev_hash: tx_input.prev_hash = to_hexstring(ti.prev_hash) if ti.unlocking_script: tx_input.script = to_hexstring(ti.unlocking_script) self.hdwallet._commit() for to in self.outputs: tx_key = sess.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.hdwallet.wallet_id, address=to.address).scalar() key_id = None if tx_key: key_id = tx_key.used = True spent = to.spent tx_output = sess.query(DbTransactionOutput). \ filter_by(transaction_id=txid, output_n=to.output_n).scalar() if not tx_output: new_tx_item = DbTransactionOutput( transaction_id=txid, output_n=to.output_n, key_id=key_id, value=to.value, spent=spent, script=to_hexstring(to.lock_script), script_type=to.script_type) sess.add(new_tx_item) elif key_id: tx_output.key_id = key_id tx_output.spent = spent if spent is not None else tx_output.spent self.hdwallet._commit() return txid
[docs] def info(self): """ Print Wallet transaction information to standard output. Include send information. """ print("Pushed to network: %s" % self.pushed) print("Wallet: %s" % if self.error: print("Errors: %s" % self.error) print("\n")
[docs] def export(self, skip_change=True): """ Export this transaction as list of tuples in the following format: (transaction_date, transaction_hash, in/out, addresses_in, addresses_out, value, fee) A transaction with multiple inputs or outputs results in multiple tuples. :param skip_change: Do not include outputs to own wallet (default) :type skip_change: boolean :return list of tuple: """ mut_list = [] wlt_addresslist = self.hdwallet.addresslist() input_addresslist = [i.address for i in self.inputs] if self.outgoing_tx: fee_per_output = self.fee / len(self.outputs) for o in self.outputs: if o.address in wlt_addresslist and skip_change: continue mut_list.append((, self.txid, 'out', input_addresslist, o.address, -o.value, fee_per_output)) else: for o in self.outputs: if o.address not in wlt_addresslist: continue mut_list.append((, self.txid, 'in', input_addresslist, o.address, o.value, 0)) return mut_list
[docs]class HDWallet(object): """ Class to create and manage keys Using the BIP0044 Hierarchical Deterministic wallet definitions, so you can use one Masterkey to generate as much child keys as you want in a structured manner. You can import keys in many format such as WIF or extended WIF, bytes, hexstring, seeds or private key integer. For the Bitcoin network, Litecoin or any other network you define in the settings. Easily send and receive transactions. Compose transactions automatically or select unspent outputs. Each wallet name must be unique and can contain only one cointype and purpose, but practically unlimited accounts and addresses. """ @classmethod def _create(cls, name, key, owner, network, account_id, purpose, scheme, parent_id, sort_keys, witness_type, encoding, multisig, sigs_required, cosigner_id, key_path, db_uri): session = DbInit(db_uri=db_uri).session if session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(name=name).count(): raise WalletError("Wallet with name '%s' already exists" % name) else:"Create new wallet '%s'" % name) if not name: raise WalletError("Please enter wallet name") if not isinstance(key_path, list): key_path = key_path.split('/') key_depth = 1 if not key_path else len(key_path) - 1 base_path = 'm' if hasattr(key, 'depth'): if key.depth is None: key.depth = key_depth if key.depth > 0: hardened_keys = [x for x in key_path if x[-1:] == "'"] if hardened_keys: depth_public_master = key_path.index(hardened_keys[-1]) if depth_public_master != key.depth: raise WalletError("Depth of provided public master key %d does not correspond with key path " "%s. Did you provide correct witness_type and multisig attribute?" % (key.depth, key_path)) key_path = ['M'] + key_path[key.depth+1:] base_path = 'M' if isinstance(key_path, list): key_path = '/'.join(key_path) session.merge(DbNetwork(name=network)) new_wallet = DbWallet(name=name, owner=owner, network_name=network, purpose=purpose, scheme=scheme, sort_keys=sort_keys, witness_type=witness_type, parent_id=parent_id, encoding=encoding, multisig=multisig, multisig_n_required=sigs_required, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, key_path=key_path) session.add(new_wallet) session.commit() new_wallet_id = if scheme == 'bip32' and multisig and parent_id is None: w = cls(new_wallet_id, db_uri=db_uri) elif scheme == 'bip32': mk = HDWalletKey.from_key(key=key, name=name, session=session, wallet_id=new_wallet_id, network=network, account_id=account_id, purpose=purpose, key_type='bip32', encoding=encoding, witness_type=witness_type, multisig=multisig, path=base_path) new_wallet.main_key_id = mk.key_id session.commit() w = cls(new_wallet_id, db_uri=db_uri, main_key_object=mk.key()) w.key_for_path([0, 0], account_id=account_id, cosigner_id=cosigner_id) else: # scheme == 'single': if not key: key = HDKey(network=network, depth=key_depth) mk = HDWalletKey.from_key(key=key, name=name, session=session, wallet_id=new_wallet_id, network=network, account_id=account_id, purpose=purpose, key_type='single', encoding=encoding, witness_type=witness_type, multisig=multisig) new_wallet.main_key_id = mk.key_id session.commit() w = cls(new_wallet_id, db_uri=db_uri, main_key_object=mk.key()) session.close() return w def _commit(self): try: self._session.commit() except Exception: self._session.rollback() raise
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, keys=None, owner='', network=None, account_id=0, purpose=0, scheme='bip32', sort_keys=True, password='', witness_type=None, encoding=None, multisig=None, sigs_required=None, cosigner_id=None, key_path=None, db_uri=None): """ Create HDWallet and insert in database. Generate masterkey or import key when specified. When only a name is specified an legacy HDWallet with a single masterkey is created with standard p2wpkh scripts. >>> if wallet_delete_if_exists('create_legacy_wallet_test'): pass >>> w = HDWallet.create('create_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w <HDWallet(name=create_legacy_wallet_test, db_uri="None")> To create a multi signature wallet specify multiple keys (private or public) and provide the sigs_required argument if it different then len(keys) >>> if wallet_delete_if_exists('create_legacy_multisig_wallet_test'): pass >>> w = HDWallet.create('create_legacy_multisig_wallet_test', keys=[HDKey(), HDKey().public()]) To create a native segwit wallet use the option witness_type = 'segwit' and for old style addresses and p2sh embedded segwit script us 'ps2h-segwit' as witness_type. >>> if wallet_delete_if_exists('create_segwit_wallet_test'): pass >>> w = HDWallet.create('create_segwit_wallet_test', witness_type='segwit') Use a masterkey WIF when creating a wallet: >>> wif = 'xprv9s21ZrQH143K3cxbMVswDTYgAc9CeXABQjCD9zmXCpXw4MxN93LanEARbBmV3utHZS9Db4FX1C1RbC5KSNAjQ5WNJ1dDBJ34PjfiSgRvS8x' >>> if wallet_delete_if_exists('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test', force=True): pass >>> w = HDWallet.create('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test', wif) >>> w <HDWallet(name=bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test, db_uri="None")> >>> # Add some test utxo data: >>> if w.utxo_add('16QaHuFkfuebXGcYHmehRXBBX7RG9NbtLg', 100000000, '748799c9047321cb27a6320a827f1f69d767fe889c14bf11f27549638d566fe4', 0): pass Please mention account_id if you are using multiple accounts. :param name: Unique name of this Wallet :type name: str :param keys: Masterkey to or list of keys to use for this wallet. Will be automatically created if not specified. One or more keys are obligatory for multisig wallets. Can contain all key formats accepted by the HDKey object, a HDKey object or BIP39 passphrase :type keys: str, bytes, int, bytearray :param owner: Wallet owner for your own reference :type owner: str :param network: Network name, use default if not specified :type network: str :param account_id: Account ID, default is 0 :type account_id: int :param purpose: BIP43 purpose field, will be derived from witness_type and multisig by default :type purpose: int :param scheme: Key structure type, i.e. BIP32 or single :type scheme: str :param sort_keys: Sort keys according to BIP45 standard (used for multisig keys) :type sort_keys: bool :param password: Password to protect passphrase, only used if a passphrase is supplied in the 'key' argument. :type password: str :param witness_type: Specify witness type, default is 'legacy'. Use 'segwit' for native segregated witness wallet, or 'p2sh-segwit' for legacy compatible wallets :type witness_type: str :param encoding: Encoding used for address generation: base58 or bech32. Default is derive from wallet and/or witness type :type encoding: str :param multisig: Multisig wallet or child of a multisig wallet, default is None / derive from number of keys. :type multisig: bool :param sigs_required: Number of signatures required for validation if using a multisignature wallet. For example 2 for 2-of-3 multisignature. Default is all keys must signed :type sigs_required: int :param cosigner_id: Set this if wallet contains only public keys, more then one private key or if you would like to create keys for other cosigners. Note: provided keys of a multisig wallet are sorted if sort_keys = True (default) so if your provided key list is not sorted the cosigned_id may be different. :type cosigner_id: int :param key_path: Key path for multisig wallet, use to create your own non-standard key path. Key path must follow the following rules: * Path start with masterkey (m) and end with change / address_index * If accounts are used, the account level must be 3. I.e.: m/purpose/coin_type/account/ * All keys must be hardened, except for change, address_index or cosigner_id * Max length of path is 8 levels :type key_path: list, str :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :return HDWallet: """ if multisig is None: if keys and isinstance(keys, list) and len(keys) > 1: multisig = True else: multisig = False if scheme not in ['bip32', 'single']: raise WalletError("Only bip32 or single key scheme's are supported at the moment") if witness_type not in [None, 'legacy', 'p2sh-segwit', 'segwit']: raise WalletError("Witness type %s not supported at the moment" % witness_type) if name.isdigit(): raise WalletError("Wallet name '%s' invalid, please include letter characters" % name) if multisig: if password: raise WalletError("Password protected multisig wallets not supported") if scheme != 'bip32': raise WalletError("Multisig wallets should use bip32 scheme not %s" % scheme) if sigs_required is None: sigs_required = len(keys) if sigs_required > len(keys): raise WalletError("Number of keys required to sign is greater then number of keys provided") elif not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] hdkey_list = [] if keys and isinstance(keys, list) and sort_keys: keys.sort(key=lambda x: ('0' if isinstance(x, HDKey) else '1')) for key in keys: if isinstance(key, HDKey): if network and network != raise WalletError("Network from key (%s) is different then specified network (%s)" % (, network)) network = if witness_type is None: witness_type = key.witness_type elif key: # If key consists of several words assume it is a passphrase and convert it to a HDKey object if len(key.split(" ")) > 1: if not network: raise WalletError("Please specify network when using passphrase to create a key") key = HDKey.from_seed(Mnemonic().to_seed(key, password), network=network) else: try: key = HDKey(key, network=network) except BKeyError: try: scheme = 'single' key = Address.import_address(key, encoding=encoding, network=network) except EncodingError or BKeyError: raise WalletError("Invalid key or address: %s" % key) if network is None: network = if witness_type is None: witness_type = key.witness_type hdkey_list.append(key) if network is None: network = DEFAULT_NETWORK if witness_type is None: witness_type = DEFAULT_WITNESS_TYPE if network in ('dash', 'dash_testnet') and witness_type != 'legacy': raise WalletError("Segwit is not supported for Dash wallets") elif network in ('dogecoin', 'dogecoin_testnet') and witness_type not in ('legacy', 'p2sh-segwit'): raise WalletError("Pure segwit addresses are not supported for Dogecoin wallets. " "Please use p2sh-segwit instead") if not key_path: if scheme == 'single': key_path = ['m'] purpose = 0 else: ks = [k for k in WALLET_KEY_STRUCTURES if k['witness_type'] == witness_type and k['multisig'] == multisig and k['purpose'] is not None] if len(ks) > 1: raise WalletError("Please check definitions in WALLET_KEY_STRUCTURES. Multiple options found for " "witness_type - multisig combination") if ks and not purpose: purpose = ks[0]['purpose'] if ks and not encoding: encoding = ks[0]['encoding'] key_path = ks[0]['key_path'] else: if purpose is None: purpose = 0 if not encoding: encoding = get_encoding_from_witness(witness_type) if multisig: key = '' else: key = hdkey_list[0] main_key_path = key_path if multisig: if sort_keys: hdkey_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.public_byte) cos_prv_lst = [hdkey_list.index(cw) for cw in hdkey_list if cw.is_private] if cosigner_id is None: if not cos_prv_lst: raise WalletError("This wallet does not contain any private keys, please specify cosigner_id for " "this wallet") elif len(cos_prv_lst) > 1: raise WalletError("This wallet contains more then 1 private key, please specify " "cosigner_id for this wallet") cosigner_id = 0 if not cos_prv_lst else cos_prv_lst[0] if hdkey_list[cosigner_id].key_type == 'single': main_key_path = 'm' hdpm = cls._create(name, key, owner=owner, network=network, account_id=account_id, purpose=purpose, scheme=scheme, parent_id=None, sort_keys=sort_keys, witness_type=witness_type, encoding=encoding, multisig=multisig, sigs_required=sigs_required, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, key_path=main_key_path, db_uri=db_uri) if multisig: wlt_cos_id = 0 for cokey in hdkey_list: if != raise WalletError("Network for key %s (%s) is different then network specified: %s/%s" % (cokey.wif(is_private=False),, network, scheme = 'bip32' wn = name + '-cosigner-%d' % wlt_cos_id c_key_path = key_path if cokey.key_type == 'single': scheme = 'single' c_key_path = ['m'] w = cls._create(name=wn, key=cokey, owner=owner, network=network, account_id=account_id, purpose=hdpm.purpose, scheme=scheme, parent_id=hdpm.wallet_id, sort_keys=sort_keys, witness_type=hdpm.witness_type, encoding=encoding, multisig=True, sigs_required=None, cosigner_id=wlt_cos_id, key_path=c_key_path, db_uri=db_uri) hdpm.cosigner.append(w) wlt_cos_id += 1 # hdpm._dbwallet = hdpm._session.query(DbWallet).filter( == hdpm.wallet_id) # hdpm._dbwallet.update({DbWallet.cosigner_id: hdpm.cosigner_id}) # hdpm._dbwallet.update({DbWallet.key_path: hdpm.key_path}) # hdpm._session.commit() return hdpm
[docs] @classmethod def create_multisig(cls, name, keys, sigs_required=None, owner='', network=None, account_id=0, purpose=None, sort_keys=True, witness_type=DEFAULT_WITNESS_TYPE, encoding=None, key_path=None, cosigner_id=None, db_uri=None): """ Create a multisig wallet with specified name and list of keys. The list of keys can contain 2 or more public or private keys. For every key a cosigner wallet will be created with a BIP44 key structure or a single key depending on the key_type. :param name: Unique name of this Wallet :type name: str :param keys: List of keys in HDKey format or any other format supported by HDKey class :type keys: list :param sigs_required: Number of signatures required for validation. For example 2 for 2-of-3 multisignature. Default is all keys must signed :type sigs_required: int :type owner: str :param network: Network name, use default if not specified :type network: str :param account_id: Account ID, default is 0 :type account_id: int :param purpose: BIP44 purpose field, default is 44 :type purpose: int :param sort_keys: Sort keys according to BIP45 standard (used for multisig keys) :type sort_keys: bool :param witness_type: Specify wallet type, default is legacy. Use 'segwit' for segregated witness wallet. :type witness_type: str :param encoding: Encoding used for address generation: base58 or bech32. Default is derive from wallet and/or witness type :type encoding: str :param key_path: Key path for multisig wallet, use to create your own non-standard key path. Key path must follow the following rules: * Path start with masterkey (m) and end with change / address_index * If accounts are used, the account level must be 3. I.e.: m/purpose/coin_type/account/ * All keys must be hardened, except for change, address_index or cosigner_id * Max length of path is 8 levels :type key_path: list, str :param cosigner_id: Set this if wallet contains only public keys or if you would like to create keys for other cosigners. :type cosigner_id: int :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :return HDWallet: """ return cls.create(name, keys=keys, owner=owner, network=network, account_id=account_id, purpose=purpose, sort_keys=sort_keys, witness_type=witness_type, encoding=encoding, multisig=True, sigs_required=sigs_required, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, key_path=key_path, db_uri=db_uri)
def __enter__(self): return self def __init__(self, wallet, db_uri=None, session=None, main_key_object=None): """ Open a wallet with given ID or name :param wallet: Wallet name or ID :type wallet: int, str :param db_uri: URI of the database :type db_uri: str :param session: Sqlalchemy session :type session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session :param main_key_object: Pass main key object to save time :type main_key_object: HDKey """ if session: self._session = session else: dbinit = DbInit(db_uri=db_uri) self._session = dbinit.session self._engine = dbinit.engine self.db_uri = db_uri self.db_cache_uri = db_uri if isinstance(wallet, int) or wallet.isdigit(): db_wlt = self._session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(id=wallet).scalar() else: db_wlt = self._session.query(DbWallet).filter_by(name=wallet).scalar() if db_wlt: self._dbwallet = db_wlt self.wallet_id = self._name = self._owner = db_wlt.owner = Network(db_wlt.network_name) self.purpose = db_wlt.purpose self.scheme = db_wlt.scheme self._balance = None self._balances = [] self.main_key_id = db_wlt.main_key_id self.main_key = None self._default_account_id = db_wlt.default_account_id self.multisig_n_required = db_wlt.multisig_n_required co_sign_wallets = self._session.query(DbWallet).\ filter(DbWallet.parent_id == self.wallet_id).order_by( self.cosigner = [HDWallet(, db_uri=db_uri) for w in co_sign_wallets] self.sort_keys = db_wlt.sort_keys if db_wlt.main_key_id: self.main_key = HDWalletKey(self.main_key_id, session=self._session, hdkey_object=main_key_object) if self._default_account_id is None: self._default_account_id = 0 if self.main_key: self._default_account_id = self.main_key.account_id"Opening wallet '%s'" % self._key_objects = { self.main_key_id: self.main_key } self.providers = None self.witness_type = db_wlt.witness_type self.encoding = db_wlt.encoding self.multisig = db_wlt.multisig self.cosigner_id = db_wlt.cosigner_id self.script_type = script_type_default(self.witness_type, self.multisig, locking_script=True) self.key_path = [] if not db_wlt.key_path else db_wlt.key_path.split('/') self.depth_public_master = 0 self.parent_id = db_wlt.parent_id if self.main_key and self.main_key.depth > 0: self.depth_public_master = self.main_key.depth self.key_depth = self.depth_public_master + len(self.key_path) - 1 else: hardened_keys = [x for x in self.key_path if x[-1:] == "'"] if hardened_keys: self.depth_public_master = self.key_path.index(hardened_keys[-1]) self.key_depth = len(self.key_path) - 1 self.last_updated = None else: raise WalletError("Wallet '%s' not found, please specify correct wallet ID or name." % wallet) def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self._session.close() # REMOVED - Gives database errors, assume it's done automatically # def __del__(self): # try: # if self._session: # if self._dbwallet and self._dbwallet.parent_id: # return # self._session.close() # except Exception: # pass def __repr__(self): return "<HDWallet(name=%s, db_uri=\"%s\")>" % \ (, self.db_uri) def __str__(self): return def _get_account_defaults(self, network=None, account_id=None, key_id=None): """ Check parameter values for network and account ID, return defaults if no network or account ID is specified. If a network is specified but no account ID this method returns the first account ID it finds. :param network: Network code, leave empty for default :type network: str :param account_id: Account ID, leave emtpy for default :type account_id: int :param key_id: Key ID to just update 1 key :type key_id: int :return: network code, account ID and DbKey instance of account ID key """ if key_id: kobj = self.key(key_id) network = kobj.network_name account_id = kobj.account_id if network is None: network = if account_id is None and network == account_id = self.default_account_id qr = self._session.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, purpose=self.purpose, depth=self.depth_public_master, network_name=network) if account_id is not None: qr = qr.filter_by(account_id=account_id) acckey = qr.first() if len(qr.all()) > 1 and "account'" in self.key_path: _logger.warning("No account_id specified and more than one account found for this network %s. " "Using a random account" % network) if account_id is None: if acckey: account_id = acckey.account_id else: account_id = 0 return network, account_id, acckey @property def default_account_id(self): return self._default_account_id @default_account_id.setter def default_account_id(self, value): self._default_account_id = value self._dbwallet = self._session.query(DbWallet).filter( == self.wallet_id). \ update({DbWallet.default_account_id: value}) self._commit() @property def owner(self): """ Get wallet Owner :return str: """ return self._owner @owner.setter def owner(self, value): """ Set wallet Owner in database :param value: Owner :type value: str :return str: """ self._owner = value self._dbwallet = self._session.query(DbWallet).filter( == self.wallet_id).\ update({DbWallet.owner: value}) self._commit() @property def name(self): """ Get wallet name :return str: """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """ Set wallet name, update in database :param value: Name for this wallet :type value: str :return str: """ if wallet_exists(value, db_uri=self.db_uri): raise WalletError("Wallet with name '%s' already exists" % value) self._name = value self._session.query(DbWallet).filter( == self.wallet_id).update({ value}) self._commit()
[docs] def default_network_set(self, network): if not isinstance(network, Network): network = Network(network) = network self._session.query(DbWallet).filter( == self.wallet_id).\ update({DbWallet.network_name:}) self._commit()
[docs] @deprecated # Since 0.4.5 - Use import_key, to import private key for known public key def key_add_private(self, wallet_key, private_key): # pragma: no cover """ Change public key in wallet to private key in current HDWallet object and in database :param wallet_key: Key object of wallet :type wallet_key: HDWalletKey :param private_key: Private key wif or HDKey object :type private_key: HDKey, str :return HDWalletKey: """ warnings.warn("Deprecated since version 0.4.5. Use import_key, to import private key for known public key", DeprecationWarning) assert isinstance(wallet_key, HDWalletKey) if not isinstance(private_key, HDKey): private_key = HDKey(private_key, wallet_key.is_private = True wallet_key.wif = private_key.wif(is_private=True) wallet_key.private = private_key.private_hex self._session.query(DbKey).filter( == wallet_key.key_id).update( {DbKey.is_private: True, DbKey.private: private_key.private_hex, DbKey.wif: private_key.wif(is_private=True)}) self._commit() return wallet_key
[docs] def import_master_key(self, hdkey, name='Masterkey (imported)'): """ Import (another) masterkey in this wallet :param hdkey: Private key :type hdkey: HDKey, str :param name: Key name of masterkey :type name: str :return HDKey: Main key as HDKey object """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults() if not isinstance(hdkey, HDKey): hdkey = HDKey(hdkey) if not isinstance(self.main_key, HDWalletKey): raise WalletError("Main wallet key is not an HDWalletKey instance. Type %s" % type(self.main_key)) if not hdkey.is_private or hdkey.depth != 0: raise WalletError("Please supply a valid private BIP32 master key with key depth 0") if self.main_key.is_private: raise WalletError("Main key is already a private key, cannot import key") if (self.main_key.depth != 1 and self.main_key.depth != 3 and self.main_key.depth != 4) or \ self.main_key.key_type != 'bip32': raise WalletError("Current main key is not a valid BIP32 public master key") # pm = self.public_master() if not ( == == raise WalletError("Network of Wallet class, main account key and the imported private key must use " "the same network") if self.main_key.wif != hdkey.public_master().wif(): raise WalletError("This key does not correspond to current public master key") hdkey.key_type = 'bip32' ks = [k for k in WALLET_KEY_STRUCTURES if k['witness_type'] == self.witness_type and k['multisig'] == self.multisig and k['purpose'] is not None] if len(ks) > 1: raise WalletError("Please check definitions in WALLET_KEY_STRUCTURES. Multiple options found for " "witness_type - multisig combination") self.key_path = ks[0]['key_path'] self.main_key = HDWalletKey.from_key( key=hdkey, name=name, session=self._session, wallet_id=self.wallet_id, network=network, account_id=account_id, purpose=self.purpose, key_type='bip32', witness_type=self.witness_type) self.main_key_id = self.main_key.key_id self._key_objects.update({self.main_key_id: self.main_key}) self._session.query(DbWallet).filter( == self.wallet_id).\ update({DbWallet.main_key_id: self.main_key_id}) for key in self.keys(is_private=False): kp = key.path.split("/") if kp and kp[0] == 'M': kp = self.key_path[:self.depth_public_master+1] + kp[1:] self.key_for_path(kp, recreate=True) self._commit() return self.main_key
[docs] def import_key(self, key, account_id=0, name='', network=None, purpose=44, key_type=None): """ Add new single key to wallet. :param key: Key to import :type key: str, bytes, int, bytearray, HDKey, Address :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last used or created account ID. :type account_id: int :param name: Specify name for key, leave empty for default :type name: str :param network: Network name, method will try to extract from key if not specified. Raises warning if network could not be detected :type network: str :param purpose: BIP definition used, default is BIP44 :type purpose: int :param key_type: Key type of imported key, can be single (unrelated to wallet, bip32, bip44 or master for new or extra master key import. Default is 'single' :type key_type: str :return HDWalletKey: """ if self.scheme not in ['bip32', 'single']: raise WalletError("Keys can only be imported to a BIP32 or single type wallet, create a new wallet " "instead") if isinstance(key, (HDKey, Address)): network = hdkey = key if network not in self.network_list(): raise WalletError("Network %s not found in this wallet" % network) else: if len(key.split(" ")) > 1: if network is None: network = hdkey = HDKey.from_seed(Mnemonic().to_seed(key), network=network) else: if network is None: network = check_network_and_key(key, if network not in self.network_list(): raise WalletError("Network %s not available in this wallet, please create an account for this " "network first." % network) hdkey = HDKey(key, network=network, key_type=key_type) if not self.multisig: if self.main_key and self.main_key.depth == self.depth_public_master and \ not isinstance(hdkey, Address) and hdkey.is_private and hdkey.depth == 0 and self.scheme == 'bip32': return self.import_master_key(hdkey, name) if key_type is None: hdkey.key_type = 'single' key_type = 'single' ik_path = 'm' if key_type == 'single': # Create path for unrelated import keys hdkey.depth = self.key_depth last_import_key = self._session.query(DbKey).filter("import_key_%")).\ order_by(DbKey.path.desc()).first() if last_import_key: ik_path = "import_key_" + str(int(last_import_key.path[-5:]) + 1).zfill(5) else: ik_path = "import_key_00001" if not name: name = ik_path mk = HDWalletKey.from_key( key=hdkey, name=name, wallet_id=self.wallet_id, network=network, key_type=key_type, account_id=account_id, purpose=purpose, session=self._session, path=ik_path, witness_type=self.witness_type) self._key_objects.update({mk.key_id: mk}) if mk.key_id == self.main_key.key_id: self.main_key = mk return mk else: account_key = hdkey.public_master(witness_type=self.witness_type, multisig=True).wif() for w in self.cosigner: if w.main_key.key().wif_public() == account_key: _logger.debug("Import new private cosigner key in this multisig wallet: %s" % account_key) return w.import_master_key(hdkey) raise WalletError("Unknown key: Can only import a private key for a known public key in multisig wallets")
def _new_key_multisig(self, public_keys, name, account_id, change, cosigner_id, network, address_index): if self.sort_keys: public_keys.sort(key=lambda pubk: pubk.key_public) public_key_list = [pubk.key_public for pubk in public_keys] public_key_ids = [str(x.key_id) for x in public_keys] # Calculate redeemscript and address and add multisig key to database redeemscript = serialize_multisig_redeemscript(public_key_list, n_required=self.multisig_n_required) script_type = 'p2sh' if self.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': script_type = 'p2sh_p2wsh' address = Address(redeemscript, encoding=self.encoding, script_type=script_type, network=network).address already_found_key = self._session.query(DbKey).filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, address=address).first() if already_found_key: return self.key( path = [pubk.path for pubk in public_keys if pubk.wallet.cosigner_id == self.cosigner_id][0] depth = self.cosigner[self.cosigner_id].main_key.depth + len(path.split("/")) - 1 if not name: name = "Multisig Key " + '/'.join(public_key_ids) multisig_key = DbKey( name=name, wallet_id=self.wallet_id, purpose=self.purpose, account_id=account_id, depth=depth, change=change, address_index=address_index, parent_id=0, is_private=False, path=path, public=to_hexstring(redeemscript), wif='multisig-%s' % address, address=address, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, key_type='multisig', network_name=network) self._session.add(multisig_key) self._commit() for child_id in public_key_ids: self._session.add(DbKeyMultisigChildren(key_order=public_key_ids.index(child_id),, child_id=int(child_id))) self._commit() return self.key(
[docs] def new_key(self, name='', account_id=None, change=0, cosigner_id=None, network=None): """ Create a new HD Key derived from this wallet's masterkey. An account will be created for this wallet with index 0 if there is no account defined yet. >>> w = HDWallet('create_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.new_key('my key') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS <HDWalletKey(key_id=..., name=my key, wif=..., path=m/44'/0'/0'/0/...)> :param name: Key name. Does not have to be unique but if you use it at reference you might chooce to enforce this. If not specified 'Key #' with an unique sequence number will be used :type name: str :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last used or created account ID. :type account_id: int :param change: Change (1) or payments (0). Default is 0 :type change: int :param cosigner_id: Cosigner ID for key path :type cosigner_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return HDWalletKey: """ if self.scheme == 'single': return self.main_key network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) if network != and "coin_type'" not in self.key_path: raise WalletError("Multiple networks not supported by wallet key structure") if self.multisig: if not self.multisig_n_required: raise WalletError("Multisig_n_required not set, cannot create new key") if cosigner_id is None: if self.cosigner_id is None: raise WalletError("Missing Cosigner ID value, cannot create new key") cosigner_id = self.cosigner_id address_index = 0 if self.multisig and cosigner_id is not None and (len(self.cosigner) > cosigner_id and self.cosigner[cosigner_id].key_path == 'm' or self.cosigner[cosigner_id].key_path == ['m']): req_path = [] else: prevkey = self._session.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, purpose=self.purpose, network_name=network, account_id=account_id, change=change, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, depth=self.key_depth).\ order_by(DbKey.address_index.desc()).first() if prevkey: address_index = prevkey.address_index + 1 req_path = [change, address_index] return self.key_for_path(req_path, name=name, account_id=account_id, network=network, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, address_index=address_index)
[docs] def new_key_change(self, name='', account_id=None, network=None): """ Create new key to receive change for a transaction. Calls :func:`new_key` method with change=1. :param name: Key name. Default name is 'Change #' with an address index :type name: str :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last used or created account ID. :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return HDWalletKey: """ return self.new_key(name=name, account_id=account_id, network=network, change=1)
[docs] def scan_key(self, key): """ Scan for new transactions for specified wallet key and update wallet transactions :param key: The wallet key as object or index :type key: HDWalletKey, int :return bool: New transactions found? """ if isinstance(key, int): key = self.key(key) txs_found = False should_be_finished_count = 0 while True: n_new = self.transactions_update(key_id=key.key_id) if n_new and n_new < MAX_TRANSACTIONS: if should_be_finished_count:"Possible recursive loop detected in scan_key(%d): retry %d/5" % (key.key_id, should_be_finished_count)) should_be_finished_count += 1"Scanned key %d, %s Found %d new transactions" % (key.key_id, key.address, n_new)) if not n_new or should_be_finished_count > 5: break txs_found = True return txs_found
[docs] def scan(self, scan_gap_limit=5, account_id=None, change=None, rescan_used=False, network=None, keys_ignore=None): """ Generate new addresses/keys and scan for new transactions using the Service providers. Updates all UTXO's and balances. Keep scanning for new transactions until no new transactions are found for 'scan_gap_limit' addresses. Only scan keys from default network and account unless another network or account is specified. Use the faster :func:`utxos_update` method if you are only interested in unspent outputs. Use the :func:`transactions_update` method if you would like to manage the key creation yourself or if you want to scan a single key. :param scan_gap_limit: Amount of new keys and change keys (addresses) created for this wallet. Default is 5, so scanning stops if after 5 addresses no transaction are found. :type scan_gap_limit: int :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last used or created account ID. :type account_id: int :param change: Filter by change addresses. Set to True to include only change addresses, False to only include regular addresses. None (default) to disable filter and include both :type change: bool :param rescan_used: Rescan already used addressed. Default is False, so funds send to old addresses will be ignored by default. :type rescan_used: bool :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param keys_ignore: Id's of keys to ignore :type keys_ignore: list of int :return: """ network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) if self.scheme != 'bip32' and self.scheme != 'multisig' and scan_gap_limit < 2: raise WalletError("The wallet scan() method is only available for BIP32 wallets") if keys_ignore is None: keys_ignore = [] # Rescan used addresses if rescan_used: for key in self.keys_addresses(account_id=account_id, change=change, network=network, used=True): self.scan_key( srv = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) # Update already known transactions with known block height self.transactions_update_confirmations() # Check unconfirmed transactions db_txs = self._session.query(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.network_name == network, DbTransaction.confirmations == 0).all() for db_tx in db_txs: self.transactions_update_by_txids([db_tx.hash]) # Scan each key address, stop when no new transactions are found after set scan gap limit if change is None: change_range = [0, 1] else: change_range = [change] counter = 0 for chg in change_range: while True: if self.scheme == 'single': keys_to_scan = [self.key( for k in self.keys_addresses()[counter:counter+scan_gap_limit]] counter += scan_gap_limit else: keys_to_scan = self.get_key(account_id, network, number_of_keys=scan_gap_limit, change=chg) if isinstance(keys_to_scan, HDWalletKey): keys_to_scan = [keys_to_scan] n_highest_updated = 0 for key in keys_to_scan: if key.key_id in keys_ignore: continue keys_ignore.append(key.key_id) n_high_new = 0 if self.scan_key(key): if not key.address_index: key.address_index = 0 n_high_new = key.address_index + 1 if n_high_new > n_highest_updated: n_highest_updated = n_high_new if not n_highest_updated: break
[docs] def get_key(self, account_id=None, network=None, cosigner_id=None, number_of_keys=1, change=0): """ Get a unused key or create a new one with :func:`new_key` if there are no unused keys. Returns a key from this wallet which has no transactions linked to it. >>> w = HDWallet('create_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.get_key() # doctest:+ELLIPSIS <HDWalletKey(key_id=..., name=..., wif=..., path=m/44'/0'/0'/0/...)> :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last used or created account ID. :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param cosigner_id: Cosigner ID for key path :type cosigner_id: int :param number_of_keys: Number of keys to return. Default is 1 :type number_of_keys: int :param change: Payment (0) or change key (1). Default is 0 :type change: int :return HDWalletKey: """ network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) if cosigner_id is None: cosigner_id = self.cosigner_id last_used_qr = self._session.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, account_id=account_id, network_name=network, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, used=True, change=change, depth=self.key_depth).\ order_by( last_used_key_id = 0 if last_used_qr: last_used_key_id = dbkey = self._session.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, account_id=account_id, network_name=network, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, used=False, change=change, depth=self.key_depth).filter( > last_used_key_id).\ order_by( key_list = [] if self.scheme == 'single' and len(dbkey): number_of_keys = len(dbkey) if number_of_keys > len(dbkey) else number_of_keys if self.cosigner and cosigner_id > len(self.cosigner): raise WalletError("Cosigner ID (%d) can not be greater then number of cosigners for this wallet (%d)" % (cosigner_id, len(self.cosigner))) for i in range(number_of_keys): if dbkey: dk = dbkey.pop() nk = self.key( else: nk = self.new_key(account_id=account_id, change=change, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, network=network) key_list.append(nk) if len(key_list) == 1: return key_list[0] else: return key_list
[docs] def get_key_change(self, account_id=None, network=None, number_of_keys=1): """ Get a unused change key or create a new one if there are no unused keys. Wrapper for the :func:`get_key` method :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last used or created account ID. :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param number_of_keys: Number of keys to return. Default is 1 :type number_of_keys: int :return HDWalletKey: """ return self.get_key(account_id=account_id, network=network, change=1, number_of_keys=number_of_keys)
[docs] def new_account(self, name='', account_id=None, network=None): """ Create a new account with a child key for payments and 1 for change. An account key can only be created if wallet contains a masterkey. :param name: Account Name. If not specified 'Account #" with the account_id will be used :type name: str :param account_id: Account ID. Default is last accounts ID + 1 :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return HDWalletKey: """ if self.scheme != 'bip32': raise WalletError("We can only create new accounts for a wallet with a BIP32 key scheme") if self.main_key and (self.main_key.depth != 0 or self.main_key.is_private is False): raise WalletError("A master private key of depth 0 is needed to create new accounts (depth: %d)" % self.main_key.depth) if "account'" not in self.key_path: raise WalletError("Accounts are not supported for this wallet. Account not found in key path %s" % self.key_path) if network is None: network = elif network != and "coin_type'" not in self.key_path: raise WalletError("Multiple networks not supported by wallet key structure") duplicate_cointypes = [Network(x).name for x in self.network_list() if Network(x).name != network and Network(x).bip44_cointype == Network(network).bip44_cointype] if duplicate_cointypes: raise WalletError("Can not create new account for network %s with same BIP44 cointype: %s" % (network, duplicate_cointypes)) # Determine account_id and name if account_id is None: account_id = 0 qr = self._session.query(DbKey). \ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, purpose=self.purpose, network_name=network). \ order_by(DbKey.account_id.desc()).first() if qr: account_id = qr.account_id + 1 if self.keys(account_id=account_id, depth=self.depth_public_master, network=network): raise WalletError("Account with ID %d already exists for this wallet" % account_id) acckey = self.key_for_path([], level_offset=self.depth_public_master-self.key_depth, account_id=account_id, name=name, network=network) self.key_for_path([0, 0], network=network, account_id=account_id) self.key_for_path([1, 0], network=network, account_id=account_id) return acckey
[docs] def path_expand(self, path, level_offset=None, account_id=None, cosigner_id=0, address_index=None, change=0, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK): """ Create key path. Specify part of key path to expand to key path used in this wallet. >>> w = HDWallet('create_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.path_expand([0,1200]) ['m', "44'", "0'", "0'", '0', '1200'] >>> w = HDWallet('create_legacy_multisig_wallet_test') >>> w.path_expand([0,2], cosigner_id=1) ['m', "45'", '1', '0', '2'] :param path: Part of path, for example [0, 2] for change=0 and address_index=2 :type path: list, str :param level_offset: Just create part of path. For example -2 means create path with the last 2 items (change, address_index) or 1 will return the master key 'm' :type level_offset: int :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param cosigner_id: ID of cosigner :type cosigner_id: int :param address_index: Index of key, normally provided to 'path' argument :type address_index: int :param change: Change key = 1 or normal = 0, normally provided to 'path' argument :type change: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return list: """ network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) return path_expand(path, self.key_path, level_offset, account_id=account_id, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, address_index=address_index, change=change, purpose=self.purpose, witness_type=self.witness_type, network=network)
[docs] def key_for_path(self, path, level_offset=None, name=None, account_id=None, cosigner_id=None, address_index=0, change=0, network=None, recreate=False): """ Return key for specified path. Derive all wallet keys in path if they not already exists >>> w = wallet_create_or_open('key_for_path_example') >>> key = w.key_for_path([0, 0]) >>> key.path "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0" >>> w.key_for_path([], level_offset=-2).path "m/44'/0'/0'" >>> w.key_for_path([], w.depth_public_master + 1).path "m/44'/0'/0'" Arguments provided in 'path' take precedence over other arguments. The address_index argument is ignored: >>> key = w.key_for_path([0, 10], address_index=1000) >>> key.path "m/44'/0'/0'/0/10" >>> key.address_index 10 :param path: Part of key path, i.e. [0, 0] for [change=0, address_index=0] :type path: list, str :param level_offset: Just create part of path, when creating keys. For example -2 means create path with the last 2 items (change, address_index) or 1 will return the master key 'm' :type level_offset: int :param name: Specify key name for latest/highest key in structure :type name: str :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param cosigner_id: ID of cosigner :type cosigner_id: int :param address_index: Index of key, normally provided to 'path' argument :type address_index: int :param change: Change key = 1 or normal = 0, normally provided to 'path' argument :type change: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param recreate: Recreate key, even if already found in wallet. Can be used to update public key with private key info :type recreate: bool :return HDWalletKey: """ network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) cosigner_id = cosigner_id if cosigner_id is not None else self.cosigner_id level_offset_key = level_offset if level_offset and self.main_key and level_offset > 0: level_offset_key = level_offset - self.main_key.depth key_path = self.key_path if self.multisig and cosigner_id is not None and len(self.cosigner) > cosigner_id: key_path = self.cosigner[cosigner_id].key_path fullpath = path_expand(path, key_path, level_offset_key, account_id=account_id, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, purpose=self.purpose, address_index=address_index, change=change, witness_type=self.witness_type, network=network) if self.multisig and self.cosigner: public_keys = [] for wlt in self.cosigner: if wlt.scheme == 'single': wk = wlt.main_key else: wk = wlt.key_for_path(path, level_offset=level_offset, account_id=account_id, name=name, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, network=network, recreate=recreate) public_keys.append(wk) return self._new_key_multisig(public_keys, name, account_id, change, cosigner_id, network, address_index) # Check for closest ancestor in wallet\ wpath = fullpath if self.main_key.depth and fullpath and fullpath[0] != 'M': wpath = ["M"] + fullpath[self.main_key.depth + 1:] dbkey = None while wpath and not dbkey: qr = self._session.query(DbKey).filter_by(path=normalize_path('/'.join(wpath)), wallet_id=self.wallet_id) if recreate: qr = qr.filter_by(is_private=True) dbkey = qr.first() wpath = wpath[:-1] if not dbkey: _logger.warning("No master or public master key found in this wallet") return None else: topkey = self.key( # Key already found in db, return key if dbkey and dbkey.path == normalize_path('/'.join(fullpath)) and not recreate: return topkey else: # Create 1 or more keys add them to wallet nk = None parent_id = topkey.key_id ck = topkey.key() newpath = topkey.path n_items = len(str(dbkey.path).split('/')) for lvl in fullpath[n_items:]: ck = ck.subkey_for_path(lvl, network=network) newpath += '/' + lvl if not account_id: account_id = 0 if "account'" not in self.key_path or self.key_path.index("account'") >= len( fullpath) \ else int(fullpath[self.key_path.index("account'")][:-1]) change = None if "change" not in self.key_path or self.key_path.index("change") >= len(fullpath) \ else int(fullpath[self.key_path.index("change")]) if name and len(fullpath) == len(newpath.split('/')): key_name = name else: key_name = "%s %s" % (self.key_path[len(newpath.split('/'))-1], lvl) key_name = key_name.replace("'", "").replace("_", " ") nk = HDWalletKey.from_key(key=ck, name=key_name, wallet_id=self.wallet_id, account_id=account_id, change=change, purpose=self.purpose, path=newpath, parent_id=parent_id, encoding=self.encoding, witness_type=self.witness_type, cosigner_id=cosigner_id, network=network, session=self._session) self._key_objects.update({nk.key_id: nk}) parent_id = nk.key_id return nk
[docs] def keys(self, account_id=None, name=None, key_id=None, change=None, depth=None, used=None, is_private=None, has_balance=None, is_active=None, network=None, include_private=False, as_dict=False): """ Search for keys in database. Include 0 or more of account_id, name, key_id, change and depth. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> all_wallet_keys = w.keys() >>> w.keys(depth=0) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS [<DbKey(id=..., name='bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test', wif='xprv9s21ZrQH143K3cxbMVswDTYgAc9CeXABQjCD9zmXCpXw4MxN93LanEARbBmV3utHZS9Db4FX1C1RbC5KSNAjQ5WNJ1dDBJ34PjfiSgRvS8x'>] Returns a list of DbKey object or dictionary object if as_dict is True :param account_id: Search for account ID :type account_id: int :param name: Search for Name :type name: str :param key_id: Search for Key ID :type key_id: int :param change: Search for Change :type change: int :param depth: Only include keys with this depth :type depth: int :param used: Only return used or unused keys :type used: bool :param is_private: Only return private keys :type is_private: bool :param has_balance: Only include keys with a balance or without a balance, default is both :type has_balance: bool :param is_active: Hide inactive keys. Only include active keys with either a balance or which are unused, default is None (show all) :type is_active: bool :param network: Network name filter :type network: str :param include_private: Include private key information in dictionary :type include_private: bool :param as_dict: Return keys as dictionary objects. Default is False: DbKey objects :type as_dict: bool :return list: List of Keys """ qr = self._session.query(DbKey).filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id).order_by( if network is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.network_name == network) if account_id is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.account_id == account_id) if self.scheme == 'bip32' and depth is None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.depth >= 3) if change is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.change == change) if self.scheme == 'bip32' and depth is None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.depth > self.key_depth - 1) if depth is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.depth == depth) if name is not None: qr = qr.filter( == name) if key_id is not None: qr = qr.filter( == key_id) is_active = False elif used is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.used == used) if is_private is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.is_private == is_private) if has_balance is True and is_active is True: raise WalletError("Cannot use has_balance and is_active parameter together") if has_balance is not None: if has_balance: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.balance != 0) else: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.balance == 0) if is_active: # Unused keys and keys with a balance qr = qr.filter(or_(DbKey.balance != 0, DbKey.used.is_(False))) keys = qr.order_by(DbKey.depth).all() if as_dict: keys = [x.__dict__ for x in keys] keys2 = [] private_fields = [] if not include_private: private_fields += ['private', 'wif'] for key in keys: keys2.append({k: v for (k, v) in key.items() if k[:1] != '_' and k != 'wallet' and k not in private_fields}) return keys2 qr.session.close() return keys
[docs] def keys_networks(self, used=None, as_dict=False): """ Get keys of defined networks for this wallet. Wrapper for the :func:`keys` method >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> network_key = w.keys_networks() >>> # Address index of hardened key 0' is 2147483648 >>> network_key[0].address_index 2147483648 >>> network_key[0].path "m/44'/0'" :param used: Only return used or unused keys :type used: bool :param as_dict: Return as dictionary or DbKey object. Default is False: DbKey objects :type as_dict: bool :return list: DbKey or dictionaries """ if self.scheme != 'bip32': raise WalletError("The 'keys_network' method can only be used with BIP32 type wallets") try: depth = self.key_path.index("coin_type'") except ValueError: return [] if self.multisig and self.cosigner: _logger.warning("No network keys available for multisig wallet, use networks() method for list of networks") return self.keys(depth=depth, used=used, as_dict=as_dict)
[docs] def keys_accounts(self, account_id=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK, as_dict=False): """ Get Database records of account key(s) with for current wallet. Wrapper for the :func:`keys` method. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> account_key = w.keys_accounts() >>> account_key[0].path "m/44'/0'/0'" Returns nothing if no account keys are available for instance in multisig or single account wallets. In this case use :func:`accounts` method instead. :param account_id: Search for Account ID :type account_id: int :param network: Network name filter :type network: str :param as_dict: Return as dictionary or DbKey object. Default is False: DbKey objects :type as_dict: bool :return list: DbKey or dictionaries """ return self.keys(account_id, depth=self.depth_public_master, network=network, as_dict=as_dict)
[docs] def keys_addresses(self, account_id=None, used=None, is_active=None, change=None, network=None, depth=None, as_dict=False): """ Get address keys of specified account_id for current wallet. Wrapper for the :func:`keys` methods. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.keys_addresses()[0].address '16QaHuFkfuebXGcYHmehRXBBX7RG9NbtLg' :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param used: Only return used or unused keys :type used: bool :param is_active: Hide inactive keys. Only include active keys with either a balance or which are unused, default is True :type is_active: bool :param change: Search for Change :type change: int :param network: Network name filter :type network: str :param depth: Filter by key depth. Default for BIP44 and multisig is 5 :type depth: int :param as_dict: Return as dictionary or DbKey object. Default is False: DbKey objects :type as_dict: bool :return list: DbKey or dictionaries """ if depth is None: depth = self.key_depth return self.keys(account_id, depth=depth, used=used, change=change, is_active=is_active, network=network, as_dict=as_dict)
[docs] def keys_address_payment(self, account_id=None, used=None, network=None, as_dict=False): """ Get payment addresses (change=0) of specified account_id for current wallet. Wrapper for the :func:`keys` methods. :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param used: Only return used or unused keys :type used: bool :param network: Network name filter :type network: str :param as_dict: Return as dictionary or DbKey object. Default is False: DbKey objects :type as_dict: bool :return list: DbKey or dictionaries """ return self.keys(account_id, depth=self.key_depth, change=0, used=used, network=network, as_dict=as_dict)
[docs] def keys_address_change(self, account_id=None, used=None, network=None, as_dict=False): """ Get payment addresses (change=1) of specified account_id for current wallet. Wrapper for the :func:`keys` methods. :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param used: Only return used or unused keys :type used: bool :param network: Network name filter :type network: str :param as_dict: Return as dictionary or DbKey object. Default is False: DbKey objects :type as_dict: bool :return list: DbKey or dictionaries """ return self.keys(account_id, depth=self.key_depth, change=1, used=used, network=network, as_dict=as_dict)
[docs] def addresslist(self, account_id=None, used=None, network=None, change=None, depth=None, key_id=None): """ Get list of addresses defined in current wallet. Wrapper for the :func:`keys` methods. Use :func:`keys_addresses` method to receive full key objects >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.addresslist()[0] '16QaHuFkfuebXGcYHmehRXBBX7RG9NbtLg' :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param used: Only return used or unused keys :type used: bool, None :param network: Network name filter :type network: str :param change: Only include change addresses or not. Default is None which returns both :param depth: Filter by key depth. Default is None for standard key depth. Use -1 to show all keys :type depth: int :param key_id: Key ID to get address of just 1 key :type key_id: int :return list: List of address strings """ addresslist = [] if depth is None: depth = self.key_depth elif depth == -1: depth = None for key in self.keys(account_id=account_id, depth=depth, used=used, network=network, change=change, key_id=key_id, is_active=False): addresslist.append(key.address) return addresslist
[docs] def key(self, term): """ Return single key with given ID or name as HDWalletKey object >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.key('change 0').address '1HabJXe8mTwXiMzUWW5KdpYbFWu3hvtsbF' :param term: Search term can be key ID, key address, key WIF or key name :type term: int, str :return HDWalletKey: Single key as object """ dbkey = None qr = self._session.query(DbKey).filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id) if self.purpose: qr = qr.filter_by(purpose=self.purpose) if isinstance(term, numbers.Number): dbkey = qr.filter_by(id=term).scalar() if not dbkey: dbkey = qr.filter_by(address=term).first() if not dbkey: dbkey = qr.filter_by(wif=term).first() if not dbkey: dbkey = qr.filter_by(name=term).first() if dbkey: if in self._key_objects.keys(): return self._key_objects[] else: hdwltkey = HDWalletKey(, session=self._session) self._key_objects.update({ hdwltkey}) return hdwltkey else: raise BKeyError("Key '%s' not found" % term)
[docs] def account(self, account_id): """ Returns wallet key of specific BIP44 account. Account keys have a BIP44 path depth of 3 and have the format m/purpose'/network'/account' I.e: Use account(0).key().wif_public() to get wallet's public master key :param account_id: ID of account. Default is 0 :type account_id: int :return HDWalletKey: """ if "account'" not in self.key_path: raise WalletError("Accounts are not supported for this wallet. Account not found in key path %s" % self.key_path) qr = self._session.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, purpose=self.purpose,, account_id=account_id, depth=3).scalar() if not qr: raise WalletError("Account with ID %d not found in this wallet" % account_id) key_id = return self.key(key_id)
[docs] def accounts(self, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK): """ Get list of accounts for this wallet :param network: Network name filter. Default filter is DEFAULT_NETWORK :type network: str :return list of integers: List of accounts IDs """ if self.multisig and self.cosigner: if self.cosigner_id is None: raise WalletError("Missing Cosigner ID value for this wallet, cannot fetch account ID") accounts = [wk.account_id for wk in self.cosigner[self.cosigner_id].keys_accounts(network=network)] else: accounts = [wk.account_id for wk in self.keys_accounts(network=network)] if not accounts: accounts = [self.default_account_id] return list(set(accounts))
[docs] def networks(self, as_dict=False): """ Get list of networks used by this wallet :param as_dict: Return as dictionary or as Network objects, default is Network objects :type as_dict: bool :return list of (Network, dict): """ nw_list = [] if self.multisig and self.cosigner: keys_qr = self._session.query(DbKey.network_name).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, depth=self.key_depth).\ group_by(DbKey.network_name).all() nw_list += [Network(nw[0]) for nw in keys_qr] elif self.main_key.key_type != 'single': wks = self.keys_networks() for wk in wks: nw_list.append(Network(wk.network_name)) networks = [] nw_list = list(set(nw_list)) for nw in nw_list: if as_dict: nw = nw.__dict__ if '_sa_instance_state' in nw: del nw['_sa_instance_state'] networks.append(nw) return networks
[docs] def network_list(self, field='name'): """ Wrapper for :func:`networks` method, returns a flat list with currently used networks for this wallet. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.network_list() ['bitcoin'] :return list of str: """ return [getattr(x, field) for x in self.networks()]
[docs] def balance_update_from_serviceprovider(self, account_id=None, network=None): """ Update balance of currents account addresses using default Service objects :func:`getbalance` method. Update total wallet balance in database. Please Note: Does not update UTXO's or the balance per key! For this use the :func:`updatebalance` method instead :param account_id: Account ID. Leave empty for default account :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return int: Total balance """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) balance = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri).\ getbalance(self.addresslist(account_id=account_id, network=network)) if balance: new_balance = { 'account_id': account_id, 'network': network, 'balance': balance } old_balance_item = [bi for bi in self._balances if bi['network'] == network and bi['account_id'] == account_id] if old_balance_item: item_n = self._balances.index(old_balance_item[0]) self._balances[item_n] = new_balance else: self._balances.append(new_balance) return balance
[docs] def balance(self, account_id=None, network=None, as_string=False): """ Get total of unspent outputs :param account_id: Account ID filter :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param as_string: Set True to return a string in currency format. Default returns float. :type as_string: boolean :return float, str: Key balance """ self._balance_update(account_id, network) network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) balance = 0 b_res = [b['balance'] for b in self._balances if b['account_id'] == account_id and b['network'] == network] if len(b_res): balance = b_res[0] if as_string: return Network(network).print_value(balance) else: return float(balance)
def _balance_update(self, account_id=None, network=None, key_id=None, min_confirms=0): """ Update balance from UTXO's in database. To get most recent balance use :func:`utxos_update` first. Also updates balance of wallet and keys in this wallet for the specified account or all accounts if no account is specified. :param account_id: Account ID filter :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param key_id: Key ID Filter :type key_id: int :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmations needed to include in balance (default = 1) :type min_confirms: int :return: Updated balance """ qr = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput, func.sum(DbTransactionOutput.value), DbKey.network_name, DbKey.account_id).\ join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.confirmations >= min_confirms) if account_id is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.account_id == account_id) if network is not None: qr = qr.filter(DbKey.network_name == network) if key_id is not None: qr = qr.filter( == key_id) utxos = qr.group_by( DbTransactionOutput.key_id, DbTransactionOutput.transaction_id, DbTransactionOutput.output_n, DbKey.network_name, DbKey.account_id ).all() key_values = [ { 'id': utxo[0].key_id, 'network': utxo[2], 'account_id': utxo[3], 'balance': utxo[1] } for utxo in utxos ] grouper = itemgetter("id", "network", "account_id") key_balance_list = [] for key, grp in groupby(sorted(key_values, key=grouper), grouper): nw_acc_dict = dict(zip(["id", "network", "account_id"], key)) nw_acc_dict["balance"] = sum(item["balance"] for item in grp) key_balance_list.append(nw_acc_dict) grouper = itemgetter("network", "account_id") balance_list = [] for key, grp in groupby(sorted(key_balance_list, key=grouper), grouper): nw_acc_dict = dict(zip(["network", "account_id"], key)) nw_acc_dict["balance"] = sum(item["balance"] for item in grp) balance_list.append(nw_acc_dict) # Add keys with no UTXO's with 0 balance for key in self.keys(account_id=account_id, network=network, key_id=key_id): if not in [utxo[0].key_id for utxo in utxos]: key_balance_list.append({ 'id':, 'network': network, 'account_id': key.account_id, 'balance': 0 }) if not key_id: for bl in balance_list: bl_item = [b for b in self._balances if b['network'] == bl['network'] and b['account_id'] == bl['account_id']] if not bl_item: self._balances.append(bl) continue lx = self._balances.index(bl_item[0]) self._balances[lx].update(bl) self._balance = sum([b['balance'] for b in balance_list if b['network'] ==]) # Bulk update database self._session.bulk_update_mappings(DbKey, key_balance_list) self._commit()"Got balance for %d key(s)" % len(key_balance_list)) return self._balances
[docs] def utxos_update(self, account_id=None, used=None, networks=None, key_id=None, depth=None, change=None, utxos=None, update_balance=True, max_utxos=MAX_TRANSACTIONS, rescan_all=True): """ Update UTXO's (Unspent Outputs) for addresses/keys in this wallet using various Service providers. This method does not import transactions: use :func:`transactions_update` function or to look for new addresses use :func:`scan`. :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param used: Only check for UTXO for used or unused keys. Default is both :type used: bool :param networks: Network name filter as string or list of strings. Leave empty to update all used networks in wallet :type networks: str, list :param key_id: Key ID to just update 1 key :type key_id: int :param depth: Only update keys with this depth, default is depth 5 according to BIP0048 standard. Set depth to None to update all keys of this wallet. :type depth: int :param change: Only update change or normal keys, default is both (None) :type change: int :param utxos: List of unspent outputs in dictionary format specified below. For usage on an offline PC, you can import utxos with the utxos parameter as a list of dictionaries :type utxos: list of dict. .. code-block:: json { "address": "n2S9Czehjvdmpwd2YqekxuUC1Tz5ZdK3YN", "script": "", "confirmations": 10, "output_n": 1, "tx_hash": "9df91f89a3eb4259ce04af66ad4caf3c9a297feea5e0b3bc506898b6728c5003", "value": 8970937 } :param update_balance: Option to disable balance update after fetching UTXO's. Can be used when utxos_update method is called several times in a row. Default is True :type update_balance: bool :param max_utxos: Maximum number of UTXO's to update :type max_utxos: int :param rescan_all: Remove old utxo's and rescan wallet. Default is True. Set to False if you work with large utxo's sets. Value will be ignored if key_id is specified in your call :type rescan_all: bool :return int: Number of new UTXO's added """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults('', account_id, key_id) single_key = None if key_id: single_key = self._session.query(DbKey).filter_by(id=key_id).scalar() networks = [single_key.network_name] account_id = single_key.account_id rescan_all = False if networks is None: networks = self.network_list() elif not isinstance(networks, list): networks = [networks] elif len(networks) != 1 and utxos is not None: raise WalletError("Please specify maximum 1 network when passing utxo's") # Remove current UTXO's if rescan_all: cur_utxos = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).\ join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbKey.account_id == account_id, DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id).all() for u in cur_utxos: self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).filter_by( transaction_id=u.transaction_id, output_n=u.output_n).update({DbTransactionOutput.spent: True}) self._commit() count_utxos = 0 for network in networks: if account_id is None and not self.multisig: accounts = self.accounts(network=network) else: accounts = [account_id] for account_id in accounts: if depth is None: depth = self.key_depth if utxos is None: # Get all UTXO's for this wallet from default Service object addresslist = self.addresslist(account_id=account_id, used=used, network=network, key_id=key_id, change=change, depth=depth) random.shuffle(addresslist) srv = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) utxos = [] for address in addresslist: if rescan_all: last_txid = '' else: last_txid = self.utxo_last(address) new_utxos = srv.getutxos(address, after_txid=last_txid, limit=max_utxos) if new_utxos: utxos += new_utxos elif new_utxos is False: raise WalletError("No response from any service provider, could not update UTXO's. " "Errors: %s" % srv.errors) if srv.complete: self.last_updated = elif utxos and 'date' in utxos[-1:][0]: self.last_updated = utxos[-1:][0]['date'] # If UTXO is new, add to database otherwise update depth (confirmation count) for utxo in utxos: key = single_key if not single_key: key = self._session.query(DbKey).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, address=utxo['address']).scalar() if not key: raise WalletError("Key with address %s not found in this wallet" % utxo['address']) key.used = True status = 'unconfirmed' if utxo['confirmations']: status = 'confirmed' # Update confirmations in db if utxo was already imported transaction_in_db = self._session.query(DbTransaction).\ filter_by(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, hash=utxo['tx_hash'], utxo_in_db = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbTransaction).\ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.hash == utxo['tx_hash'], DbTransactionOutput.output_n == utxo['output_n']) spent_in_db = self._session.query(DbTransactionInput).join(DbTransaction).\ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransactionInput.prev_hash == utxo['tx_hash'], DbTransactionInput.output_n == utxo['output_n']) if utxo_in_db.count(): utxo_record = utxo_in_db.scalar() if not utxo_record.key_id: count_utxos += 1 utxo_record.key_id = utxo_record.spent = bool(spent_in_db.count()) if transaction_in_db.count(): transaction_record = transaction_in_db.scalar() transaction_record.confirmations = utxo['confirmations'] transaction_record.status = status else: # Add transaction if not exist and then add output if not transaction_in_db.count(): block_height = None if block_height in utxo and utxo['block_height']: block_height = utxo['block_height'] new_tx = DbTransaction(wallet_id=self.wallet_id, hash=utxo['tx_hash'], status=status, block_height=block_height, confirmations=utxo['confirmations'], self._session.add(new_tx) self._commit() tid = else: tid = transaction_in_db.scalar().id script_type = script_type_default(self.witness_type, multisig=self.multisig, locking_script=True) new_utxo = DbTransactionOutput(transaction_id=tid, output_n=utxo['output_n'], value=utxo['value'],, script=to_hexstring(utxo['script']), script_type=script_type, spent=bool(spent_in_db.count())) self._session.add(new_utxo) count_utxos += 1 self._commit()"Got %d new UTXOs for account %s" % (count_utxos, account_id)) self._commit() if update_balance: self._balance_update(account_id=account_id, network=network, key_id=key_id, min_confirms=0) utxos = None return count_utxos
[docs] def utxos(self, account_id=None, network=None, min_confirms=0, key_id=None): """ Get UTXO's (Unspent Outputs) from database. Use :func:`utxos_update` method first for updated values >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.utxos() # doctest:+SKIP [{'value': 100000000, 'script': '', 'output_n': 0, 'transaction_id': ..., 'spent': False, 'script_type': 'p2pkh', 'key_id': ..., 'address': '16QaHuFkfuebXGcYHmehRXBBX7RG9NbtLg', 'confirmations': 0, 'tx_hash': '748799c9047321cb27a6320a827f1f69d767fe889c14bf11f27549638d566fe4', 'network_name': 'bitcoin'}] :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmation needed to include in output list :type min_confirms: int :param key_id: Key ID to just get 1 key :type key_id: int :return list: List of transactions """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id, key_id) qr = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput, DbKey.address, DbTransaction.confirmations, DbTransaction.hash, DbKey.network_name).\ join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbKey.account_id == account_id, DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbKey.network_name == network, DbTransaction.confirmations >= min_confirms) if key_id is not None: qr = qr.filter( == key_id) utxos = qr.order_by(DbTransaction.confirmations.desc()).all() res = [] for utxo in utxos: u = utxo[0].__dict__ if '_sa_instance_state' in u: del u['_sa_instance_state'] u['address'] = utxo[1] u['confirmations'] = int(utxo[2]) u['tx_hash'] = utxo[3] u['network_name'] = utxo[4] res.append(u) return res
[docs] def utxo_add(self, address, value, tx_hash, output_n, confirmations=0, script=''): """ Add a single UTXO to the wallet database. To update all utxo's use :func:`utxos_update` method. Use this method for testing, offline wallets or if you wish to override standard method of retreiving UTXO's This method does not check if UTXO exists or is still spendable. :param address: Address of Unspent Output. Address should be available in wallet :type address: str :param value: Value of output in sathosis or smallest denominator for type of currency :type value: int :param tx_hash: Transaction hash or previous output as hex-string :type tx_hash: str :param output_n: Output number of previous transaction output :type output_n: int :param confirmations: Number of confirmations. Default is 0, unconfirmed :type confirmations: int :param script: Locking script of previous output as hex-string :type script: str :return int: Number of new UTXO's added, so 1 if successful """ utxo = { 'address': address, 'script': script, 'confirmations': confirmations, 'output_n': output_n, 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'value': value } return self.utxos_update(utxos=[utxo])
[docs] def utxo_last(self, address): """ Get transaction ID for latest utxo in database for given address >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.utxo_last('16QaHuFkfuebXGcYHmehRXBBX7RG9NbtLg') '748799c9047321cb27a6320a827f1f69d767fe889c14bf11f27549638d566fe4' :param address: The address :type address: str :return str: """ to = self._session.query( DbTransaction.hash, DbTransaction.confirmations). \ join(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbKey.address == address, DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False)). \ order_by(DbTransaction.confirmations).first() return '' if not to else to[0]
[docs] def transactions_update_confirmations(self): """ Update number of confirmations and status for transactions in database :return: """ network = srv = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) blockcount = srv.blockcount() db_txs = self._session.query(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.network_name == network, DbTransaction.block_height > 0).all() for db_tx in db_txs: self._session.query(DbTransaction).filter_by( \ update({DbTransaction.status: 'confirmed', DbTransaction.confirmations: (blockcount - DbTransaction.block_height) + 1}) self._commit()
[docs] def transactions_update_by_txids(self, txids): """ Update transaction or list or transaction for this wallet with provided transaction ID :param txids: Transaction ID, or list of transaction IDs :type txids: str, list of str, bytes, list of bytes :return: """ if not isinstance(txids, list): txids = [txids] txids = list(set(txids)) txs = [] srv = Service(, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) for txid in txids: tx = srv.gettransaction(to_hexstring(txid)) if tx: txs.append(tx) # TODO: Avoid duplicate code in this method and transaction_update() utxo_set = set() for t in txs: wt = HDWalletTransaction.from_transaction(self, t) utxos = [(to_hexstring(ti.prev_hash), ti.output_n_int) for ti in wt.inputs] utxo_set.update(utxos) for utxo in list(utxo_set): tos = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.hash == utxo[0], DbTransactionOutput.output_n == utxo[1], DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False)).all() for u in tos: u.spent = True self._commit()
# self._balance_update(account_id=account_id, network=network, key_id=key_id)
[docs] def transactions_update(self, account_id=None, used=None, network=None, key_id=None, depth=None, change=None, limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS): """ Update wallets transaction from service providers. Get all transactions for known keys in this wallet. The balances and unspent outputs (UTXO's) are updated as well. Only scan keys from default network and account unless another network or account is specified. Use the :func:`scan` method for automatic address generation/management, and use the :func:`utxos_update` method to only look for unspent outputs and balances. :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param used: Only update used or unused keys, specify None to update both. Default is None :type used: bool, None :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param key_id: Key ID to just update 1 key :type key_id: int :param depth: Only update keys with this depth, default is depth 5 according to BIP0048 standard. Set depth to None to update all keys of this wallet. :type depth: int :param change: Only update change or normal keys, default is both (None) :type change: int :param limit: Stop update after limit transactions to avoid timeouts with service providers. Default is MAX_TRANSACTIONS defined in :type limit: int :return bool: True if all transactions are updated """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id, key_id) if depth is None: depth = self.key_depth # Update number of confirmations and status for already known transactions if not key_id: self.transactions_update_confirmations() srv = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) blockcount = srv.blockcount() db_txs = self._session.query(DbTransaction).\ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.network_name == network, DbTransaction.block_height > 0).all() for db_tx in db_txs: self._session.query(DbTransaction).filter_by(\ update({DbTransaction.status: 'confirmed', DbTransaction.confirmations: (blockcount - DbTransaction.block_height) + 1}) self._commit() # Get transactions for wallet's addresses txs = [] addresslist = self.addresslist( account_id=account_id, used=used, network=network, key_id=key_id, change=change, depth=depth) last_updated = for address in addresslist: txs += srv.gettransactions(address, limit=limit, after_txid=self.transaction_last(address)) if not srv.complete: if txs and txs[-1].date and txs[-1].date < last_updated: last_updated = txs[-1].date if txs and txs[-1].confirmations: dbkey = self._session.query(DbKey).filter(DbKey.address == address, DbKey.wallet_id == self.wallet_id) if not dbkey.update({DbKey.latest_txid: txs[-1].txid}): raise WalletError("Failed to update latest transaction id for key with address %s" % address) self._commit() if txs is False: raise WalletError("No response from any service provider, could not update transactions") # Update Transaction outputs to get list of unspent outputs (UTXO's) utxo_set = set() for t in txs: wt = HDWalletTransaction.from_transaction(self, t) utxos = [(to_hexstring(ti.prev_hash), ti.output_n_int) for ti in wt.inputs] utxo_set.update(utxos) for utxo in list(utxo_set): tos = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbTransaction).\ filter(DbTransaction.hash == utxo[0], DbTransactionOutput.output_n == utxo[1], DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id).all() for u in tos: u.spent = True self.last_updated = last_updated self._commit() self._balance_update(account_id=account_id, network=network, key_id=key_id) return len(txs)
[docs] def transaction_last(self, address): """ Get transaction ID for latest transaction in database for given address :param address: The address :type address: str :return str: """ txid = self._session.query(DbKey.latest_txid).\ filter(DbKey.address == address, DbKey.wallet_id == self.wallet_id).scalar() return txid if txid else ''
[docs] def transactions(self, account_id=None, network=None, include_new=False, key_id=None, as_dict=False): """ Get all known transactions input and outputs for this wallet. The transaction only includes the inputs and outputs related to this wallet. To get full transactions use the :func:`transactions_full` method. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.transactions() [<HDWalletTransaction(input_count=0, output_count=1, status=unconfirmed, network=bitcoin)>] :param account_id: Filter by Account ID. Leave empty for default account_id :type account_id: int, None :param network: Filter by network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str, None :param include_new: Also include new and incomplete transactions in list. Default is False :type include_new: bool :param key_id: Filter by key ID :type key_id: int, None :param as_dict: Output as dictionary or HDWalletTransaction object :type as_dict: bool :return list of HDWalletTransaction: List of HDWalletTransaction or transactions as dictionary """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id, key_id) # Transaction inputs qr = self._session.query(DbTransactionInput, DbKey.address, DbTransaction.confirmations, DbTransaction.hash, DbKey.network_name, DbTransaction.status). \ join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbKey.account_id == account_id, DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbKey.network_name == network) if key_id is not None: qr = qr.filter( == key_id) if not include_new: qr = qr.filter(or_(DbTransaction.status == 'confirmed', DbTransaction.status == 'unconfirmed')) txs = qr.all() # Transaction outputs # TODO: Add account_id to DbTransaction and remove DbKey dependency qr = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput, DbKey.address, DbTransaction.confirmations, DbTransaction.hash, DbKey.network_name, DbTransaction.status). \ join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbKey.account_id == account_id, DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbKey.network_name == network) if key_id is not None: qr = qr.filter( == key_id) if not include_new: qr = qr.filter(or_(DbTransaction.status == 'confirmed', DbTransaction.status == 'unconfirmed')) txs += qr.all() txs = sorted(txs, key=lambda k: (k[2], pow(10, 20)-k[0].transaction_id, k[3]), reverse=True) res = [] tx_hashes = [] for tx in txs: txid = tx[3] if as_dict: u = tx[0].__dict__ u['block_height'] = tx[0].transaction.block_height u['date'] = tx[0] if '_sa_instance_state' in u: del u['_sa_instance_state'] u['address'] = tx[1] u['confirmations'] = None if tx[2] is None else int(tx[2]) u['tx_hash'] = txid u['network_name'] = tx[4] u['status'] = tx[5] if 'index_n' in u: u['is_output'] = True u['value'] = -u['value'] else: u['is_output'] = False else: if txid in tx_hashes: continue tx_hashes.append(txid) u = self.transaction(txid) res.append(u) return res
[docs] def transactions_full(self, network=None, include_new=False): """ Get all transactions of this wallet as HDWalletTransaction objects Use the :func:`transactions` method to only get the inputs and outputs transaction parts related to this wallet :param network: Filter by network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param include_new: Also include new and incomplete transactions in list. Default is False :type include_new: bool :return list of HDWalletTransaction: """ # TODO: Add account_id to DbTransaction network, _, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network) qr = self._session.query(DbTransaction.hash, DbTransaction.network_name, DbTransaction.status). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.network_name == network) if not include_new: qr = qr.filter(or_(DbTransaction.status == 'confirmed', DbTransaction.status == 'unconfirmed')) txs = [] for tx in qr.all(): txs.append(self.transaction(tx[0])) return txs
[docs] def transactions_export(self, account_id=None, network=None, include_new=False, key_id=None): """ Export wallets transactions as list of tuples with the following fields: (transaction_date, transaction_hash, in/out, addresses_in, addresses_out, value, value_cumulative, fee) :param account_id: Filter by Account ID. Leave empty for default account_id :type account_id: int, None :param network: Filter by network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str, None :param include_new: Also include new and incomplete transactions in list. Default is False :type include_new: bool :param key_id: Filter by key ID :type key_id: int, None :return list of tuple: """ txs_tuples = [] cumulative_value = 0 for t in self.transactions(account_id, network, include_new, key_id): te = t.export() # When transaction is outgoing deduct fee from cumulative value if t.outgoing_tx: cumulative_value -= t.fee # Loop through all transaction inputs and outputs for tei in te: # Create string with list of inputs addresses for incoming transactions, and outputs addresses # for outgoing txs addr_list_in = tei[3] if isinstance(tei[3], list) else [tei[3]] addr_list_out = tei[4] if isinstance(tei[4], list) else [tei[4]] cumulative_value += tei[5] txs_tuples.append((tei[0], tei[1], tei[2], addr_list_in, addr_list_out, tei[5], cumulative_value, tei[6])) return txs_tuples
[docs] def transaction(self, txid): """ Get HDWalletTransaction object for given transaction ID (transaction hash) :param txid: Hexadecimal transaction hash :type txid: str :return HDWalletTransaction: """ return HDWalletTransaction.from_txid(self, txid)
[docs] def transaction_spent(self, txid, output_n): """ Check if transaction with given transaction ID and output_n is spent and return txid of spent transaction. Retrieves information from database, does not update transaction and does not check if transaction is spent with service providers. :param txid: Hexadecimal transaction hash :type txid: str, bytes :param output_n: Output n :type output_n: int, bytes :return str: Transaction ID """ txid = to_hexstring(txid) if isinstance(output_n, bytes): output_n = struct.unpack('>I', output_n)[0] qr = self._session.query(DbTransactionInput, DbTransaction.confirmations, DbTransaction.hash, DbTransaction.status). \ join(DbTransaction). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransactionInput.prev_hash == txid, DbTransactionInput.output_n == output_n).scalar() if qr: return qr.transaction.hash
def _objects_by_key_id(self, key_id): key = self._session.query(DbKey).filter_by(id=key_id).scalar() if not key: raise WalletError("Key '%s' not found in this wallet" % key_id) if key.key_type == 'multisig': inp_keys = [HDKey(ck.child_key.wif, network=ck.child_key.network_name) for ck in key.multisig_children] elif key.key_type in ['bip32', 'single']: if not key.wif: raise WalletError("WIF of key is empty cannot create HDKey") inp_keys = [HDKey(key.wif, compressed=key.compressed, network=key.network_name)] else: raise WalletError("Input key type %s not supported" % key.key_type) return inp_keys, key
[docs] def select_inputs(self, amount, variance=None, input_key_id=None, account_id=None, network=None, min_confirms=0, max_utxos=None, return_input_obj=True): """ Select available unspent transaction outputs (UTXO's) which can be used as inputs for a transaction for the specified amount. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.select_inputs(50000000) [<Input(prev_hash='748799c9047321cb27a6320a827f1f69d767fe889c14bf11f27549638d566fe4', output_n=0, address='16QaHuFkfuebXGcYHmehRXBBX7RG9NbtLg', index_n=0, type='sig_pubkey')>] :param amount: Total value of inputs in smallest denominator (sathosi) to select :type amount: int :param variance: Allowed difference in total input value. Default is dust amount of selected network. :type variance: int :param input_key_id: Limit UTXO's search for inputs to this key_id. Only valid if no input array is specified :type input_key_id: int :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmation needed for an UTXO before it will included in inputs. Default is 0 confirmations. Option is ignored if input_arr is provided. :type min_confirms: int :param max_utxos: Maximum number of UTXO's to use. Set to 1 for optimal privacy. Default is None: No maximum :type max_utxos: int :param return_input_obj: Return inputs as Input class object. Default is True :type return_input_obj: bool :return: List of previous outputs :rtype: list of DbTransactionOutput, list of Input """ network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) if variance is None: variance = utxo_query = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbKey.account_id == account_id, DbKey.network_name == network, DbKey.public != '', DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbTransaction.confirmations >= min_confirms) if input_key_id: utxo_query = utxo_query.filter( == input_key_id) utxos = utxo_query.order_by(DbTransaction.confirmations.desc()).all() if not utxos: raise WalletError("Create transaction: No unspent transaction outputs found or no key available for UTXO's") # TODO: Find 1 or 2 UTXO's with exact amount +/- # Try to find one utxo with exact amount one_utxo = utxo_query.filter(DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbTransactionOutput.value >= amount, DbTransactionOutput.value <= amount + variance).first() selected_utxos = [] if one_utxo: selected_utxos = [one_utxo] else: # Try to find one utxo with higher amount one_utxo = utxo_query. \ filter(DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbTransactionOutput.value >= amount).\ order_by(DbTransactionOutput.value).first() if one_utxo: selected_utxos = [one_utxo] elif max_utxos and max_utxos <= 1:"No single UTXO found with requested amount, use higher 'max_utxo' setting to use " "multiple UTXO's") return [] # Otherwise compose of 2 or more lesser outputs if not selected_utxos: lessers = utxo_query. \ filter(DbTransactionOutput.spent.is_(False), DbTransactionOutput.value < amount).\ order_by(DbTransactionOutput.value.desc()).all() total_amount = 0 selected_utxos = [] for utxo in lessers[:max_utxos]: if total_amount < amount: selected_utxos.append(utxo) total_amount += utxo.value if total_amount < amount: return [] if not return_input_obj: return selected_utxos else: inputs = [] for utxo in selected_utxos: # amount_total_input += utxo.value inp_keys, key = self._objects_by_key_id(utxo.key_id) multisig = False if len(inp_keys) < 2 else True script_type = get_unlocking_script_type(utxo.script_type, multisig=multisig) inputs.append(Input(utxo.transaction.hash, utxo.output_n, keys=inp_keys, script_type=script_type, sigs_required=self.multisig_n_required, sort=self.sort_keys, address=key.address, compressed=key.compressed, value=utxo.value, network=key.network_name)) return inputs
[docs] def transaction_create(self, output_arr, input_arr=None, input_key_id=None, account_id=None, network=None, fee=None, min_confirms=0, max_utxos=None, locktime=0): """ Create new transaction with specified outputs. Inputs can be specified but if not provided they will be selected from wallets utxo's with :func:`select_inputs` method. Output array is a list of 1 or more addresses and amounts. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> t = w.transaction_create([('1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb', 200000)]) >>> t <HDWalletTransaction(input_count=1, output_count=2, status=new, network=bitcoin)> >>> t.outputs # doctest:+ELLIPSIS [<Output(value=200000, address=1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb, type=p2pkh)>, <Output(value=..., address=..., type=p2pkh)>] :param output_arr: List of output as Output objects or tuples with address and amount. Must contain at least one item. Example: [('mxdLD8SAGS9fe2EeCXALDHcdTTbppMHp8N', 5000000)] :type output_arr: list of Output, tuple :param input_arr: List of inputs as Input objects or tuples with reference to a UTXO, a wallet key and value. The format is [(tx_hash, output_n, key_ids, value, signatures, unlocking_script, address)] :type input_arr: list of Input, tuple :param input_key_id: Limit UTXO's search for inputs to this key_id. Only valid if no input array is specified :type input_key_id: int :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param fee: Set fee manually, leave empty to calculate fees automatically. Set fees in smallest currency denominator, for example satoshi's if you are using bitcoins :type fee: int :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmation needed for an UTXO before it will included in inputs. Default is 0 confirmations. Option is ignored if input_arr is provided. :type min_confirms: int :param max_utxos: Maximum number of UTXO's to use. Set to 1 for optimal privacy. Default is None: No maximum :type max_utxos: int :param locktime: Transaction level locktime. Locks the transaction until a specified block (value from 1 to 5 million) or until a certain time (Timestamp in seconds after 1-jan-1970). Default value is 0 for transactions without locktime :type locktime: int :return HDWalletTransaction: object """ amount_total_output = 0 network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) if input_arr and max_utxos and len(input_arr) > max_utxos: raise WalletError("Input array contains %d UTXO's but max_utxos=%d parameter specified" % (len(input_arr), max_utxos)) # Create transaction and add outputs transaction = HDWalletTransaction(hdwallet=self, network=network, locktime=locktime) transaction.outgoing_tx = True if not isinstance(output_arr, list): raise WalletError("Output array must be a list of tuples with address and amount. " "Use 'send_to' method to send to one address") for o in output_arr: if isinstance(o, Output): transaction.outputs.append(o) amount_total_output += o.value else: amount_total_output += o[1] addr = o[0] if isinstance(addr, HDWalletKey): addr = addr.key() transaction.add_output(o[1], addr) srv = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) transaction.fee_per_kb = None if fee is None: if not input_arr: transaction.fee_per_kb = srv.estimatefee() fee_estimate = (transaction.estimate_size(add_change_output=True) / 1024.0 * transaction.fee_per_kb) if fee_estimate < fee_estimate = else: fee_estimate = 0 else: fee_estimate = fee # Add inputs sequence = 0xffffffff if 0 < transaction.locktime < 0xffffffff: sequence = 0xfffffffe amount_total_input = 0 if input_arr is None: selected_utxos = self.select_inputs(amount_total_output + fee_estimate,, input_key_id, account_id, network, min_confirms, max_utxos, False) if not selected_utxos: raise WalletError("Not enough unspent transaction outputs found") for utxo in selected_utxos: amount_total_input += utxo.value inp_keys, key = self._objects_by_key_id(utxo.key_id) multisig = False if isinstance(inp_keys, list) and len(inp_keys) < 2 else True unlock_script_type = get_unlocking_script_type(utxo.script_type, self.witness_type, multisig=multisig) transaction.add_input(utxo.transaction.hash, utxo.output_n, keys=inp_keys, script_type=unlock_script_type, sigs_required=self.multisig_n_required, sort=self.sort_keys, compressed=key.compressed, value=utxo.value, address=utxo.key.address, sequence=sequence, key_path=utxo.key.path, witness_type=self.witness_type) # FIXME: Missing locktime_cltv=locktime_cltv, locktime_csv=locktime_csv (?) else: for inp in input_arr: locktime_cltv = None locktime_csv = None unlocking_script_unsigned = None unlocking_script_type = '' if isinstance(inp, Input): prev_hash = inp.prev_hash output_n = inp.output_n key_id = None value = inp.value signatures = inp.signatures unlocking_script = inp.unlocking_script unlocking_script_unsigned = inp.unlocking_script_unsigned unlocking_script_type = inp.script_type address = inp.address sequence = inp.sequence locktime_cltv = inp.locktime_cltv locktime_csv = inp.locktime_csv # elif isinstance(inp, DbTransactionOutput): # prev_hash = inp.transaction.hash # output_n = inp.output_n # key_id = inp.key_id # value = inp.value # signatures = None # # FIXME: This is probably not an unlocking_script # unlocking_script = inp.script # unlocking_script_type = get_unlocking_script_type(inp.script_type) # address = inp.key.address else: prev_hash = inp[0] output_n = inp[1] key_id = None if len(inp) <= 2 else inp[2] value = 0 if len(inp) <= 3 else inp[3] signatures = None if len(inp) <= 4 else inp[4] unlocking_script = b'' if len(inp) <= 5 else inp[5] address = '' if len(inp) <= 6 else inp[6] # Get key_ids, value from Db if not specified if not (key_id and value and unlocking_script_type): if not isinstance(output_n, TYPE_INT): output_n = struct.unpack('>I', output_n)[0] inp_utxo = self._session.query(DbTransactionOutput).join(DbTransaction).join(DbKey). \ filter(DbTransaction.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbTransaction.hash == to_hexstring(prev_hash), DbTransactionOutput.output_n == output_n).first() if inp_utxo: key_id = inp_utxo.key_id value = inp_utxo.value address = inp_utxo.key.address unlocking_script_type = get_unlocking_script_type(inp_utxo.script_type, multisig=self.multisig) # witness_type = inp_utxo.witness_type else:"UTXO %s not found in this wallet. Please update UTXO's if this is not an " "offline wallet" % to_hexstring(prev_hash)) key_id = self._session.query(\ filter(DbKey.wallet_id == self.wallet_id, DbKey.address == address).scalar() if not key_id: raise WalletError("UTXO %s and key with address %s not found in this wallet" % ( to_hexstring(prev_hash), address)) if not value: raise WalletError("Input value is zero for address %s. Import or update UTXO's first " "or import transaction as dictionary" % address) amount_total_input += value inp_keys, key = self._objects_by_key_id(key_id) transaction.add_input(prev_hash, output_n, keys=inp_keys, script_type=unlocking_script_type, sigs_required=self.multisig_n_required, sort=self.sort_keys, compressed=key.compressed, value=value, signatures=signatures, unlocking_script=unlocking_script, address=address, unlocking_script_unsigned=unlocking_script_unsigned, sequence=sequence, locktime_cltv=locktime_cltv, locktime_csv=locktime_csv, witness_type=self.witness_type, key_path=key.path) # Calculate fees transaction.fee = fee fee_per_output = None transaction.size = transaction.estimate_size(add_change_output=True) if fee is None: if not input_arr: if not transaction.fee_per_kb: transaction.fee_per_kb = srv.estimatefee() if transaction.fee_per_kb < transaction.fee_per_kb = transaction.fee = int((transaction.size / 1024.0) * transaction.fee_per_kb) fee_per_output = int((50 / 1024.0) * transaction.fee_per_kb) else: if amount_total_output and amount_total_input: fee = False else: transaction.fee = 0 if fee is False: transaction.change = 0 transaction.fee = int(amount_total_input - amount_total_output) else: transaction.change = int(amount_total_input - (amount_total_output + transaction.fee)) # Skip change if amount is smaller then the dust limit or estimated fee if (fee_per_output and transaction.change < fee_per_output) or transaction.change <= transaction.fee += transaction.change transaction.change = 0 if transaction.change < 0: raise WalletError("Total amount of outputs is greater then total amount of inputs") if transaction.change: ck = self.get_key(account_id=account_id, network=network, change=1) on = transaction.add_output(transaction.change, ck.address, encoding=self.encoding) transaction.outputs[on].key_id = ck.key_id amount_total_output += transaction.change transaction.hash = transaction.signature_hash()[::-1] if not transaction.fee_per_kb: transaction.fee_per_kb = int((transaction.fee * 1024.0) / transaction.size) if transaction.fee_per_kb < raise WalletError("Fee per kB of %d is lower then minimal network fee of %d" % (transaction.fee_per_kb, elif transaction.fee_per_kb > raise WalletError("Fee per kB of %d is higher then maximum network fee of %d" % (transaction.fee_per_kb, return transaction
[docs] def transaction_import(self, t): """ Import a Transaction into this wallet. Link inputs to wallet keys if possible and return HDWalletTransaction object. Only imports Transaction objects or dictionaries, use :func:`transaction_import_raw` method to import a raw transaction. :param t: A Transaction object or dictionary :type t: Transaction, dict :return HDWalletTransaction: """ if isinstance(t, Transaction): rt = self.transaction_create(t.outputs, t.inputs, fee=t.fee, if t.size: rt.size = t.size else: rt.size = len(t.raw()) rt.vsize = t.vsize if not t.vsize: rt.vsize = rt.size rt.fee_per_kb = int((rt.fee / float(rt.size)) * 1024) rt.block_height = t.block_height rt.confirmations = t.confirmations rt.witness_type = t.witness_type = rt.hash = t.hash rt._txid = t._txid # TODO: Include all fields elif isinstance(t, dict): output_arr = [] for o in t['outputs']: output_arr.append((o['address'], int(o['value']))) input_arr = [] for i in t['inputs']: signatures = [to_bytes(sig) for sig in i['signatures']] script = b'' if 'script' not in i else i['script'] address = '' if 'address' not in i else i['address'] input_arr.append((i['prev_hash'], i['output_n'], None, int(i['value']), signatures, script, address)) rt = self.transaction_create(output_arr, input_arr, fee=t['fee'], network=t['network']) rt.vsize = t['vsize'] rt.size = t['size'] rt.fee_per_kb = int((rt.fee / float(rt.size)) * 1024) else: raise WalletError("Import transaction must be of type Transaction or dict") rt.verify() return rt
[docs] def transaction_import_raw(self, raw_tx, network=None): """ Import a raw transaction. Link inputs to wallet keys if possible and return HDWalletTransaction object :param raw_tx: Raw transaction :type raw_tx: str, bytes :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return HDWalletTransaction: """ if network is None: network = t_import = Transaction.import_raw(raw_tx, network=network) rt = self.transaction_create(t_import.outputs, t_import.inputs, network=network) rt.verify() rt.size = rt.vsize = len(raw_tx) rt.fee_per_kb = int((rt.fee / float(rt.size)) * 1024) return rt
[docs] def send(self, output_arr, input_arr=None, input_key_id=None, account_id=None, network=None, fee=None, min_confirms=0, priv_keys=None, max_utxos=None, locktime=0, offline=False): """ Create a new transaction with specified outputs and push it to the network. Inputs can be specified but if not provided they will be selected from wallets utxo's Output array is a list of 1 or more addresses and amounts. Uses the :func:`transaction_create` method to create a new transaction, and uses a random service client to send the transaction. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> t = w.send([('1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb', 200000)], offline=True) >>> t <HDWalletTransaction(input_count=1, output_count=2, status=new, network=bitcoin)> >>> t.outputs # doctest:+ELLIPSIS [<Output(value=200000, address=1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb, type=p2pkh)>, <Output(value=..., address=..., type=p2pkh)>] :param output_arr: List of output tuples with address and amount. Must contain at least one item. Example: [('mxdLD8SAGS9fe2EeCXALDHcdTTbppMHp8N', 5000000)]. Address can be an address string, Address object, HDKey object or HDWalletKey object :type output_arr: list :param input_arr: List of inputs tuples with reference to a UTXO, a wallet key and value. The format is [(tx_hash, output_n, key_id, value)] :type input_arr: list :param input_key_id: Limit UTXO's search for inputs to this key_id. Only valid if no input array is specified :type input_key_id: int :param account_id: Account ID :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param fee: Set fee manually, leave empty to calculate fees automatically. Set fees in smallest currency denominator, for example satoshi's if you are using bitcoins :type fee: int :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmation needed for an UTXO before it will included in inputs. Default is 0. Option is ignored if input_arr is provided. :type min_confirms: int :param priv_keys: Specify extra private key if not available in this wallet :type priv_keys: HDKey, list :param max_utxos: Maximum number of UTXO's to use. Set to 1 for optimal privacy. Default is None: No maximum :type max_utxos: int :param locktime: Transaction level locktime. Locks the transaction until a specified block (value from 1 to 5 million) or until a certain time (Timestamp in seconds after 1-jan-1970). Default value is 0 for transactions without locktime :type locktime: int :param offline: Just return the transaction object and do not send it when offline = True. Default is False :type offline: bool :return HDWalletTransaction: """ network, account_id, _ = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) if input_arr and max_utxos and len(input_arr) > max_utxos: raise WalletError("Input array contains %d UTXO's but max_utxos=%d parameter specified" % (len(input_arr), max_utxos)) transaction = self.transaction_create(output_arr, input_arr, input_key_id, account_id, network, fee, min_confirms, max_utxos, locktime) transaction.sign(priv_keys) # Calculate exact fees and update change output if necessary if fee is None and transaction.fee_per_kb and transaction.change: fee_exact = transaction.calculate_fee() # Recreate transaction if fee estimation more then 10% off if fee_exact and abs((float(transaction.fee) - float(fee_exact)) / float(fee_exact)) > 0.10:"Transaction fee not correctly estimated (est.: %d, real: %d). " "Recreate transaction with correct fee" % (transaction.fee, fee_exact)) transaction = self.transaction_create(output_arr, input_arr, input_key_id, account_id, network, fee_exact, min_confirms, max_utxos, locktime) transaction.sign(priv_keys) transaction.fee_per_kb = int(float(transaction.fee) / float(transaction.size) * 1024) transaction.hash = transaction.signature_hash()[::-1] transaction.send(offline) return transaction
[docs] def send_to(self, to_address, amount, input_key_id=None, account_id=None, network=None, fee=None, min_confirms=0, priv_keys=None, locktime=0, offline=False): """ Create transaction and send it with default Service objects :func:`services.sendrawtransaction` method. Wrapper for wallet :func:`send` method. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> t = w.send_to('1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb', 200000, offline=True) >>> t <HDWalletTransaction(input_count=1, output_count=2, status=new, network=bitcoin)> >>> t.outputs # doctest:+ELLIPSIS [<Output(value=200000, address=1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb, type=p2pkh)>, <Output(value=..., address=..., type=p2pkh)>] :param to_address: Single output address as string Address object, HDKey object or HDWalletKey object :type to_address: str, Address, HDKey, HDWalletKey :param amount: Output is smallest denominator for this network (ie: Satoshi's for Bitcoin) :type amount: int :param input_key_id: Limit UTXO's search for inputs to this key_id. Only valid if no input array is specified :type input_key_id: int :param account_id: Account ID, default is last used :type account_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param fee: Fee to use for this transaction. Leave empty to automatically estimate. :type fee: int :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmation needed for an UTXO before it will included in inputs. Default is 0. Option is ignored if input_arr is provided. :type min_confirms: int :param priv_keys: Specify extra private key if not available in this wallet :type priv_keys: HDKey, list :param locktime: Transaction level locktime. Locks the transaction until a specified block (value from 1 to 5 million) or until a certain time (Timestamp in seconds after 1-jan-1970). Default value is 0 for transactions without locktime :type locktime: int :param offline: Just return the transaction object and do not send it when offline = True. Default is False :type offline: bool :return HDWalletTransaction: """ outputs = [(to_address, amount)] return self.send(outputs, input_key_id=input_key_id, account_id=account_id, network=network, fee=fee, min_confirms=min_confirms, priv_keys=priv_keys, locktime=locktime, offline=offline)
[docs] def sweep(self, to_address, account_id=None, input_key_id=None, network=None, max_utxos=999, min_confirms=0, fee_per_kb=None, fee=None, locktime=0, offline=False): """ Sweep all unspent transaction outputs (UTXO's) and send them to one output address. Wrapper for the :func:`send` method. >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> t = w.sweep('1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb', offline=True) >>> t <HDWalletTransaction(input_count=1, output_count=1, status=new, network=bitcoin)> >>> t.outputs # doctest:+ELLIPSIS [<Output(value=..., address=1J9GDZMKEr3ZTj8q6pwtMy4Arvt92FDBTb, type=p2pkh)>] :param to_address: Single output address :type to_address: str :param account_id: Wallet's account ID :type account_id: int :param input_key_id: Limit sweep to UTXO's with this key_id :type input_key_id: int :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :param max_utxos: Limit maximum number of outputs to use. Default is 999 :type max_utxos: int :param min_confirms: Minimal confirmations needed to include utxo :type min_confirms: int :param fee_per_kb: Fee per kilobyte transaction size, leave empty to get estimated fee costs from Service provider. This option is ignored when the 'fee' option is specified :type fee_per_kb: int :param fee: Total transaction fee in smallest denominator (i.e. satoshis). Leave empty to get estimated fee from service providers. :type fee: int :param locktime: Transaction level locktime. Locks the transaction until a specified block (value from 1 to 5 million) or until a certain time (Timestamp in seconds after 1-jan-1970). Default value is 0 for transactions without locktime :type locktime: int :param offline: Just return the transaction object and do not send it when offline = True. Default is False :type offline: bool :return HDWalletTransaction: """ network, account_id, acckey = self._get_account_defaults(network, account_id) utxos = self.utxos(account_id=account_id, network=network, min_confirms=min_confirms, key_id=input_key_id) utxos = utxos[0:max_utxos] input_arr = [] total_amount = 0 if not utxos: raise WalletError("Cannot sweep wallet, no UTXO's found") for utxo in utxos: # Skip dust transactions if utxo['value'] <= continue input_arr.append((utxo['tx_hash'], utxo['output_n'], utxo['key_id'], utxo['value'])) total_amount += utxo['value'] srv = Service(network=network, providers=self.providers, cache_uri=self.db_cache_uri) if not fee: if fee_per_kb is None: fee_per_kb = srv.estimatefee() tr_size = 125 + (len(input_arr) * 125) fee = int((tr_size / 1024.0) * fee_per_kb) if total_amount - fee <= raise WalletError("Amount to send is smaller then dust amount: %s" % (total_amount - fee)) return self.send([(to_address, total_amount - fee)], input_arr, network=network, fee=fee, min_confirms=min_confirms, locktime=locktime, offline=offline)
[docs] def wif(self, is_private=False, account_id=0): """ Return Wallet Import Format string for master private or public key which can be used to import key and recreate wallet in other software. A list of keys will be exported for a multisig wallet. :param is_private: Export public or private key, default is False :type is_private: bool :param account_id: Account ID of key to export :type account_id: bool :return list, str: """ if not self.multisig or not self.cosigner: if is_private and self.main_key: return self.main_key.wif else: return self.public_master(account_id=account_id).key().\ wif(is_private=is_private, witness_type=self.witness_type, multisig=self.multisig) else: wiflist = [] for cs in self.cosigner: wiflist.append(cs.wif(is_private=is_private)) return wiflist
[docs] def public_master(self, account_id=None, name=None, as_private=False, network=None): """ Return public master key(s) for this wallet. Use to import in other wallets to sign transactions or create keys. For a multisig wallet all public master keys are return as list. Returns private key information if available and as_private is True is specified >>> w = HDWallet('bitcoinlib_legacy_wallet_test') >>> w.public_master().wif 'xpub6D2qEr8Z8WYKKns2xZYyyvvRviPh1NKt1kfHwwfiTxJwj7peReEJt3iXoWWsr8tXWTsejDjMfAezM53KVFVkSZzA5i2pNy3otprtYUvh4u1' :param account_id: Account ID of key to export :type account_id: int :param name: Optional name for account key :type name: str :param as_private: Export public or private key, default is False :type as_private: bool :param network: Network name. Leave empty for default network :type network: str :return list of HDWalletKey, HDWalletKey: """ if self.main_key and self.main_key.key_type == 'single': key = self.main_key return key if as_private else key.public() elif not self.cosigner: depth = -self.key_depth + self.depth_public_master key = self.key_for_path([], depth, name=name, account_id=account_id, network=network, cosigner_id=self.cosigner_id) return key if as_private else key.public() else: pm_list = [] for cs in self.cosigner: pm_list.append(cs.public_master(account_id, name, as_private, network)) return pm_list
[docs] def info(self, detail=3): """ Prints wallet information to standard output :param detail: Level of detail to show. Specify a number between 0 and 5, with 0 low detail and 5 highest detail :type detail: int """ print("=== WALLET ===") print(" ID %s" % self.wallet_id) print(" Name %s" % print(" Owner %s" % self.owner) print(" Scheme %s" % self.scheme) print(" Multisig %s" % self.multisig) if self.multisig: print(" Multisig Wallet IDs %s" % str([w.wallet_id for w in self.cosigner]).strip('[]')) print(" Cosigner ID %s" % self.cosigner_id) print(" Witness type %s" % self.witness_type) print(" Main network %s" % print(" Latest update %s" % self.last_updated) if self.multisig: print("\n= Multisig Public Master Keys =") for cs in self.cosigner: print("%5s %3s %-70s %-6s %-8s %s" % (cs.cosigner_id, cs.main_key.key_id, cs.wif(is_private=False), cs.scheme, "main" if cs.main_key.is_private else "cosigner", '*' if cs.cosigner_id == self.cosigner_id else '')) print("For main keys a private master key is available in this wallet to sign transactions. " "* cosigner key for this wallet") if detail and self.main_key: print("\n= Wallet Master Key =") print(" ID %s" % self.main_key_id) print(" Private %s" % self.main_key.is_private) print(" Depth %s" % self.main_key.depth) balances = self._balance_update() if detail > 1: for nw in self.networks(): print("\n- NETWORK: %s -" % print("- - Keys") if detail < 4: ds = [self.key_depth] elif detail < 5: if self.purpose == 45: ds = [0, self.key_depth] else: ds = [0, self.depth_public_master, self.key_depth] else: ds = range(8) for d in ds: is_active = True if detail > 3: is_active = False for key in self.keys(depth=d,, is_active=is_active): print("%5s %-28s %-45s %-25s %25s" % (, key.path, key.address,, Network(key.network_name).print_value(key.balance))) if detail > 2: include_new = False if detail > 3: include_new = True accounts = self.accounts( if not accounts: accounts = [0] for account_id in accounts: txs = self.transactions(include_new=include_new, account_id=account_id,, as_dict=True) print("\n- - Transactions Account %d (%d)" % (account_id, len(txs))) for tx in txs: spent = " " if 'spent' in tx and tx['spent'] is False: spent = "U" status = "" if tx['status'] not in ['confirmed', 'unconfirmed']: status = tx['status'] print("%64s %36s %8d %13d %s %s" % (tx['tx_hash'], tx['address'], tx['confirmations'], tx['value'], spent, status)) print("\n= Balance Totals (includes unconfirmed) =") for na_balance in balances: print("%-20s %-20s %20s" % (na_balance['network'], "(Account %s)" % na_balance['account_id'], Network(na_balance['network']).print_value(na_balance['balance']))) print("\n")
[docs] def as_dict(self, include_private=False): """ Return wallet information in dictionary format :param include_private: Include private key information in dictionary :type include_private: bool :return dict: """ keys = [] transactions = [] for netw in self.networks(): for key in self.keys(, include_private=include_private, as_dict=True): keys.append(key) if self.multisig: for t in self.transactions(include_new=True, account_id=0, transactions.append(t.as_dict()) else: accounts = self.accounts( if not accounts: accounts = [0] for account_id in accounts: for t in self.transactions(include_new=True, account_id=account_id, transactions.append(t.as_dict()) return { 'wallet_id': self.wallet_id, 'name':, 'owner': self._owner, 'scheme': self.scheme, 'witness_type': self.witness_type, 'main_network':, 'main_balance': self.balance(), 'main_balance_str': self.balance(as_string=True), 'balances': self._balances, 'default_account_id': self.default_account_id, 'multisig_n_required': self.multisig_n_required, 'cosigner_wallet_ids': [w.wallet_id for w in self.cosigner], 'cosigner_public_masters': [w.public_master().key().wif() for w in self.cosigner], 'sort_keys': self.sort_keys, 'main_key_id': self.main_key_id, 'encoding': self.encoding, 'keys': keys, 'transactions': transactions, }
[docs] def as_json(self, include_private=False): """ Get current key as json formatted string :param include_private: Include private key information in JSON :type include_private: bool :return str: """ adict = self.as_dict(include_private=include_private) return json.dumps(adict, indent=4, default=str)