Source code for bitcoinlib.transactions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    BitcoinLib - Python Cryptocurrency Library
#    TRANSACTION class to create, verify and sign Transactions
#    © 2017 - 2020 February - 1200 Web Development <>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from datetime import datetime
import json

from bitcoinlib.encoding import *
from bitcoinlib.config.opcodes import *
from bitcoinlib.keys import HDKey, Key, deserialize_address, Address, sign, verify, Signature
from bitcoinlib.networks import Network

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransactionError(Exception): """ Handle Transaction class Exceptions """ def __init__(self, msg=''): self.msg = msg _logger.error(msg) def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs]def transaction_deserialize(rawtx, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK, check_size=True): """ Deserialize a raw transaction Returns a dictionary with list of input and output objects, locktime and version. Will raise an error if wrong number of inputs are found or if there are no output found. :param rawtx: Raw transaction as String, Byte or Bytearray :type rawtx: str, bytes, bytearray :param network: Network code, i.e. 'bitcoin', 'testnet', 'litecoin', etc. Leave emtpy for default network :type network: str, Network :param check_size: Check if not bytes are left when parsing is finished. Disable when parsing list of transactions, such as the transactions in a raw block. Default is True :type check_size: bool :return Transaction: """ rawtx = to_bytes(rawtx) version = rawtx[0:4][::-1] coinbase = False flag = None witness_type = 'legacy' cursor = 4 if rawtx[4:5] == b'\0': flag = rawtx[5:6] if flag == b'\1': witness_type = 'segwit' cursor += 2 n_inputs, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9]) cursor += size inputs = [] if not isinstance(network, Network): network = Network(network) for n in range(0, n_inputs): inp_hash = rawtx[cursor:cursor + 32][::-1] if not len(inp_hash): raise TransactionError("Input transaction hash not found. Probably malformed raw transaction") if inp_hash == 32 * b'\0': coinbase = True output_n = rawtx[cursor + 32:cursor + 36][::-1] cursor += 36 unlocking_script_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9]) cursor += size unlocking_script = rawtx[cursor:cursor + unlocking_script_size] inp_type = 'legacy' if witness_type == 'segwit' and not unlocking_script_size: inp_type = 'segwit' cursor += unlocking_script_size sequence_number = rawtx[cursor:cursor + 4] cursor += 4 inputs.append(Input(prev_hash=inp_hash, output_n=output_n, unlocking_script=unlocking_script, witness_type=inp_type, sequence=sequence_number, index_n=n, network=network)) if len(inputs) != n_inputs: raise TransactionError("Error parsing inputs. Number of tx specified %d but %d found" % (n_inputs, len(inputs))) outputs = [] n_outputs, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9]) cursor += size output_total = 0 for n in range(0, n_outputs): value = change_base(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 8][::-1], 256, 10) cursor += 8 lock_script_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9]) cursor += size lock_script = rawtx[cursor:cursor + lock_script_size] cursor += lock_script_size outputs.append(Output(value=value, lock_script=lock_script, network=network, output_n=n)) output_total += value if not outputs: raise TransactionError("Error no outputs found in this transaction") if witness_type == 'segwit': for n in range(0, len(inputs)): n_items, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9]) cursor += size witnesses = [] for m in range(0, n_items): witness = b'\0' item_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9]) if item_size: witness = rawtx[cursor + size:cursor + item_size + size] cursor += item_size + size witnesses.append(witness) if witnesses and not coinbase: script_type = inputs[n].script_type witness_script_type = 'sig_pubkey' signatures = [] keys = [] sigs_required = 1 public_hash = b'' for witness in witnesses: if witness == b'\0': continue if 70 <= len(witness) <= 74 and witness[0:1] == b'\x30': # witness is DER encoded signature signatures.append(witness) elif len(witness) == 33 and len(signatures) == 1: # key from sig_pk keys.append(witness) else: rsds = script_deserialize(witness, script_types=['multisig']) if not rsds['script_type'] == 'multisig': # FIXME: Parse unknown scripts _logger.warning("Could not parse witnesses in transaction. Multisig redeemscript expected") witness_script_type = 'unknown' script_type = 'unknown' else: # FIXME: Do not mixup naming signatures and keys keys = rsds['signatures'] sigs_required = rsds['number_of_sigs_m'] witness_script_type = 'p2sh' script_type = 'p2sh_multisig' inp_witness_type = inputs[n].witness_type usd = script_deserialize(inputs[n].unlocking_script, locking_script=True) if usd['script_type'] == "p2wpkh" and witness_script_type == 'sig_pubkey': inp_witness_type = 'p2sh-segwit' script_type = 'p2sh_p2wpkh' elif usd['script_type'] == "p2wsh" and witness_script_type == 'p2sh': inp_witness_type = 'p2sh-segwit' script_type = 'p2sh_p2wsh' inputs[n] = Input(prev_hash=inputs[n].prev_hash, output_n=inputs[n].output_n, keys=keys, unlocking_script_unsigned=inputs[n].unlocking_script_unsigned, unlocking_script=inputs[n].unlocking_script, sigs_required=sigs_required, signatures=signatures, witness_type=inp_witness_type, script_type=script_type, sequence=inputs[n].sequence, index_n=inputs[n].index_n, public_hash=public_hash, network=inputs[n].network, witnesses=witnesses) if len(rawtx[cursor:]) != 4 and check_size: raise TransactionError("Error when deserializing raw transaction, bytes left for locktime must be 4 not %d" % len(rawtx[cursor:])) locktime = change_base(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 4][::-1], 256, 10) return Transaction(inputs, outputs, locktime, version, network, size=cursor + 4, output_total=output_total, coinbase=coinbase, flag=flag, witness_type=witness_type, rawtx=rawtx)
[docs]def script_deserialize(script, script_types=None, locking_script=None, size_bytes_check=True): """ Deserialize a script: determine type, number of signatures and script data. :param script: Raw script :type script: str, bytes, bytearray :param script_types: Limit script type determination to this list. Leave to default None to search in all script types. :type script_types: list :param locking_script: Only deserialize locking scripts. Specify False to only deserialize for unlocking scripts. Default is None for both :type locking_script: bool :param size_bytes_check: Check if script or signature starts with size bytes and remove size bytes before parsing. Default is True :type size_bytes_check: bool :return list: With this items: [script_type, data, number_of_sigs_n, number_of_sigs_m] """ def _parse_data(scr, max_items=None, redeemscript_expected=False, item_length=0): scr = to_bytes(scr) items = [] total_length = 0 if 70 <= len(scr) <= 74 and scr[:1] == b'\x30': return [scr], len(scr) while len(scr) and (max_items is None or max_items > len(items)): itemlen, size = varbyteint_to_int(scr[0:9]) if item_length and itemlen != item_length: break # TODO: Rethink and rewrite this: if not item_length and itemlen not in [20, 33, 65, 70, 71, 72, 73]: break if redeemscript_expected and len(scr[itemlen + 1:]) < 20: break items.append(scr[1:itemlen + 1]) total_length += itemlen + size scr = scr[itemlen + 1:] return items, total_length def _get_empty_data(): return {'script_type': '', 'keys': [], 'signatures': [], 'hashes': [], 'redeemscript': b'', 'number_of_sigs_n': 1, 'number_of_sigs_m': 1, 'locktime_cltv': None, 'locktime_csv': None, 'result': ''} def _parse_script(script): found = False cur = 0 data = _get_empty_data() for script_type in script_types: cur = 0 try: ost = SCRIPT_TYPES_UNLOCKING[script_type] except KeyError: ost = SCRIPT_TYPES_LOCKING[script_type] data = _get_empty_data() data['script_type'] = script_type found = True for ch in ost: if cur >= len(script): found = False break cur_char = script[cur] if sys.version < '3': if not isinstance(script, bytearray): cur_char = ord(script[cur]) if ch[:4] == 'hash': hash_length = 0 if len(ch) > 5: hash_length = int(ch.split("-")[1]) s, total_length = _parse_data(script[cur:], 1, item_length=hash_length) if not s: found = False break data['hashes'] += s cur += total_length elif ch == 'signature': signature_length = 0 s, total_length = _parse_data(script[cur:], 1, item_length=signature_length) if not s: found = False break data['signatures'] += s cur += total_length elif ch == 'public_key': pk_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(script[cur:cur + 9]) key = script[cur + size:cur + size + pk_size] if not key: found = False break data['keys'].append(key) cur += size + pk_size elif ch == 'OP_RETURN': if cur_char == opcodes['OP_RETURN'] and cur == 0: data.update({'op_return': script[cur + 1:]}) cur = len(script) found = True break else: found = False break elif ch == 'multisig': # one or more signatures redeemscript_expected = False if 'redeemscript' in ost: redeemscript_expected = True s, total_length = _parse_data(script[cur:], redeemscript_expected=redeemscript_expected) if not s: found = False break data['signatures'] += s cur += total_length elif ch == 'redeemscript': size_byte = 0 if script[cur:cur + 1] == b'\x4c': size_byte = 1 elif script[cur:cur + 1] == b'\x4d': size_byte = 2 elif script[cur:cur + 1] == b'\x4e': size_byte = 3 data['redeemscript'] = script[cur + 1 + size_byte:] data2 = script_deserialize(data['redeemscript'], locking_script=True) if 'signatures' not in data2 or not data2['signatures']: found = False break data['keys'] = data2['signatures'] data['number_of_sigs_m'] = data2['number_of_sigs_m'] data['number_of_sigs_n'] = data2['number_of_sigs_n'] cur = len(script) elif ch == 'push_size': push_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(script[cur:cur + 9]) found = bool(len(script[cur:]) - size == push_size) if not found: break elif ch == 'op_m': if cur_char in OP_N_CODES: data['number_of_sigs_m'] = cur_char - opcodes['OP_1'] + 1 else: found = False break cur += 1 elif ch == 'op_n': if cur_char in OP_N_CODES: data['number_of_sigs_n'] = cur_char - opcodes['OP_1'] + 1 else: found = False break if data['number_of_sigs_m'] > data['number_of_sigs_n']: raise TransactionError("Number of signatures to sign (%s) is higher then actual " "amount of signatures (%s)" % (data['number_of_sigs_m'], data['number_of_sigs_n'])) if len(data['signatures']) > int(data['number_of_sigs_n']): raise TransactionError("%d signatures found, but %s sigs expected" % (len(data['signatures']), data['number_of_sigs_n'])) cur += 1 elif ch == 'SIGHASH_ALL': pass # TODO: Fix signature parsing: SIGHASHALL not part of signature... # if cur_char != SIGHASH_ALL: # found = False # break elif ch == 'locktime_cltv': if len(script) < 4: found = False break data['locktime_cltv'] = struct.unpack('<L', script[cur:cur + 4])[0] cur += 4 elif ch == 'locktime_csv': if len(script) < 4: found = False break data['locktime_csv'] = struct.unpack('<L', script[cur:cur + 4])[0] cur += 4 else: try: if cur_char == opcodes[ch]: cur += 1 else: found = False data = _get_empty_data() break except IndexError: raise TransactionError("Opcode %s not found [type %s]" % (ch, script_type)) if found and not len(script[cur:]): # Found is True and no remaining script to parse break if found and not len(script[cur:]): return data, script[cur:] data = _get_empty_data() data['result'] = 'Script not recognised' return data, '' data = _get_empty_data() script = to_bytes(script) if not script: data.update({'result': 'Empty script'}) return data # Check if script starts with size byte if size_bytes_check: script_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(script[0:9]) if len(script[1:]) == script_size: data = script_deserialize(script[1:], script_types, locking_script, size_bytes_check=False) if 'result' in data and data['result'][:22] not in \ ['Script not recognised', 'Empty script', 'Could not parse script']: return data if script_types is None: if locking_script is None: script_types = dict(SCRIPT_TYPES_UNLOCKING, **SCRIPT_TYPES_LOCKING) elif locking_script: script_types = SCRIPT_TYPES_LOCKING else: script_types = SCRIPT_TYPES_UNLOCKING elif not isinstance(script_types, list): script_types = [script_types] locktime_cltv = 0 locktime_csv = 0 while len(script): begin_script = script data, script = _parse_script(script) if begin_script == script: break if script and data['script_type'] == 'locktime_cltv': locktime_cltv = data['locktime_cltv'] if script and data['script_type'] == 'locktime_csv': locktime_csv = data['locktime_csv'] if data and data['result'] != 'Script not recognised': data['locktime_cltv'] = locktime_cltv data['locktime_csv'] = locktime_csv return data wrn_msg = "Could not parse script, unrecognized script" # _logger.debug(wrn_msg) data = _get_empty_data() data['result'] = wrn_msg return data
[docs]def script_to_string(script, name_data=False): """ Convert script to human readable string format with OP-codes, signatures, keys, etc >>> script = '76a914c7402ab295a0eb8897ff5b8fbd5276c2d9d2340b88ac' >>> script_to_string(script) 'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 hash-20 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG' :param script: A locking or unlocking script :type script: bytes, str :param name_data: Replace signatures and keys strings with name :type name_data: bool :return str: """ script = to_bytes(script) data = script_deserialize(script) if not data or data['script_type'] == 'empty': return "" if name_data: name = 'signature' if data['signatures'] and len(data['signatures'][0]) in [33, 65]: name = 'key' sigs = ' '.join(['%s-%d' % (name, i) for i in range(1, len(data['signatures']) + 1)]) else: sigs = ' '.join([to_hexstring(i) for i in data['signatures']]) try: scriptstr = SCRIPT_TYPES_LOCKING[data['script_type']] except KeyError: scriptstr = SCRIPT_TYPES_UNLOCKING[data['script_type']] scriptstr = [sigs if x in ['signature', 'multisig', 'return_data'] else x for x in scriptstr] if 'redeemscript' in data and data['redeemscript']: redeemscript_str = script_to_string(data['redeemscript'], name_data=name_data) scriptstr = [redeemscript_str if x == 'redeemscript' else x for x in scriptstr] scriptstr = [opcodenames[80 + int(data['number_of_sigs_m'])] if x == 'op_m' else x for x in scriptstr] scriptstr = [opcodenames[80 + int(data['number_of_sigs_n'])] if x == 'op_n' else x for x in scriptstr] return ' '.join(scriptstr)
def _serialize_multisig_redeemscript(public_key_list, n_required=None): # Serialize m-to-n multisig script. Needs a list of public keys for key in public_key_list: if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)): raise TransactionError("Item %s in public_key_list is not of type string or bytes") if n_required is None: n_required = len(public_key_list) script = int_to_varbyteint(opcodes['OP_1'] + n_required - 1) for key in public_key_list: script += varstr(key) script += int_to_varbyteint(opcodes['OP_1'] + len(public_key_list) - 1) script += b'\xae' # 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG' return script
[docs]def serialize_multisig_redeemscript(key_list, n_required=None, compressed=True): """ Create a multisig redeemscript used in a p2sh. Contains the number of signatures, followed by the list of public keys and the OP-code for the number of signatures required. :param key_list: List of public keys :type key_list: Key, list :param n_required: Number of required signatures :type n_required: int :param compressed: Use compressed public keys? :type compressed: bool :return bytes: A multisig redeemscript """ if not key_list: return b'' if not isinstance(key_list, list): raise TransactionError("Argument public_key_list must be of type list") if len(key_list) > 15: raise TransactionError("Redeemscripts with more then 15 keys are non-standard and could result in " "locked up funds") public_key_list = [] for k in key_list: if isinstance(k, Key): if compressed: public_key_list.append(k.public_byte) else: public_key_list.append(k.public_uncompressed_byte) elif len(k) == 65 and k[0:1] == b'\x04' or len(k) == 33 and k[0:1] in [b'\x02', b'\x03']: public_key_list.append(k) elif len(k) == 132 and k[0:2] == '04' or len(k) == 66 and k[0:2] in ['02', '03']: public_key_list.append(to_bytes(k)) else: kobj = Key(k) if compressed: public_key_list.append(kobj.public_byte) else: public_key_list.append(kobj.public_uncompressed_byte) return _serialize_multisig_redeemscript(public_key_list, n_required)
def _p2sh_multisig_unlocking_script(sigs, redeemscript, hash_type=None, as_list=False): usu = b'\x00' if as_list: usu = [usu] if not isinstance(sigs, list): sigs = [sigs] for sig in sigs: s = sig if hash_type: s += struct.pack('B', hash_type) if as_list: usu.append(s) else: usu += varstr(s) rs_size = b'' size_byte = b'' if not as_list: rs_size = int_to_varbyteint(len(redeemscript)) if len(rs_size) > 1: rs_size = rs_size[1:] if len(redeemscript) >= 76: if len(rs_size) == 1: size_byte = b'\x4c' elif len(rs_size) == 2: size_byte = b'\x4d' else: size_byte = b'\x4e' redeemscript_str = size_byte + rs_size + redeemscript if as_list: usu.append(redeemscript_str) else: usu += redeemscript_str return usu
[docs]def script_add_locktime_cltv(locktime_cltv, script): lockbytes = opcode('OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY') + opcode('OP_DROP') if script and len(script) > 6: if script[4:6] == lockbytes: return script return struct.pack('<L', locktime_cltv) + lockbytes + script
[docs]def script_add_locktime_csv(locktime_csv, script): lockbytes = opcode('OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY') + opcode('OP_DROP') if script and len(script) > 6: if script[4:6] == lockbytes: return script return struct.pack('<L', locktime_csv) + lockbytes + script
[docs]def get_unlocking_script_type(locking_script_type, witness_type='legacy', multisig=False): """ Specify locking script type and get corresponding script type for unlocking script >>> get_unlocking_script_type('p2wsh') 'p2sh_multisig' :param locking_script_type: Locking script type. I.e.: p2pkh, p2sh, p2wpkh, p2wsh :type locking_script_type: str :param witness_type: Type of witness: legacy or segwit. Default is legacy :type witness_type: str :param multisig: Is multisig script or not? Default is False :type multisig: bool :return str: Unlocking script type such as sig_pubkey or p2sh_multisig """ if locking_script_type in ['p2pkh', 'p2wpkh']: return 'sig_pubkey' elif locking_script_type == 'p2wsh' or (witness_type == 'legacy' and multisig): return 'p2sh_multisig' elif locking_script_type == 'p2sh': if not multisig: return 'sig_pubkey' else: return 'p2sh_multisig' elif locking_script_type == 'p2pk': return 'signature' else: raise TransactionError("Unknown locking script type %s" % locking_script_type)
[docs]def transaction_update_spents(txs, address): """ Update spent information for list of transactions for a specific address. This method assumes the list of transaction complete and up-to-date. This methods loops through all the transaction and update all transaction outputs for given address, checks if the output is spent and add the spending transaction ID and index number to the outputs. The same list of transactions with updates outputs will be returned :param txs: Complete list of transactions for given address :type txs: list of Transaction :param address: Address string :type address: str :return list of Transaction: """ spend_list = {} for t in txs: for inp in t.inputs: if inp.address == address: spend_list.update({(inp.prev_hash, inp.output_n_int): t}) address_inputs = list(spend_list.keys()) for t in txs: for to in t.outputs: if to.address != address: continue spent = True if (t.hash, to.output_n) in address_inputs else False txs[txs.index(t)].outputs[to.output_n].spent = spent if spent: spending_tx = spend_list[(t.hash, to.output_n)] spending_index_n = \ [inp for inp in txs[txs.index(spending_tx)].inputs if inp.prev_hash == t.hash and inp.output_n_int == to.output_n][0].index_n txs[txs.index(t)].outputs[to.output_n].spending_txid = spending_tx.hash txs[txs.index(t)].outputs[to.output_n].spending_index_n = spending_index_n return txs
[docs]class Input(object): """ Transaction Input class, used by Transaction class An Input contains a reference to an UTXO or Unspent Transaction Output (prev_hash + output_n). To spent the UTXO an unlocking script can be included to prove ownership. Inputs are verified by the Transaction class. """ def __init__(self, prev_hash, output_n, keys=None, signatures=None, public_hash=b'', unlocking_script=b'', unlocking_script_unsigned=None, script_type=None, address='', sequence=0xffffffff, compressed=None, sigs_required=None, sort=False, index_n=0, value=0, double_spend=False, locktime_cltv=None, locktime_csv=None, key_path='', witness_type=None, witnesses=None, encoding=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK): """ Create a new transaction input :param prev_hash: Transaction hash of the UTXO (previous output) which will be spent. :type prev_hash: bytes, hexstring :param output_n: Output number in previous transaction. :type output_n: bytes, int :param keys: A list of Key objects or public / private key string in various formats. If no list is provided but a bytes or string variable, a list with one item will be created. Optional :type keys: list (bytes, str, Key) :param signatures: Specify optional signatures :type signatures: list (bytes, str, Signature) :param public_hash: Public key hash or script hash. Specify if key is not available :type public_hash: bytes :param unlocking_script: Unlocking script (scriptSig) to prove ownership. Optional :type unlocking_script: bytes, hexstring :param unlocking_script_unsigned: Unlocking script for signing transaction :type unlocking_script_unsigned: bytes, hexstring :param script_type: Type of unlocking script used, i.e. p2pkh or p2sh_multisig. Default is p2pkh :type script_type: str :param address: Address string or object for input :type address: str, Address :param sequence: Sequence part of input, you normally do not have to touch this :type sequence: bytes, int :param compressed: Use compressed or uncompressed public keys. Default is compressed :type compressed: bool :param sigs_required: Number of signatures required for a p2sh_multisig unlocking script :type sigs_required: int :param sort: Sort public keys according to BIP0045 standard. Default is False to avoid unexpected change of key order. :type sort: boolean :param index_n: Index of input in transaction. Used by Transaction class. :type index_n: int :param value: Value of input in smallest denominator, i.e. sathosis :type value: int :param double_spend: Is this input also spend in another transaction :type double_spend: bool :param locktime_cltv: Check Lock Time Verify value. Script level absolute time lock for this input :type locktime_cltv: int :param locktime_csv: Check Sequence Verify value. :type locktime_csv: int :param key_path: Key path of input key as BIP32 string or list :type key_path: str, list :param witness_type: Specify witness/signature position: 'segwit' or 'legacy'. Determine from script, address or encoding if not specified. :type witness_type: str :param witnesses: List of witnesses for inputs, used for segwit transactions for instance. :type witnesses: list of bytes :param encoding: Address encoding used. For example bech32/base32 or base58. Leave empty for default :type encoding: str :param network: Network, leave empty for default :type network: str, Network """ self.prev_hash = to_bytes(prev_hash) self.output_n = output_n if isinstance(output_n, numbers.Number): self.output_n_int = output_n self.output_n = struct.pack('>I', output_n) else: self.output_n_int = struct.unpack('>I', output_n)[0] self.output_n = output_n self.unlocking_script = b'' if unlocking_script is None else to_bytes(unlocking_script) self.unlocking_script_unsigned = b'' if unlocking_script_unsigned is None \ else to_bytes(unlocking_script_unsigned) if isinstance(sequence, numbers.Number): self.sequence = sequence else: self.sequence = struct.unpack('<I', sequence)[0] self.compressed = compressed = network if not isinstance(network, Network): = Network(network) self.index_n = index_n self.value = value if not keys: keys = [] self.keys = [] if not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] self.public_hash = public_hash if not signatures: signatures = [] if not isinstance(signatures, list): signatures = [signatures] self.sort = sort if isinstance(address, Address): self.address = address.address self.encoding = address.encoding = self.script_type = address.script_type else: self.address = address self.signatures = [] self.redeemscript = b'' self.script_type = script_type if self.prev_hash == b'\0' * 32: self.script_type = 'coinbase' if not sigs_required: if self.script_type == 'p2sh_multisig': # raise TransactionError("Please specify number of signatures required (sigs_required) parameter") pass else: sigs_required = 1 self.double_spend = double_spend self.locktime_cltv = locktime_cltv self.locktime_csv = locktime_csv self.witness_type = witness_type if encoding is None: self.encoding = 'base58' if self.witness_type == 'segwit': self.encoding = 'bech32' else: self.encoding = encoding self.valid = None self.key_path = key_path self.witnesses = witnesses if witnesses else [] self.script_code = b'' # If unlocking script is specified extract keys, signatures, type from script if self.unlocking_script and self.script_type != 'coinbase' and not (signatures and keys): us_dict = script_deserialize(self.unlocking_script) if not us_dict: # or us_dict['script_type'] in ['unknown', 'empty'] raise TransactionError("Could not parse unlocking script (%s)" % to_hexstring(self.unlocking_script)) if us_dict['script_type'] not in ['', 'unknown', 'empty']: self.sigs_required = us_dict['number_of_sigs_n'] self.redeemscript = us_dict['redeemscript'] if us_dict['signatures'] not in signatures: signatures += us_dict['signatures'] if not keys: keys = us_dict['keys'] sigs_required = us_dict['number_of_sigs_m'] if not signatures and not self.public_hash: self.public_hash = us_dict['hashes'][0] # Determine locking script type for unlocking script type if not self.script_type: self.script_type = us_dict['script_type'] if us_dict['script_type'] == 'p2wsh': self.script_type = 'p2sh_p2wsh' elif us_dict['script_type'] == 'p2wpkh': self.script_type = 'p2sh_p2wpkh' elif unlocking_script_unsigned and not signatures: ls_dict = script_deserialize(unlocking_script_unsigned, locking_script=True) if ls_dict['hashes']: self.public_hash = ls_dict['hashes'][0] if ls_dict['script_type'] in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wsh']: self.witness_type = 'segwit' self.script_type = get_unlocking_script_type(ls_dict['script_type']) self.sigs_required = sigs_required if self.witness_type is None or self.witness_type == 'legacy': if self.script_type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wsh']: self.witness_type = 'segwit' elif self.script_type in ['p2sh_p2wpkh', 'p2sh_p2wsh']: self.witness_type = 'p2sh-segwit' else: self.witness_type = 'legacy' elif self.witness_type == 'segwit' and self.script_type == 'sig_pubkey' and encoding is None: self.encoding = 'bech32' if not self.script_type: self.script_type = 'sig_pubkey' for key in keys: if not isinstance(key, Key): kobj = Key(key, network=network) else: kobj = key if kobj not in self.keys: # if self.compressed is not None and kobj.compressed != self.compressed: # _logger.warning("Key compressed is %s but Input class compressed argument is %s " % # (kobj.compressed, self.compressed)) self.compressed = kobj.compressed self.keys.append(kobj) if self.compressed is None: self.compressed = True if self.sort: self.keys.sort(key=lambda k: k.public_byte) self.hash_type = SIGHASH_ALL for sig in signatures: if not isinstance(sig, Signature): try: sig = Signature.from_str(sig) except Exception as e: _logger.error("Could not parse signature %s in Input. Error: %s" % (to_hexstring(sig), e)) continue if sig.as_der_encoded() not in [x.as_der_encoded() for x in self.signatures]: self.signatures.append(sig) if sig.hash_type: self.hash_type = sig.hash_type self.update_scripts(hash_type=self.hash_type) # TODO: Remove / replace? # def sequence_timelock_blocks(self, blocks): # if blocks > SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK: # raise TransactionError("Number of nSequence timelock blocks exceeds %d" % SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) # self.sequence = blocks # # def sequence_timelock_time(self, seconds): # if seconds % 512: # raise TransactionError("Seconds must be a multiply of 512") # if seconds > SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK: # raise TransactionError("Number of relative nSeqence timelock seconds exceeds %d" % SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK) # self.sequence = seconds // 512 + SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG
[docs] def update_scripts(self, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL): """ Method to update Input scripts. Creates or updates unlocking script, witness script for segwit inputs, multisig redeemscripts and locktime scripts. This method is called when initializing a Input class or when signing an input. :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :return bool: Always returns True when method is completed """ addr_data = b'' unlock_script = b'' if self.script_type in ['sig_pubkey', 'p2sh_p2wpkh']: if not self.keys and not self.public_hash: if self.unlocking_script_unsigned: script_dict = script_deserialize(self.unlocking_script_unsigned) if script_dict['script_type'] == 'p2pkh': self.public_hash = script_dict['hashes'][0] else: return else: return if not self.public_hash: self.public_hash = self.keys[0].hash160 self.script_code = b'\x76\xa9\x14' + self.public_hash + b'\x88\xac' self.unlocking_script_unsigned = self.script_code addr_data = self.public_hash self.witnesses = [] # TODO: Remove? if self.signatures and self.keys: self.witnesses = [self.signatures[0].as_der_encoded() + struct.pack('B', hash_type) if hash_type else b'', self.keys[0].public_byte] unlock_script = b''.join([bytes(varstr(w)) for w in self.witnesses]) if self.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': self.unlocking_script = varstr(b'\0' + varstr(self.public_hash)) elif self.witness_type == 'segwit': self.unlocking_script = b'' elif unlock_script != b'': self.unlocking_script = unlock_script elif self.script_type in ['p2sh_multisig', 'p2sh_p2wsh']: # if not self.keys and not self.public_hash: # raise TransactionError("Please provide keys to append multisig transaction input") if not self.redeemscript and self.keys: self.redeemscript = serialize_multisig_redeemscript(self.keys, n_required=self.sigs_required, compressed=self.compressed) if self.redeemscript: if self.witness_type == 'segwit' or self.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': self.public_hash = hashlib.sha256(self.redeemscript).digest() else: self.public_hash = hash160(self.redeemscript) addr_data = self.public_hash self.unlocking_script_unsigned = self.redeemscript if self.redeemscript and self.keys: n_tag = self.redeemscript[0:1] if not isinstance(n_tag, int): n_tag = struct.unpack('B', n_tag)[0] self.sigs_required = n_tag - 80 signatures = [s.as_der_encoded() for s in self.signatures[:self.sigs_required]] if b'' in signatures: raise TransactionError("Empty signature found in signature list when signing. " "Is DER encoded version of signature defined?") if len(signatures): us_as_list = False if self.witness_type in ['segwit', 'p2sh-segwit']: us_as_list = True unlock_script = _p2sh_multisig_unlocking_script(signatures, self.redeemscript, hash_type, as_list=us_as_list) if self.witness_type == 'segwit': script_code = b'' for k in self.keys: script_code += varstr(k.public_byte) + b'\xad\xab' if len(script_code) > 3: script_code = script_code[:-2] + b'\xac' self.script_code = script_code if signatures: self.witnesses = unlock_script elif self.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': self.unlocking_script = varstr(b'\0' + varstr(self.public_hash)) self.script_code = self.unlocking_script if signatures: self.witnesses = unlock_script elif unlock_script != b'': self.unlocking_script = unlock_script elif self.script_type == 'signature': if self.keys: self.script_code = varstr(self.keys[0].public_byte) + b'\xac' self.unlocking_script_unsigned = self.script_code addr_data = self.keys[0].public_byte if self.signatures: self.unlocking_script = varstr(self.signatures[0].as_der_encoded() + struct.pack('B', hash_type)) elif self.script_type not in ['coinbase', 'unknown']: raise TransactionError("Unknown unlocking script type %s for input %d" % (self.script_type, self.index_n)) if addr_data and not self.address: self.address = Address(hashed_data=addr_data, encoding=self.encoding,, script_type=self.script_type, witness_type=self.witness_type).address if self.locktime_cltv: self.unlocking_script_unsigned = script_add_locktime_cltv(self.locktime_cltv, self.unlocking_script_unsigned) self.unlocking_script = script_add_locktime_cltv(self.locktime_cltv, self.unlocking_script) elif self.locktime_csv: self.unlocking_script_unsigned = script_add_locktime_csv(self.locktime_csv, self.unlocking_script_unsigned) self.unlocking_script = script_add_locktime_csv(self.locktime_csv, self.unlocking_script) return True
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Get transaction input information in json format :return dict: Json with output_n, prev_hash, output_n, type, address, public_key, public_hash, unlocking_script and sequence """ pks = [] for k in self.keys: pks.append(k.public_hex) if len(self.keys) == 1: pks = pks[0] return { 'index_n': self.index_n, 'prev_hash': to_hexstring(self.prev_hash), 'output_n': self.output_n_int, 'script_type': self.script_type, 'address': self.address, 'value': self.value, 'public_keys': pks, 'compressed': self.compressed, 'encoding': self.encoding, 'double_spend': self.double_spend, 'script': to_hexstring(self.unlocking_script), 'redeemscript': to_hexstring(self.redeemscript), 'sequence': self.sequence, 'signatures': [s.hex() for s in self.signatures], 'sigs_required': self.sigs_required, 'locktime_cltv': self.locktime_cltv, 'locktime_csv': self.locktime_csv, 'public_hash': to_hexstring(self.public_hash), 'script_code': to_hexstring(self.script_code), 'unlocking_script': to_hexstring(self.unlocking_script), 'unlocking_script_unsigned': to_hexstring(self.unlocking_script_unsigned), 'witness_type': self.witness_type, 'witness': to_hexstring(b''.join(self.witnesses)), 'sort': self.sort, 'valid': self.valid, }
def __repr__(self): return "<Input(prev_hash='%s', output_n=%d, address='%s', index_n=%s, type='%s')>" % \ (to_hexstring(self.prev_hash), self.output_n_int, self.address, self.index_n, self.script_type)
[docs]class Output(object): """ Transaction Output class, normally part of Transaction class. Contains the amount and destination of a transaction. """ def __init__(self, value, address='', public_hash=b'', public_key=b'', lock_script=b'', spent=False, output_n=0, script_type=None, encoding=None, spending_txid='', spending_index_n=None, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK): """ Create a new transaction output An transaction outputs locks the specified amount to a public key. Anyone with the private key can unlock this output. The transaction output class contains an amount and the destination which can be provided either as address, public key, public key hash or a locking script. Only one needs to be provided as the they all can be derived from each other, but you can provide as much attributes as you know to improve speed. :param value: Amount of output in smallest denominator of currency, for example satoshi's for bitcoins :type value: int :param address: Destination address of output. Leave empty to derive from other attributes you provide. An instance of an Address or HDKey class is allowed as argument. :type address: str, Address, HDKey :param public_hash: Hash of public key or script :type public_hash: bytes, str :param public_key: Destination public key :type public_key: bytes, str :param lock_script: Locking script of output. If not provided a default unlocking script will be provided with a public key hash. :type lock_script: bytes, str :param spent: Is output already spent? Default is False :type spent: bool :param output_n: Output index number, default is 0. Index number has to be unique per transaction and 0 for first output, 1 for second, etc :type output_n: int :param script_type: Script type of output (p2pkh, p2sh, segwit p2wpkh, etc). Extracted from lock_script if provided. :type script_type: str :param encoding: Address encoding used. For example bech32/base32 or base58. Leave empty to derive from address or default base58 encoding :type encoding: str :param spending_txid: Transaction hash of input spending this transaction output :type spending_txid: str :param spending_index_n: Index number of input spending this transaction output :type spending_index_n: int :param network: Network, leave empty for default :type network: str, Network """ if not (address or public_hash or public_key or lock_script): raise TransactionError("Please specify address, lock_script, public key or public key hash when " "creating output") self.value = value self.lock_script = b'' if lock_script is None else to_bytes(lock_script) self.public_hash = to_bytes(public_hash) if isinstance(address, Address): self.address = address.address self.address_obj = address elif isinstance(address, HDKey): self.address = address.address() self.address_obj = address.address_obj public_key = address.public_byte if not script_type: script_type = script_type_default(address.witness_type, address.multisig, True) self.public_hash = address.hash160 else: self.address = address self.address_obj = None self.public_key = to_bytes(public_key) = network if not isinstance(network, Network): = Network(network) self.compressed = True self.k = None self.versionbyte = self.script_type = script_type self.encoding = encoding if not self.address and self.encoding is None: self.encoding = 'base58' self.spent = spent self.output_n = output_n if self.address_obj: self.script_type = self.address_obj.script_type if script_type is None else script_type self.public_hash = self.address_obj.hash_bytes = self.encoding = self.address_obj.encoding if self.public_key and not self.public_hash: k = Key(self.public_key, is_private=False, network=network) self.public_hash = k.hash160 elif self.address and (not self.public_hash or not self.script_type or not self.encoding): address_dict = deserialize_address(self.address, self.encoding, if address_dict['script_type'] and not script_type: self.script_type = address_dict['script_type'] if not self.script_type: raise TransactionError("Could not determine script type of address %s" % self.address) self.encoding = address_dict['encoding'] network_guesses = address_dict['networks'] if address_dict['network'] and != address_dict['network']: raise TransactionError("Address %s is from %s network and transaction from %s network" % (self.address, address_dict['network'], elif not in network_guesses: raise TransactionError("Network for output address %s is different from transaction network. %s not " "in %s" % (self.address,, network_guesses)) self.public_hash = address_dict['public_key_hash_bytes'] if not self.encoding: self.encoding = 'base58' if self.script_type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wsh']: self.encoding = 'bech32' if self.lock_script and not self.public_hash: ss = script_deserialize(self.lock_script, locking_script=True) self.script_type = ss['script_type'] if self.script_type in ['p2wpkh', 'p2wsh']: self.encoding = 'bech32' if ss['hashes']: self.public_hash = ss['hashes'][0] if ss['keys']: self.public_key = ss['keys'][0] k = Key(self.public_key, is_private=False, network=network) self.public_hash = k.hash160 if self.script_type is None: self.script_type = 'p2pkh' if self.encoding == 'bech32': self.script_type = 'p2wpkh' if self.public_hash and not self.address: self.address_obj = Address(hashed_data=self.public_hash, script_type=self.script_type, encoding=self.encoding, self.address = self.address_obj.address self.versionbyte = self.address_obj.prefix if self.lock_script == b'': if self.script_type == 'p2pkh': self.lock_script = b'\x76\xa9\x14' + self.public_hash + b'\x88\xac' elif self.script_type == 'p2sh': self.lock_script = b'\xa9\x14' + self.public_hash + b'\x87' elif self.script_type == 'p2wpkh': self.lock_script = b'\x00\x14' + self.public_hash elif self.script_type == 'p2wsh': self.lock_script = b'\x00\x20' + self.public_hash elif self.script_type == 'p2pk': if not self.public_key: raise TransactionError("Public key is needed to create P2PK script for output %d" % output_n) self.lock_script = varstr(to_bytes(self.public_key)) + b'\xac' else: raise TransactionError("Unknown output script type %s, please provide locking script" % self.script_type) self.spending_txid = spending_txid self.spending_index_n = spending_index_n # if self.script_type != 'nulldata' and value < # raise TransactionError("Output to %s must be more then dust amount %d" % # (self.address,
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Get transaction output information in json format :return dict: Json with amount, locking script, public key, public key hash and address """ return { 'value': self.value, 'script': to_hexstring(self.lock_script), 'script_type': self.script_type, 'public_key': to_hexstring(self.public_key), 'public_hash': to_hexstring(self.public_hash), 'address': self.address, 'output_n': self.output_n, 'spent': self.spent, 'spending_txid': self.spending_txid, 'spending_index_n': self.spending_index_n, }
def __repr__(self): return "<Output(value=%d, address=%s, type=%s)>" % (self.value, self.address, self.script_type)
[docs]class Transaction(object): """ Transaction Class Contains 1 or more Input class object with UTXO's to spent and 1 or more Output class objects with destinations. Besides the transaction class contains a locktime and version. Inputs and outputs can be included when creating the transaction, or can be add later with add_input and add_output respectively. A verify method is available to check if the transaction Inputs have valid unlocking scripts. Each input in the transaction can be signed with the sign method provided a valid private key. """
[docs] @staticmethod def import_raw(rawtx, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK, check_size=True): """ Import a raw transaction and create a Transaction object Uses the transaction_deserialize method to parse the raw transaction and then calls the init method of this transaction class to create the transaction object :param rawtx: Raw transaction string :type rawtx: bytes, str :param network: Network, leave empty for default :type network: str, Network :param check_size: Check if not bytes are left when parsing is finished. Disable when parsing list of transactions, such as the transactions in a raw block. Default is True :type check_size: bool :return Transaction: """ return transaction_deserialize(rawtx, network=network, check_size=check_size)
def __init__(self, inputs=None, outputs=None, locktime=0, version=1, network=DEFAULT_NETWORK, fee=None, fee_per_kb=None, size=None, hash='', date=None, confirmations=None, block_height=None, block_hash=None, input_total=0, output_total=0, rawtx='', status='new', coinbase=False, verified=False, witness_type='legacy', flag=None): """ Create a new transaction class with provided inputs and outputs. You can also create a empty transaction and add input and outputs later. To verify and sign transactions all inputs and outputs need to be included in transaction. Any modification after signing makes the transaction invalid. :param inputs: Array of Input objects. Leave empty to add later :type inputs: list (Input) :param outputs: Array of Output object. Leave empty to add later :type outputs: list (Output) :param locktime: Transaction level locktime. Locks the transaction until a specified block (value from 1 to 5 million) or until a certain time (Timestamp in seconds after 1-jan-1970). Default value is 0 for transactions without locktime :type locktime: int :param version: Version rules. Defaults to 1 in bytes :type version: bytes, int :param network: Network, leave empty for default network :type network: str, Network :param fee: Fee in smallest denominator (ie Satoshi) for complete transaction :type fee: int :param fee_per_kb: Fee in smallest denominator per kilobyte. Specify when exact transaction size is not known. :type fee_per_kb: int :param size: Transaction size in bytes :type size: int :param hash: Transaction hash used as transaction ID :type hash: bytes :param date: Confirmation date of transaction :type date: datetime :param confirmations: Number of confirmations :type confirmations: int :param block_height: Block number which includes transaction :type block_height: int :param block_hash: Hash of block for this transaction :type block_hash: str :param input_total: Total value of inputs :type input_total: int :param output_total: Total value of outputs :type output_total: int :param rawtx: Bytes representation of complete transaction :type rawtx: bytes :param status: Transaction status, for example: 'new', 'incomplete', 'unconfirmed', 'confirmed' :type status: str :param coinbase: Coinbase transaction or not? :type coinbase: bool :param verified: Is transaction successfully verified? Updated when verified() method is called :type verified: bool :param witness_type: Specify witness/signature position: 'segwit' or 'legacy'. Determine from script, address or encoding if not specified. :type witness_type: str :param flag: Transaction flag to indicate version, for example for SegWit :type flag: bytes, str """ self.coinbase = coinbase self.inputs = [] if inputs is not None: for inp in inputs: self.inputs.append(inp) if not input_total: input_total = sum([i.value for i in inputs]) id_list = [i.index_n for i in self.inputs] if list(set(id_list)) != id_list:"Identical transaction indexes (tid) found in inputs, please specify unique index. " "Indexes will be automatically recreated") index_n = 0 for inp in self.inputs: inp.index_n = index_n index_n += 1 if outputs is None: self.outputs = [] else: self.outputs = outputs if not output_total: output_total = sum([o.value for o in outputs]) if fee is None and output_total and input_total: fee = input_total - output_total if fee < 0 or fee == 0 and not self.coinbase: raise TransactionError("Transaction inputs total value must be greater then total value of " "transaction outputs") if isinstance(version, int): self.version = struct.pack('>L', version) self.version_int = version else: self.version = version self.version_int = struct.unpack('>L', version)[0] self.locktime = locktime = network if not isinstance(network, Network): = Network(network) self.flag = flag self.fee = fee self.fee_per_kb = fee_per_kb self.size = size self.vsize = size # TODO: check if hash is bytes or hexstring, and update _txid as well self.hash = to_bytes(hash) self._txid = None = date self.confirmations = confirmations self.block_height = block_height self.block_hash = block_hash self.input_total = input_total self.output_total = output_total self.rawtx = rawtx self.status = status self.verified = verified self.witness_type = witness_type self.change = 0 if self.witness_type not in ['legacy', 'segwit']: raise TransactionError("Please specify a valid witness type: legacy or segwit") if not self.hash: self.hash = self.signature_hash()[::-1] def __repr__(self): return "<Transaction(id=%s, inputs=%d, outputs=%d, status=%s, network=%s)>" % \ (self.txid, len(self.inputs), len(self.outputs), self.status, def __str__(self): return self.txid @property def txid(self): if not self._txid: self._txid = to_hexstring(self.hash) return self._txid
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Return Json dictionary with transaction information: Inputs, outputs, version and locktime :return dict: """ inputs = [] outputs = [] for i in self.inputs: inputs.append(i.as_dict()) for o in self.outputs: outputs.append(o.as_dict()) return { 'hash': self.txid, 'date':, 'network':, 'witness_type': self.witness_type, 'coinbase': self.coinbase, 'flag': None if not self.flag else ord(self.flag), 'confirmations': self.confirmations, 'block_height': self.block_height, 'block_hash': self.block_hash, 'fee': self.fee, 'fee_per_kb': self.fee_per_kb, 'inputs': inputs, 'outputs': outputs, 'input_total': self.input_total, 'output_total': self.output_total, 'version': self.version_int, 'locktime': self.locktime, 'raw': self.raw_hex(), 'size': self.size, 'vsize': self.vsize, 'verified': self.verified, 'status': self.status }
[docs] def as_json(self): """ Get current key as json formatted string :return str: """ adict = self.as_dict() return json.dumps(adict, indent=4)
[docs] def info(self): """ Prints transaction information to standard output """ print("Transaction %s" % self.txid) print("Date: %s" % print("Network: %s" % if self.locktime and self.locktime != 0xffffffff: if self.locktime < 500000000: print("Locktime: Until block %d" % self.locktime) else: print("Locktime: Until %s UTC" % datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.locktime)) print("Version: %d" % self.version_int) print("Witness type: %s" % self.witness_type) print("Status: %s" % self.status) print("Verified: %s" % self.verified) print("Inputs") replace_by_fee = False for ti in self.inputs: print("-", ti.address, ti.value, to_hexstring(ti.prev_hash), ti.output_n_int) validstr = "not validated" if ti.valid: validstr = "valid" elif ti.valid is False: validstr = "invalid" print(" %s %s; sigs: %d (%d-of-%d) %s" % (ti.witness_type, ti.script_type, len(ti.signatures), ti.sigs_required or 0, len(ti.keys), validstr)) if ti.sequence <= SEQUENCE_REPLACE_BY_FEE: replace_by_fee = True if ti.sequence <= SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG: if ti.sequence & SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG: print(" Relative timelock for %d seconds" % (512 * (ti.sequence - SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG))) else: print(" Relative timelock for %d blocks" % ti.sequence) if ti.locktime_cltv: if ti.locktime_cltv & SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG: print(" Check Locktime Verify (CLTV) for %d seconds" % (512 * (ti.locktime_cltv - SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG))) else: print(" Check Locktime Verify (CLTV) for %d blocks" % ti.locktime_cltv) if ti.locktime_csv: if ti.locktime_csv & SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG: print(" Check Sequence Verify Timelock (CSV) for %d seconds" % (512 * (ti.locktime_csv - SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG))) else: print(" Check Sequence Verify Timelock (CSV) for %d blocks" % ti.locktime_csv) print("Outputs") for to in self.outputs: if to.script_type == 'nulldata': print("- NULLDATA ", to.lock_script[2:]) else: spent_str = '' if to.spent: spent_str = 'S' elif to.spent is False: spent_str = 'U' print("-", to.address, to.value, to.script_type, spent_str) if replace_by_fee: print("Replace by fee: Enabled") print("Size: %s" % self.size) print("Vsize: %s" % self.vsize) print("Fee: %s" % self.fee) print("Confirmations: %s" % self.confirmations) print("Block: %s" % self.block_height)
[docs] def signature_hash(self, sign_id=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, witness_type=None, as_hex=False): """ Double SHA256 Hash of Transaction signature :param sign_id: Index of input to sign :type sign_id: int :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :param witness_type: Legacy or Segwit witness type? Leave empty to use Transaction witness type :type witness_type: str :param as_hex: Return value as hexadecimal string. Default is False :type as_hex: bool :return bytes: Transaction signature hash """ return double_sha256(self.signature(sign_id, hash_type, witness_type), as_hex=as_hex)
[docs] def signature(self, sign_id=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, witness_type=None): """ Serializes transaction and calculates signature for Legacy or Segwit transactions :param sign_id: Index of input to sign :type sign_id: int :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :param witness_type: Legacy or Segwit witness type? Leave empty to use Transaction witness type :type witness_type: str :return bytes: Transaction signature """ if witness_type is None: witness_type = self.witness_type if witness_type == 'legacy' or sign_id is None: return self.raw(sign_id, hash_type, 'legacy') elif witness_type in ['segwit', 'p2sh-segwit']: return self.signature_segwit(sign_id, hash_type) else: raise TransactionError("Witness_type %s not supported" % self.witness_type)
[docs] def signature_segwit(self, sign_id, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL): """ Serialize transaction signature for segregated witness transaction :param sign_id: Index of input to sign :type sign_id: int :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :return bytes: Segwit transaction signature """ assert (self.witness_type == 'segwit') prevouts_serialized = b'' sequence_serialized = b'' outputs_serialized = b'' hash_prevouts = b'\0' * 32 hash_sequence = b'\0' * 32 hash_outputs = b'\0' * 32 for i in self.inputs: prevouts_serialized += i.prev_hash[::-1] + i.output_n[::-1] sequence_serialized += struct.pack('<L', i.sequence) if not hash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY: hash_prevouts = double_sha256(prevouts_serialized) if (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_NONE: hash_sequence = double_sha256(sequence_serialized) if (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_NONE: for o in self.outputs: outputs_serialized += struct.pack('<Q', int(o.value)) outputs_serialized += varstr(o.lock_script) hash_outputs = double_sha256(outputs_serialized) elif (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and sign_id < len(self.outputs): outputs_serialized += struct.pack('<Q', int(self.outputs[sign_id].value)) outputs_serialized += varstr(self.outputs[sign_id].lock_script) hash_outputs = double_sha256(outputs_serialized) if not self.inputs[sign_id].value: raise TransactionError("Need value of input %d to create transaction signature, value can not be 0" % sign_id) script_code = self.inputs[sign_id].redeemscript if not script_code: script_code = self.inputs[sign_id].script_code if (not script_code or script_code == b'\0') and self.inputs[sign_id].script_type != 'unknown': raise TransactionError("Script code missing") ser_tx = \ self.version[::-1] + hash_prevouts + hash_sequence + self.inputs[sign_id].prev_hash[::-1] + \ self.inputs[sign_id].output_n[::-1] + \ varstr(script_code) + struct.pack('<Q', int(self.inputs[sign_id].value)) + \ struct.pack('<L', self.inputs[sign_id].sequence) + \ hash_outputs + struct.pack('<L', self.locktime) + struct.pack('<L', hash_type) # print(to_hexstring(ser_tx)) # print(sign_id, to_hexstring(script_code)) return ser_tx
[docs] def raw(self, sign_id=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, witness_type=None): """ Serialize raw transaction Return transaction with signed inputs if signatures are available :param sign_id: Create raw transaction which can be signed by transaction with this input ID :type sign_id: int, None :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :param witness_type: Serialize transaction with other witness type then default. Use to create legacy raw transaction for segwit transaction to create transaction signature ID's :type witness_type: str :return bytes: """ if witness_type is None: witness_type = self.witness_type r = self.version[::-1] if sign_id is None and witness_type == 'segwit': r += b'\x00' # marker (BIP 141) r += b'\x01' # flag (BIP 141) r += int_to_varbyteint(len(self.inputs)) r_witness = b'' for i in self.inputs: r += i.prev_hash[::-1] + i.output_n[::-1] if i.witnesses and i.witness_type != 'legacy': r_witness += int_to_varbyteint(len(i.witnesses)) + b''.join([bytes(varstr(w)) for w in i.witnesses]) else: r_witness += b'\0' if sign_id is None: r += varstr(i.unlocking_script) elif sign_id == i.index_n: r += varstr(i.unlocking_script_unsigned) else: r += b'\0' r += struct.pack('<L', i.sequence) r += int_to_varbyteint(len(self.outputs)) for o in self.outputs: if o.value < 0: raise TransactionError("Output value < 0 not allowed") r += struct.pack('<Q', int(o.value)) r += varstr(o.lock_script) if sign_id is None and witness_type == 'segwit': r += r_witness r += struct.pack('<L', self.locktime) if sign_id is not None: r += struct.pack('<L', hash_type) else: if not self.size and b'' not in [i.unlocking_script for i in self.inputs]: self.size = len(r) return r
[docs] def raw_hex(self, sign_id=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, witness_type=None): """ Wrapper for raw() method. Return current raw transaction hex :param sign_id: Create raw transaction which can be signed by transaction with this input ID :type sign_id: int :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :param witness_type: Serialize transaction with other witness type then default. Use to create legacy raw transaction for segwit transaction to create transaction signature ID's :type witness_type: str :return hexstring: """ return to_hexstring(self.raw(sign_id, hash_type=hash_type, witness_type=witness_type))
[docs] def verify(self): """ Verify all inputs of a transaction, check if signatures match public key. Does not check if UTXO is valid or has already been spent :return bool: True if enough signatures provided and if all signatures are valid """ self.verified = False for i in self.inputs: if i.script_type == 'coinbase': i.valid = True break if not i.signatures:"No signatures found for transaction input %d" % i.index_n) return False if len(i.signatures) < i.sigs_required:"Not enough signatures provided. Found %d signatures but %d needed" % (len(i.signatures), i.sigs_required)) return False transaction_hash = self.signature_hash(i.index_n, witness_type=i.witness_type) sig_id = 0 key_n = 0 for key in i.keys: if sig_id > i.sigs_required - 1: break if sig_id >= len(i.signatures):"No valid signatures found") return False if not transaction_hash:"Need at least 1 key to create segwit transaction signature") return False key_n += 1 if verify(transaction_hash, i.signatures[sig_id], key): sig_id += 1 i.valid = True else: i.valid = False if sig_id < i.sigs_required:"Not enough valid signatures provided for input %d. Found %d signatures but %d needed" % (i.index_n, sig_id, i.sigs_required)) return False self.verified = True return True
[docs] def sign(self, keys=None, tid=None, multisig_key_n=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL, _fail_on_unknown_key=True): """ Sign the transaction input with provided private key :param keys: A private key or list of private keys :type keys: HDKey, Key, bytes, list :param tid: Index of transaction input :type tid: int :param multisig_key_n: Index number of key for multisig input for segwit transactions. Leave empty if not known. If not specified all possibilities will be checked :type multisig_key_n: int :param hash_type: Specific hash type, default is SIGHASH_ALL :type hash_type: int :param _fail_on_unknown_key: Method fails if public key from signature is not found in public key list :type _fail_on_unknown_key: bool :return None: """ if tid is None: tids = range(len(self.inputs)) else: tids = [tid] if keys is None: keys = [] elif not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] for tid in tids: n_signs = 0 tid_keys = [k if isinstance(k, (HDKey, Key)) else Key(k, compressed=self.inputs[tid].compressed) for k in keys] for k in self.inputs[tid].keys: if k.is_private and k not in tid_keys: tid_keys.append(k) # If input does not contain any keys, try using provided keys if not self.inputs[tid].keys: self.inputs[tid].keys = tid_keys self.inputs[tid].update_scripts(hash_type=hash_type) if self.inputs[tid].script_type == 'coinbase': raise TransactionError("Can not sign coinbase transactions") pub_key_list = [k.public_byte for k in self.inputs[tid].keys] n_total_sigs = len(self.inputs[tid].keys) sig_domain = [''] * n_total_sigs tx_hash = self.signature_hash(tid, witness_type=self.inputs[tid].witness_type) for key in tid_keys: # Check if signature signs known key and is not already in list if key.public_byte not in pub_key_list: if _fail_on_unknown_key: raise TransactionError("This key does not sign any known key: %s" % key.public_hex) else: continue if key in [x.public_key for x in self.inputs[tid].signatures]:"Key %s already signed" % key.public_hex) break if not key.private_byte: raise TransactionError("Please provide a valid private key to sign the transaction") sig = sign(tx_hash, key) newsig_pos = pub_key_list.index(key.public_byte) sig_domain[newsig_pos] = sig n_signs += 1 if not n_signs: break # Add already known signatures on correct position n_sigs_to_insert = len(self.inputs[tid].signatures) for sig in self.inputs[tid].signatures: if not sig.public_key: break newsig_pos = pub_key_list.index(sig.public_key.public_byte) if sig_domain[newsig_pos] == '': sig_domain[newsig_pos] = sig n_sigs_to_insert -= 1 if n_sigs_to_insert: for sig in self.inputs[tid].signatures: free_positions = [i for i, s in enumerate(sig_domain) if s == ''] for pos in free_positions: sig_domain[pos] = sig n_sigs_to_insert -= 1 break if n_sigs_to_insert:"Some signatures are replaced with the signatures of the provided keys") self.inputs[tid].signatures = [s for s in sig_domain if s != ''] self.inputs[tid].update_scripts(hash_type)
[docs] def add_input(self, prev_hash, output_n, keys=None, signatures=None, public_hash=b'', unlocking_script=b'', unlocking_script_unsigned=None, script_type=None, address='', sequence=0xffffffff, compressed=True, sigs_required=None, sort=False, index_n=None, value=None, double_spend=False, locktime_cltv=None, locktime_csv=None, key_path='', witness_type=None, encoding=None): """ Add input to this transaction Wrapper for append method of Input class. :param prev_hash: Transaction hash of the UTXO (previous output) which will be spent. :type prev_hash: bytes, hexstring :param output_n: Output number in previous transaction. :type output_n: bytes, int :param keys: Public keys can be provided to construct an Unlocking script. Optional :type keys: bytes, str :param signatures: Add signatures to input if already known :type signatures: bytes, str :param public_hash: Specify public hash from key or redeemscript if key is not available :type public_hash: bytes :param unlocking_script: Unlocking script (scriptSig) to prove ownership. Optional :type unlocking_script: bytes, hexstring :param unlocking_script_unsigned: TODO: find better name... :type unlocking_script_unsigned: bytes, str :param script_type: Type of unlocking script used, i.e. p2pkh or p2sh_multisig. Default is p2pkh :type script_type: str :param address: Specify address of input if known, default is to derive from key or scripts :type address: str, Address :param sequence: Sequence part of input, used for timelocked transactions :type sequence: int, bytes :param compressed: Use compressed or uncompressed public keys. Default is compressed :type compressed: bool :param sigs_required: Number of signatures required for a p2sh_multisig unlocking script :param sigs_required: int :param sort: Sort public keys according to BIP0045 standard. Default is False to avoid unexpected change of key order. :type sort: boolean :param index_n: Index number of position in transaction, leave empty to add input to end of inputs list :type index_n: int :param value: Value of input :type value: int :param double_spend: True if double spend is detected, depends on which service provider is selected :type double_spend: bool :param locktime_cltv: Check Lock Time Verify value. Script level absolute time lock for this input :type locktime_cltv: int :param locktime_csv: Check Sequency Verify value. :type locktime_csv: int :param key_path: Key path of input key as BIP32 string or list :type key_path: str, list :param witness_type: Specify witness/signature position: 'segwit' or 'legacy'. Determine from script, address or encoding if not specified. :type witness_type: str :param encoding: Address encoding used. For example bech32/base32 or base58. Leave empty to derive from script or script type :type encoding: str :return int: Transaction index number (index_n) """ if index_n is None: index_n = len(self.inputs) sequence_int = sequence if isinstance(sequence, bytes): sequence_int = struct.unpack('<L', sequence)[0] if self.version == b'\x00\x00\x00\x01' and 0 < sequence_int < SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG: self.version = b'\x00\x00\x00\x02' self.inputs.append( Input(prev_hash=prev_hash, output_n=output_n, keys=keys, signatures=signatures, public_hash=public_hash, unlocking_script=unlocking_script, unlocking_script_unsigned=unlocking_script_unsigned, script_type=script_type, address=address, sequence=sequence, compressed=compressed, sigs_required=sigs_required, sort=sort, index_n=index_n, value=value, double_spend=double_spend, locktime_cltv=locktime_cltv, locktime_csv=locktime_csv, key_path=key_path, witness_type=witness_type, encoding=encoding, return index_n
[docs] def add_output(self, value, address='', public_hash=b'', public_key=b'', lock_script=b'', spent=False, output_n=None, encoding=None, spending_txid=None, spending_index_n=None): """ Add an output to this transaction Wrapper for the append method of the Output class. :param value: Value of output in smallest denominator of currency, for example satoshi's for bitcoins :type value: int :param address: Destination address of output. Leave empty to derive from other attributes you provide. :type address: str, Address :param public_hash: Hash of public key or script :type public_hash: bytes, str :param public_key: Destination public key :type public_key: bytes, str :param lock_script: Locking script of output. If not provided a default unlocking script will be provided with a public key hash. :type lock_script: bytes, str :param spent: Has output been spent in new transaction? :type spent: bool, None :param output_n: Index number of output in transaction :type output_n: int :param encoding: Address encoding used. For example bech32/base32 or base58. Leave empty for to derive from script or script type :type encoding: str :param spending_txid: Transaction hash of input spending this transaction output :type spending_txid: str :param spending_index_n: Index number of input spending this transaction output :type spending_index_n: int :return int: Transaction output number (output_n) """ lock_script = to_bytes(lock_script) if output_n is None: output_n = len(self.outputs) if not float(value).is_integer(): raise TransactionError("Output must be of type integer and contain no decimals") if lock_script.startswith(b'\x6a'): if value != 0: raise TransactionError("Output value for OP_RETURN script must be 0") # elif value < and strict: # raise TransactionError("Output must be more then dust amount %d" % self.outputs.append(Output(value=int(value), address=address, public_hash=public_hash, public_key=public_key, lock_script=lock_script, spent=spent, output_n=output_n, encoding=encoding, spending_txid=spending_txid, spending_index_n=spending_index_n, return output_n
[docs] def estimate_size(self, add_change_output=False): """ Get estimated vsize in for current transaction based on transaction type and number of inputs and outputs. For old-style legacy transaction the vsize is the length of the transaction. In segwit transaction the witness data has less weight. The formula used is: math.ceil(((est_size-witness_size) * 3 + est_size) / 4) :param add_change_output: Assume an extra change output will be created but has not been created yet. :type add_change_output: bool :return int: Estimated transaction size """ # if self.input_total and self.output_total + self.fee == self.input_total: # add_change_output = False est_size = 10 witness_size = 2 if self.witness_type != 'legacy': est_size += 2 for inp in self.inputs: est_size += 40 scr_size = 0 if inp.witness_type != 'legacy': est_size += 1 if inp.unlocking_script and len(inp.signatures) >= inp.sigs_required: scr_size += len(varstr(inp.unlocking_script)) if inp.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': scr_size += sum([1 + len(w) for w in inp.witnesses]) else: if inp.script_type == 'sig_pubkey': scr_size += 107 if not inp.compressed: scr_size += 33 if inp.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': scr_size += 24 # elif inp.script_type in ['p2sh_multisig', 'p2sh_p2wpkh', 'p2sh_p2wsh']: elif inp.script_type == 'p2sh_multisig': scr_size += 9 + (len(inp.keys) * 34) + (inp.sigs_required * 72) if inp.witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': scr_size += 17 * inp.sigs_required elif inp.script_type == 'signature': scr_size += 9 + 72 else: raise TransactionError("Unknown input script type %s cannot estimate transaction size" % inp.script_type) est_size += scr_size witness_size += scr_size if not self.inputs: est_size += 147 # If nothing is known assume 1 p2sh/p2pkh input for outp in self.outputs: est_size += 8 if outp.lock_script: est_size += len(varstr(outp.lock_script)) else: raise TransactionError("Need locking script for output %d to estimate size" % outp.output_n) if add_change_output: is_multisig = True if self.inputs and self.inputs[0].script_type == 'p2sh_multisig' else False est_size += 8 if not self.inputs or self.inputs[0].witness_type == 'legacy': est_size += 24 if is_multisig else 26 elif self.inputs[0].witness_type == 'p2sh-segwit': est_size += 24 else: est_size += 33 if is_multisig else 23 self.size = est_size self.vsize = est_size if self.witness_type == 'legacy': return est_size else: self.vsize = math.ceil(((est_size - witness_size) * 3 + est_size) / 4) return self.vsize
[docs] def calculate_fee(self): """ Get fee for this transaction in smallest denominator (i.e. Satoshi) based on its size and the transaction.fee_per_kb value :return int: Estimated transaction fee """ if not self.fee_per_kb: raise TransactionError("Cannot calculate transaction fees: transaction.fee_per_kb is not set") return int(self.estimate_size() / 1024.0 * self.fee_per_kb)
[docs] def update_totals(self): """ Update input_total, output_total and fee according to inputs and outputs of this transaction :return int: """ self.input_total = sum([i.value for i in self.inputs if i.value]) self.output_total = sum([o.value for o in self.outputs if o.value]) # self.fee = 0 if self.input_total: self.fee = self.input_total - self.output_total