Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    BitcoinLib - Python Cryptocurrency Library
#    Blocksmurfer client
#    © 2020 Januari - 1200 Web Development <>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from bitcoinlib.main import MAX_TRANSACTIONS
from import BaseClient, ClientError
from bitcoinlib.transactions import Transaction
from bitcoinlib.encoding import to_bytes

PROVIDERNAME = 'blocksmurfer'

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BlocksmurferClient(BaseClient): def __init__(self, network, base_url, denominator, *args): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(network, PROVIDERNAME, base_url, denominator, *args)
[docs] def compose_request(self, function, parameter='', parameter2='', variables=None, post_data='', method='get'): url_path = function if parameter: url_path += '/' + str(parameter) if parameter2: url_path += '/' + str(parameter2) if variables is None: variables = {} if self.api_key: variables.update({'token': self.api_key}) return self.request(url_path, variables, method, post_data=post_data)
[docs] def getbalance(self, addresslist): balance = 0 for address in addresslist: res = self.compose_request('address_balance', address) balance += res['balance'] return balance
[docs] def getutxos(self, address, after_txid='', limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS): res = self.compose_request('utxos', address, variables={'after_txid': after_txid}) block_count = self.blockcount() utxos = [] for u in res: block_height = None if not u['block_height'] else u['block_height'] confirmations = u['confirmations'] if block_height and not confirmations: confirmations = block_count - block_height utxos.append({ 'address': address, 'tx_hash': u['tx_hash'], 'confirmations': confirmations, 'output_n': u['output_n'], 'input_n': u['input_n'], 'block_height': block_height, 'fee': u['fee'], 'size': u['size'], 'value': u['value'], 'script': u['script'], 'date': datetime.strptime(u['date'][:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") }) return utxos[:limit]
def _parse_transaction(self, tx, block_count=None): block_height = None if not tx['block_height'] else tx['block_height'] confirmations = tx['confirmations'] if block_height and not confirmations and tx['status'] == 'confirmed': if not block_count: block_count = self.blockcount() confirmations = block_count - block_height try: # FIXME: On blocksmurfer side: always return timestamp tdate = datetime.strptime(tx['date'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except (KeyError, TypeError): tdate = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tx['time']) t = Transaction(locktime=tx['locktime'], version=tx['version'],, fee=tx['fee'], size=tx['size'], hash=tx['txid'], date=tdate, input_total=tx['input_total'], output_total=tx['output_total'], confirmations=confirmations, block_height=block_height, status=tx['status'], coinbase=tx['coinbase'], rawtx=tx['raw_hex'], witness_type=tx['witness_type']) for ti in tx['inputs']: t.add_input(prev_hash=ti['prev_hash'], output_n=ti['output_n'], index_n=ti['index_n'], unlocking_script=ti['script'], value=ti['value'], public_hash=to_bytes(ti['public_hash']), address=ti['address'], witness_type=ti['witness_type'], locktime_cltv=ti['locktime_cltv'], locktime_csv=ti['locktime_csv'], signatures=ti['signatures'], compressed=ti['compressed'], encoding=ti['encoding'], unlocking_script_unsigned=ti['script_code'], sigs_required=ti['sigs_required']) for to in tx['outputs']: t.add_output(value=to['value'], address=to['address'], public_hash=to['public_hash'], lock_script=to['script'], spent=to['spent']) if t.coinbase: # TODO: Remove when blocksmurfer is fixed t.inputs[0].value = 0 t.update_totals() return t
[docs] def gettransaction(self, txid): tx = self.compose_request('transaction', txid) return self._parse_transaction(tx)
[docs] def gettransactions(self, address, after_txid='', limit=MAX_TRANSACTIONS): prtxs = [] while True: txs = self.compose_request('transactions', address, variables={'after_txid': after_txid}) prtxs += txs if not txs or len(txs) < limit: break after_txid = txs[-1:][0]['txid'] txs = [] for tx in prtxs: t = self._parse_transaction(tx) if t: txs.append(t) return txs[:limit]
[docs] def getrawtransaction(self, txid): tx = self.compose_request('transaction', txid, variables={'raw': True}) return tx['raw_hex']
[docs] def sendrawtransaction(self, rawtx): res = self.compose_request('transaction_broadcast', post_data=rawtx, method='post') return { 'txid': res['txid'], 'response_dict': res }
[docs] def estimatefee(self, blocks): variables = { 'blocks': str(blocks) } res = self.compose_request('fees', variables=variables) return res['estimated_fee_sat_kb']
[docs] def blockcount(self): return self.compose_request('blockcount')['blockcount']
[docs] def mempool(self, txid): if txid: t = self.gettransaction(txid) if t and not t.confirmations: return [t.hash] # else: # return self.compose_request('mempool', 'txids') return False
[docs] def getblock(self, blockid, parse_transactions, page, limit): variables = {'parse_transactions': parse_transactions, 'page': page, 'limit': limit} bd = self.compose_request('block', str(blockid), variables=variables) txs = [] if parse_transactions and bd['transactions'] and isinstance(bd['transactions'][0], dict): block_count = self.blockcount() for tx in bd['transactions']: tx['confirmations'] = bd['depth'] tx['time'] = bd['time'] tx['block_height'] = bd['height'] tx['block_hash'] = bd['block_hash'] t = self._parse_transaction(tx, block_count) if t.txid != tx['txid']: raise ClientError("Could not parse tx %s. Different txid's" % (tx['txid'])) txs.append(t) else: txs = bd['transactions'] block = { 'bits': bd['bits'], 'depth': bd['depth'], 'block_hash': bd['block_hash'], 'height': bd['height'], 'merkle_root': bd['merkle_root'], 'nonce': bd['nonce'], 'prev_block': bd['prev_block'], 'time': bd['time'], 'tx_count': bd['tx_count'], 'txs': txs, 'version': bd['version'], 'page': page, 'pages': int(bd['tx_count'] // limit) + (bd['tx_count'] % limit > 0), 'limit': limit } return block
# def getrawblock(self, blockid):
[docs] def isspent(self, txid, output_n): res = self.compose_request('isspent', txid, str(output_n)) return 1 if res['spent'] else 0
[docs] def getinfo(self): res = self.compose_request('') info = {k: v for k, v in res.items() if k in ['chain', 'blockcount', 'hashrate', 'mempool_size', 'difficulty']} return info